Chapter Sixty Three

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Chapter Sixty-Three

The silence in the room after my statement was deafening and everything was amplified including my heart that was racing like no tomorrow and my breathing that was coming out in shallow pants.

I sounded like I had just ran a marathon and I could only imagine what my appearance looked like- sweaty and wide eyed.

Alpha Alessandro didn't say a word, he didn't move, I wasn't even sure if he was breathing at this point.

His body was rigid as he sat behind his desk, his eyes fixated on me, not moving, not blinking.

It was very unnerving and as the seconds slowly began to tick by my anxiety began to build up like a birthday balloon slowly being inflated.

Why wasn't he responding? Why wasn't he moving? Was he in shock?

It would be a lie to say that I wasn't in shock and turmoil over my decision but what choice did I actually have?

I was Alpha Alessandro's mate and at some point in our lives I would have to mate with him, it might not be anytime soon, could be in two, five, ten even in fifteen years' time but that day would come one day.

It was inevitable.

Just like the truth finally coming out, it was inevitable.

We could have hidden the horrible truth for years but one day, everything would come out and the destruction it would cause would be unmanageable.

I understood from Cami's point of view, that wasn't entirely true, I didn't understand fully but I could see where she was coming. She just wanted it to all be over.

Unfortunately, it all being over included her life which she seemed to happily accept.

Clearing my dry as the Sahara Desert throat, I tried to elicit a response from Alpha Alessandro. "Did you hear what I said?"

There was no response, nothing at all. He was like a statue and if it wasn't for his chest rhythmically rising up and down, I would have thought he stopped breathing too.

Should I say it again? Should I approach him? Give him a little shake?

Was what I said that unexpected?

"Alpha Alessandro?" I took a hesitant step towards him, still clutching onto the book. "Did you hear what I said?"

Due to his lack of response or movement, I slowly went over to him. My steps were slow and deliberate in an attempt not to startle him. Or maybe I should startle him, that would break him out of this weird trance he was in.

Once I was by his side behind his desk, I cleared my throat again. As anticipated there was no indication that he heard me, he was still staring straight ahead to where I had stood earlier.

"Alpha? Alpha Alessandro?" I waved my hands in front of his face.

Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

Was he broken? Had I broken the Alpha?

"Are you okay?" I tried again. "Can you hear me?"

Should I call someone? Or get some help?


Perhaps some physical contact would break him out this stupor he was in. Should I use an object? Should I hit his face? The possibilities of what I could use to hit him and where was making me excited.

No Nala, calm down and focus!

But this opportunity was too good to pass, when else would I get the opportunity to hit Alpha Alessandro and be able to justify it? When questioned I could say I was so concerned by his lack of movement and reaction that I had no choice but to use force to shake him out of it.

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