Chapter Fifty Nine

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Chapter Fifty-Nine

It felt thrilling, exhilarating, and honestly frightening to comprehend what this now meant for us. Us meaning Cami and I not me and Alpha Alessandro. This was our way out, this was how we would survive this horrific ordeal and move on with our lives.

My knowledge of mates wasn't that great, I barely paid attention to the lessons on Werewolves in school but my knowledge wasn't non-existent. I knew the basics, mates were everything for Werewolves and there was no way they could kill their own mate.

Even this human hating Alpha would not be able to kill his human mate.


"No?" Alpha Alessandro repeated, his voice low.

I shook my head. "We need to talk."

I bit my lip to stop the smile that was trying to burst onto my lips. I couldn't get too ahead of myself, Alpha Alessandro was very unpredictable. Though his behaviour and actions would indicate I was his mate, he wasn't the typical loving and doting mate that you would often see.

It was just my luck that I would be mated to an unhinged Werewolf who hated humans, but I had to admit I was lucky that I was mated to him, if I wasn't mated to him I wouldn't be alive right now.

"There's nothing to talk about."

Feeling brave and probably foolish, I took a step closer to him. "We have a lot to talk about."

"There is nothing to talk about." Alpha Alessandro repeated those words but said it painfully slowly with gritted teeth.

Ignoring the look he was giving me, I continued talking. "What does this mate thing mean for us? How will it work?"

Though I was still stunned at the revelation and a huge part of me was still in denial and trying to process the fact that I was mated to a freaking Werewolf, another part of me was eager to use this to our advantage. It wasn't wrong of me to do that, I had an advantage now and it would be foolish of me not to utilise it.

Alpha blinked rapidly at my words as if he too was just as stunned as I was. I was unsure of how he thought I would react but I'm sure this was not what he had anticipated. Did he think I would freak out, panic, be in denial and refuse to believe it?

I was feeling all of those things, nevertheless, I was pushing past it so I can think of a plan to keep us alive. I could freak out when I was on my own, which I knew I would do.

"You are taking this well." Alpha Alessandro muttered out before adding more quietly. "Too well."

No I'm not. I'm mated to a freaking psycho Alpha Werewolf who despises humans, trust me, I'm not handling this well!

"Would you prefer it if I ran around screaming?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow.

He didn't know what he preferred and neither did I.

Alpha Alessandro stormed over to me and grabbed my arm. "I need to think. You need to leave."

Yes, I did need to leave. I needed to leave this place.

I tried pulling my arm out of his grip but he was too strong. "But what about us? I'm your mate." The words sounded strange and I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

I'm his mate. I'm Alpha Alessandro's mate.

The look on Alpha Alessandro's face suggested that he thought I was crazy. Maybe I was? I certainly felt like I was going crazy.

"Go to your room and stay there." He all but pushed me out of his room, slamming the door behind him.

I stared at the closed door for a few seconds before laughing again, ignoring the strange looks I was getting from the Werewolves that were standing guard. I probably was going insane but that I didn't care, I had the upper hand, I had a way out of this mess.

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