Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

I'm cursed, I had to be. There was no other way to explain why these unfortunate situations that kept happening to me. It wasn't a coincidence, it was me. I was jinxed, cursed, hexed or whatever you want to call it.

That was me, Nala Ayad, cursed.

Just when things were finally going well, it all had to come crumbling down. I had my phone back, I was in regular contact with Cami and my uncle, Teresa and Alpha Alessandro weren't an issue anymore and I was somewhat okay here. Nothing dreadful was happening to me, unless you count the boredom, no one was targeting me and I was left alone.

If I actually thought about my situation I could wholeheartedly say that I was blessed, I was very lucky to not be in prison or dead. Perhaps it was me who jinxed it all, I was forgetting why I was here, what they thought I did and I was being ungrateful and kept pushing the boundaries.

Perhaps it was karma for the things I had done, despite our valid reasons we did bury a body and though I might not have killed that nonce I was the reason why someone else was dead. Miles. He was dead because of me, granted he shouldn't have got involved but that didn't mean he had to die for our lies and action.

I couldn't think about that for too long, the guilt would eat away at me and I had other concerns. Did that make me a bad person? We all like to think of ourselves as the good guy, the hero of the story, the victim, the innocent one, we justify our behaviour and action in our heads. We only did what we did because of xyz, we had no choice, anyone under these circumstances would do the same but if everyone thought like that then who was the bad guy or the villain? We can't all be saints, some of us aren't good we're just really good at fooling ourselves.

We should have done what a 'good' person would have done if they found themselves in our situation and told the truth. We should have called the police and explained what happened. The evidence was there, they would have seen his body, his clothes and they would have seen Cami, the marks on her body, the assault was visible and they could have used a rape kit.

Cami's actions were justifiable and it was self-defence. He was the one who forced his way into our house, he was the one who attacked Cami and Cami defended herself and it went too far, it was an accident.

It was a mistake, she never meant to kill him. People make mistakes, good people make mistakes.

Good prevails over evil. That's what we're told, at the end good will triumph over evil. You see it in books, fairy tales and movies, the good people win and peace is restored. Sadly reality isn't like that, good people don't win, they get shitted on, it's the bad people that win. If good people did win the world wouldn't be the way it is, the world would have been kind, peaceful and full of tranquillity.

In reality all actions have consequences whether it's good or bad and unfortunately for us, it seems to be bad.

The day hadn't started off badly and I was unaware of the dangers that were to arise and woke up feeling somewhat content. Today was different, better, since I now had a phone and I could text Cami whenever I wanted. Knowing that she was far away from here and safe and sound was a huge load off my crippling shoulders.

I was never allowed to leave the house so every morning I would open the windows and breathe in the fresh air. I would feel the wind in my hair, the sun would gently kiss my face and arms and in those moments I would forget about my troubles and let go.

That blissful moment was interrupted this morning by the sound of Werewolves stomping around the grounds. There were Werewolves there every day and it was easy to ignore them however today was different and there were Werewolves everywhere.

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