Chapter Eleven

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Eleven

Cami dropped the phone as soon as she heard those words, her wide eyes met mine as she started to hyperventilate.

"Cami? Are you there?"

I ended the call and tossed the phone on the sofa before turning to Cami who was gasping for air.

"Cami, breathe. Come one, breathe with me." I told her calmy despite how scared and anxious I was feeling.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." Cami started to mutter frantically.

"Cami! Focus! Look at me. Come on, deep breaths. Take in a deep breath."

Cami started to listen to what I was saying. "That's it, just breathe."

After a few minutes Cami was a bit more calm but she was still shaking. I put my arms around her and whispered soothing words into her ears. After a couple more minutes, I pulled away and grabbed her phone, holding it out to her.

"You need to call him back, tell him the call disconnected and ask him what the Alpha wants."

"I can't." Cami whispered, shaking her head.

"You can. Call him back, I'll tell you what to say." I reassured her as I pressed the phone harder into her hands.

Cami swallowed audibly before unlocking her phone and calling Daniel. I gave her a small smile to encourage her and she nodded.

"Hi Daniel, sorry the call got...erm...disconnected. Who did you say wanted to talk to me?"

"That's okay, I was just about to call you back. It's not Alpha Elias who wants to talk to you it's Alpha Alessandro. He said he had some questions."

"W-what about?" Cami asked quietly.

"What day can you come in? Can you come in tomorrow?" Daniel ignored her question and asked his own.

"No, I-I have college and after college I have a group project." Cami lied while I nodded.

"Look Cami, you need to come and speak to him. If you don't come to him, he's going to come to you."

I mouthed the word Tuesday to her and Cami nodded.

"I seriously can't do tomorrow but I can come in on Tuesday, after college." Cami offered.

"That's fine, I'll let the Alpha know. Bye Cami."

He ended the call before she could respond and Cami turned towards me.

"What do you think he wants? Do you think he knows?"

I wasn't sure if I should lie to Cami or not but then decided not to. "I don't think he knows if he knew we wouldn't be here but I think he knows you lied."

"Okay, so what should I say?"

I stared at Cami as if she had grown another before shaking my head. "Cami you're not going there, didn't you hear what I said I think he knows you lied."

"I don't understand."

"We're leaving, I just told you to say Tuesday to buy us some time." I told her as I stood up.

"Are we leaving now?"

"No." I shook my head as I tried to keep myself from panicking. I needed to stay calm. "Tomorrow morning, I can't drive at night time."

"I can't believe this is actually happening."

"Come on, we can't waste any time. We need to be ready to leave tomorrow morning."

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