Chapter Fourteen

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* Not Edited*

Chapter Fourteen

We need plans, not just a plan, multiple plans. If plan A didn't work out, we needed a plan B, if plan B didn't work out then a plan C and so on.

Uncle Tom's house was only an hour away from here, so I was contemplating on whether I should call him or actually visit him. There was also another decision we had to make. Do we tell our uncle what happened or not?

There were so many pros and cons to this. If we told him, he would understand the seriousness of it all and could help us come up with a solution. But what if we told him and he tells us to go to the police or even goes to the police himself?

What if he doesn't do any of that but because he knows he is punished for it? Right now it was all on me and Cami but if I told Uncle Tom he would be involved in this too. I would be risking his life and his families too. If anything happened to them, it would be on us. We did this.

Perhaps I could tell him what happened with giving away too much detail that way he'll know how serious the situation is without knowing everything that had happened.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked Cami for what felt like the millionth time.

Cami swallowed harshly and nodded. "You're doing everything on your own. Maybe he can help us."

"Okay." I told her before taking in a deep breath. "Do you want to be listen to what I say or...?"

"No." Cami shot up from the bed and took a step back. "I'll be in the bathroom, I need to take a shower anyway."

I waited until I heard the sound of the water running before I looked back at the phone I was holding. I wasn't sure what to say, I couldn't exactly be like 'Hey, Cami killed her rapist and we both buried his body in Saddleworth Moors and now we think the Alpha who was his cousin might know and is after us.' Yeah, I couldn't exactly say that.

Scrolling down my contacts, I paused at his name and my finger hovered over the call button.

Come Nala, lets get this over with.

Once I did this, there was no going back. It might sound strange but I feel as though this call will make it seem more real. Right now only Cami and I know what happened (and that creep but let's not get into that) and telling someone else confirms it, it'll make it feel like it actually happened.

I quickly pressed the call button before I changed my mind, I was going to tell him briefly what happened and hopefully he'll be able to help us.

Uncle Tom answered after a couple of rings and his warm voice filled my ears. "Hello Nala, how have you been?"

"Hi, I've erm been good. I hope everyone else is good. Are you alone?"

"Yes." He said hesitantly. "Are you okay?"

"I need to tell you something important. I don't know how to start."

"It's okay Nala, tell me what's wrong." He tried to reassure me but I felt too nervous.

"We-" I took in a deep breath before starting again. "Something happened and we did something bad."

"What do you mean?"

Okay, here we go.

"Somebody raped Cami-"

"What?! Nala did you just say someone raped Cami?" His voice was filled with shock and horror.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"What? How? What? When? Where is Cami? Have you contacted the police? Who did this?" Uncle Tom fired out these questions, anger colouring his voice.

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