Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

I turned around to see who I had just flashed, my eyes widening when I saw who it was.

It was Teresa.

Of course it was! It was my just my luck for her to see me like this.

She was glaring at me in horror and disgust, her eyes trained on my hands that were holding my shoes, phone and leggings for dear life in front of my lower region area.

I wanted to say something but what could I say? It would be too cliché to say what I was thinking- 'it's not what it looks like!'- and I don't think she would believe me either.

Her eyes moved away from my body and landed on Alpha Alessandro. "How could you?" She screamed as she slammed the door behind her. I was thankful that she did that, I didn't want anyone else seeing me or hearing this.

"Teresa, calm down." Alpha Alessandro simply said not seeming too fazed by this.

"You told me what happened with her and Harlan and now you''re-" She seemed lost for words as her eyes flickered between the two of us.

Now would probably be a good time to leave Nala!

I placed my shoes on the ground and began to hastily put my pants on. She looked extremely pissed off and I didn't want to at the receiving end of her anger. Her anger was justified though, she had every right to be angry and despise me. She thought I killed her brother.

She also had every right to be angry with Alpha Alessandro too. From her point of view, her cousin is keeping her brother's killer alive and well but not only that, he's sleeping with her too. If I was in her position I would be fuming and all hell would break loose.

I wanted to clarify that part to her- the s*x part. I wanted her to know nothing happened between us and nothing will.

Lies, you were ready to drop your panties a few seconds ago! A voice inside me sniggered causing me to wince at that thought.

It was official, I was going crazy.

Teresa saw the face I made and her eyes grew wide. She turned back to Alpha Alessandro and pushed him. Though I could see she used a lot of force behind her push the Alpha barely moved. "How could you? You're disgusting!" She screamed as she pounded on his chest.

The Alpha looked down at her patiently allowing her to let out her rage and pain. While he may not be in any discomfort I knew if she attempted to inflict a tiny bit of that on me it would hurt a lot and I really didn't want to get hit so once my shoes were on I clasped my phone tightly and slowly tried to walk towards the door.

Clearly I wasn't as quiet as I was hoping to be because the Alpha and Teresa snapped their heads towards me.


Unsure of what to say I stared back at them, swallowing harshly when Teresa dropped her hands from the Alpha's chest and began to advance towards me.

"Teresa." Alpha Alessandro warned as she continued to advance towards me. That did nothing to stop her and the Alpha didn't seem too concerned about my safety as he didn't try again to stop her.

I, on the other hand, cared about my safety and began to take a couple of steps back. It was like a game that we were playing, each time she took a step towards me, I took a step back. It wasn't long until I found myself backed up against the door.

I was an idiot, I allowed myself to be trapped. I should have ran when I got the chance, the Alpha could have distracted her or stopped her. Trying not to anger her even further, I kept my eyes low and made no noises.

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