Chapter Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine

The world was closing in around me, crushing my mind and soul without mercy. It was relentless and overwhelming, it's fist hitting me over and over again.

Knocked down once, you get up and fight back, knocked down twice, you get up and fight back only you're not as strong as you originally were. Each time you get knocked down, it eats away at you, it chips your body and soul until there's only a slither left.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Wrong. It doesn't make you stronger, it makes you weaker and weaker until you wished you would have died.

I couldn't die, I couldn't. I have Cami and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Hitting rock bottom can be a blessing in disguise. Once you find the cold floor you may want to give up and stay in that state of depression, it's tempting and can be so easy to give into the hopelessness and not attempt to change anything.

Once you find that bottom fight the enticing temptation and use the floor as a place to ground your feet. Stand up and find your reason to get up, it could be your child, your pet, your friend, or it could be curiosity about your potential future, it doesn't matter what reason you select. You use that reason and get yourself up.

It could be like a firework, you shot straight up or it could be a slow crawl like a cat stretching it's body after a long nap. At times it may feel as though you have no strength left but as long as you're alive strength is flowing through your veins, it's just needs to be tapped into.

I have strength inside of me, I am strong. I couldn't give up, I will fight for both me and Cami until my last breath.

The Alpha was saying something else- most likely threatening me, however, the words were muffled as if I had been submerged underwater. Though I could see his mouth moving, his face twisting into a snarl, I couldn't hear anything.

The ringing in my ear from earlier had subsided and now it felt as though I had earphone in, blocking out from all the cruel words I'm sure the Alpha was spewing out.

Realising his words were having no effect on me Alpha Alessandro straightened up and moved back. I looked up at him while he stared down at me coldly. He said something else however like before I couldn't make out the words.

Casting my eyes downwards, my blurry vision tried to focus on what was left of my phone. Completely ignoring the Alpha, I crawled slowly around and gather up the pieces. Once the crushed pieces were in my hands I stared down at it, the pieces reminding me of the Alpha's brute strength.

My fingertips traced the pieces of my phone as if it too was stunned by what it was feeling. My fingers and my whole body shuddered violently at the thought of him doing that to us. How easy would it be for him to crush my bones into pieces like this phone?

Suddenly the pieces of my phone were smacked away by the Alpha's hand and I tiled my gaze to meet his.

Though the ringing had subsided slightly I was struggling to hear him and had to rely on my eyes to catch the words that were coming out of his mouth. Thankfully the Alpha said the words out slowly but my gratitude to that slowly turned into fear when I realised what he had said.

"Disobey me again and that will be you next time."

Disobey him? When had I disobeyed him?

"Have I made myself clear?"

Not really. I didn't know what he meant, how had I disobeyed him? I didn't disclose the full truth but that wasn't disobedience.

Unsatisfied with my lack of response, Alpha Alessandro grasped my chin tightly and jerked it forward causing the ringing in my ear to intensify. "Have I made myself clear?"

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