Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty

What did she just say?

Did she just say she was going to tell everyone the truth?

Is she out of her mind?

"Are you out of your mind?" I hissed as I grabbed her arm. "You're not telling anyone anything, in fact you're not going to say one single word to anyone whilst you're here."

Cami shrugged out of my grip. "No, this has gone on for too long. I need to tell the truth."

What the fuck is wrong with her?

I wanted to scream out in frustration, what is she thinking? This will not help either of us, in fact it will make things a hundred times worse. I had to get her up to date with the new developments that had occurred while she was at Uncle Tom's, that way she'll understand why she can't tell the truth. Not now, not ever.

Taking in a deep breath in order to calm myself down and not shout at my sister, I made my way over to the bed and sat down. "Sit down Cami." I told her as I patted the area next to me.

Cami obeyed my command and sat down silently next to me. I honestly didn't know where to start but I knew before I told her everything I had to reassure her that I was okay and that telling the truth wouldn't help anyone in the slightest.

Grabbing her warm hands, I gave them a soft squeeze. "I love you Cami, you're my everything." I told her with a smile.

"I love you too." Cami returned both the smile and squeeze even though it lacked real energy.

"A lot has happened since you left." I began to tell her. "But before I get into that I want you to know that I'm okay, I'm not hurt. No one has hurt me."

What I said wasn't exactly the truth, I had been hurt while she was gone. Flashes of the time where Alpha Alessandro grabbed me tightly, put his hands around my neck, pulled my hair and practically threw me across the room replayed in my head.

What kind of mate was he? He's hurt me more times than I could count. Is he actually my mate?

No, Nala. Now is not the time to ponder about these things. Your little sister is here and about to mess things up for us royally.

"That's not true." Cami narrowed her eyes. "I heard you."

"You heard me?" I asked, confusion lacing my tone. "What do you mean?"

Cami's eyes began to fill up with tears. "The last time I spoke to you, the Alpha took the phone from you. I heard you shouting and I heard crashing noises, I know he hurt you."

I tried to think back to that time but it felt like a lifetime ago, so much had happened since then.

"And then he said something along the lines of 'say goodbye to your sister because you're never going to see her again.' That's what he said, I remember it very clearly." Cami sobbed, her hold on my hands suddenly becoming painful.


"I thought he was going to kill you! I thought he had killed you!" Cami's body shuddered as the tears flowed freely from her eyes, each one coming down faster and faster than the previous ones.

"I'm okay Cami, I'm here." I tried to soothe her as my own eyes began to tear up. I could only imagine the fear and pain she had been feeling when he said that. She must have been absolutely petrified.

Cami let go of my hands to wipe her tears away and I did the same. "So don't tell me he hasn't hurt you, I know he has."

"It hasn't been that bad, it could have been worse."

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