Chapter Fifty One

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Chapter Fifty-One

My body recoiled violently as if it had been physically assaulted and my heart began to pound faster, so fast and hard that I was worried I was having a heart attack.

Rachel was watching me carefully so even though I felt as though I was breaking down on the inside, I couldn't show it on the outside.

Why did I feel so crushed? This piece of information should not bother me, I shouldn't care. What the Alpha did was his business not mine.

"Oh right." I tried to say causally, however, my voice came out high and squeaky.

"Yeah." Rachel simply said. Though I was not looking at her I could feel her burning gaze on my face.

I cleared my throat. "Where are the cleaning products? I'll clean this room like you asked." I didn't want to do any cleaning, however, I was desperate to be away from her so I could process this information.

"I'll go get it." Rachel told me and after she exited the room my body automatically deposited itself onto the bed we had just made.

Placing my hand over my erratic heart I rubbed it slowly and took in deep breaths. My physical and mental reaction to the Alpha was starting to alarm me and I questioned yet again why I was reacting like this.

I had to find out the reason behind it. There had to a logical reason why my body kept going completely haywire when it comes to Alpha Alessandro.

As I thought about the Alpha my mind drifted to the girl, the girl who served him. Who was she? What exactly did she do? Why did he have someone to 'serve' him?

Did she have sex with him?

The thought of Alpha Alessandro having sex with this girl had my body retching as if it was trying to dispel the awful thought out of me.

"What are you doing? We just did the bed!" Rachel snapped when she saw me on the bed.

"I want to go back. I'm not doing this." I got off the bed and crossed my arms.

"Not this again." Rachel muttered. "Look you're here as a maid, this is what maid's do."

"No I'm not."

Rachel narrowed her eyes. "Fine you're not. You're here as a prisoner, you're lucky you're doing this and not rotting in a cell."

After hearing Alpha Alessandro's threats all the time, hearing Rachel say that didn't faze me. When Rachel realised that I wasn't going to respond she let out an irritated sigh. "Please just help me. I didn't ask Lisa to assign you to me, I'm just trying to do my job. After today I'll tell Lisa to assign you somewhere else."

I started to feel bad as she stared at me with her pleading eyes. Rachel had nothing to do with this and I was lashing out on a random person because I could. My actions will have consequences for her and I must be stressing her out.

I was just about to grab the cleaning equipment she had brought in when she spoke again. "I'll tell you what everyone's been saying about you."

She had piqued my interest and she knew it. Her mouth formed into a smile and her eyes began to twinkle slightly.

"Who has been talking about me and what have they been saying?"

She handed me a cleaning spray bottle and a tea towel. "At first there were rumours about you and your sister being involved with Alpha Alessandro's cousin. We expected you to be in the cells but then Lisa told us you're going to be joining us."

I started to spray the furniture and letting the cleaning product sit for a few seconds before wiping it off.

"Your sister left and we thought you went with her until we realised we were serving a human girl."

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