Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Best friend's brother? He had siblings?

I was unsure as to why thoughts about his family had never entered my mind. I knew he was the Alpha's cousin but I didn't think about his immediate family. Was his parents still alive? He has siblings, how many does he have?

They must be worried sick about him and wondering where he is or what happened to him.

Even though he was a sick bastard and deserved to rot in hell that didn't diminish the pain his family was going through, he was their flesh and blood, their brother, their son and they deserved closure.

"Best friend's brother?" I whispered as I tried to remain neutral.

"Yes, his sister Teresa is a very good friend of mine."

It was silent as we both stared at each other for a minute.

"Does he have any other siblings?" I was careful with my tenses, I didn't want to slip up again.

"No it's just him and Teresa. They lost their parents when they were incredibly young and though they had the Alpha's family it wasn't the same. They have a remarkably close bond with each other and Teresa misses him tremendously."

My gaze wandered away from hers, it was hard to hear this and I could imagine what Teresa was feeling. If Cami had disappeared for weeks and I had no idea what happened I would be losing my mind with worry.

I bet she was doing everything she could to try and find him and find answers but unfortunately she wouldn't get any. I don't know what's worse, finding out that your loved one is dead and having all the hope dissipate from your body or continuously waiting to hear something and not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

There was a possibility that the Alpha would tell her he was dead and then she would be able to slowly accept and move on from it. But how do you move on without any answers? There was no doubt that she would ask questions to find out exactly what happened, especially if they're close, would the Alpha tell her the truth?

He didn't owe me anything if anything at the moment I owed him. Would he stand by his words and not tell anyone or would he tell his cousin what we did?

If he told her the truth would she believe my version of events? It's never easy to hear that your loved one committed a horrible crime, some people don't believe it, some refuse to believe and others completely ignore it. What would she do?

I wanted to ask Stephanie questions about her but I knew if I did it would ring alarm bells and that's the last thing I needed right now.

"They are similar to you and Cami."

"Excuse me?" I questioned looking back at her now. How did she know about Cami?

"The age gap between Teresa and Harlan is two years, just like you and Cami." Stephanie eyed me carefully as she provided me with this information.

"I don't want to talk about Cami."

"Do you miss her?" Stephanie asked completely ignoring what I had just said.

"I said I'm not talking about Cami so don't ask me any questions about her."

"I know you miss her and it's only been a few days. Can you imagine what it would be like if she disappeared for a few weeks and yo-"

"Forget this, I'm done." I stood up abruptly and pushed my chair back.

"Nala, please sit back down." Stephanie requested her tone back to professional and polite.

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