Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

They wanted to talk to me? Why?

Do they suspect something? They must do or else why would they want to talk to me? But what do they know and how did they find out?

Did Alpha Alessandro tell them? Did Teresa?

What was going to happen now? How would they react?

Questions upon questions began to fill my head, each one elevating my body's stress and panic levels. My body was on high alert and my brain was screaming possible scenarios at me and I was struggling to keep up.

I had to calm down and keep a cool head but how could I do that when all I could think about is what could happen if they find out the truth. I highly doubt they would be as understanding as Alpha Alessandro or Teresa and even if they did believe my version of events they would ask questions, poke holes at my story and grill me further. For reasons unbeknown to me Alpha Alessandro and Teresa didn't do that and believed what I said but that didn't mean his parents would.

"Why? Why do they want to talk to me?" I finally managed to ask, my voice was low and had a slight tremble to it.

"They want to talk to you about Harlan." Teresa answered softly.

"Why do they want to talk to me about him?" I couldn't say the pig's name.

This time it was the Alpha who answered. "They know why you and your sister were bought here, they have questions."

"Can't you tell you've already spoken to me about it and I don't know anything." I pleaded as my eyes darted between the two of them.

Teresa shook her head and I felt my heart sink. "They've insisted, you're going to have to talk to them."

Swallowing the bile that was slowly rising in my throat, I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

You can do this Nala, just a tiny bump on the road to freedom.

If only it was that easy. Nothing was ever that easy and I knew that this was going to be the beginning of the end.

It was the end for me but it didn't have to be the end for Cami, as far as everyone's concerned Cami had nothing to do with it and it was all me.

Tears began to fill my eyes as the seriousness of the situation began to slowly sink in, I was going to die.

"Let's leave the human to her food, we have time to discuss this later."

Teresa looked like she wanted to argue but the Alpha gave her a look that had her closing her mouth and agreeing to his suggestion. She left the room shortly after but not before sending me a reassuring smile, unfortunately I was unable to smile back as my body was numb.

"Eat your food human." Alpha Alessandro pointed at the now cold food on my beside table.

Food was the last thing on my mind and I knew with the way my stomach was churning that if I ate anything I would throw it back up.

"I can't." I whispered, shaking my head.


"I'm scared." I admitted looking up at the Alpha who was staring at me impassively.

"Don't be." He simply said as it was the most easiest thing to do.

Oh geez, why didn't I think of that?

"What's going to happen to me?" I asked hesitantly, scared of the answer I would be given.

"Nothing will happen to you as long as you do as I say."

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