Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The journey to Cornwall took a lot longer than anticipated but we managed to get there in one piece. There was a lot of traffic due to some road work and we stopped a couple more times to get something to drink and to use the toilets.

I absolutely hate using public toilets, they were always so disgusting. I had to squat uncomfortably over it and make sure there was so skin contact with the actual toilet. After that I decided not to drink anything anymore and wait until I got to the hotel we were staying at.

Even though the journey wasn't terribly long, my body was dying for a shower and a bed.

"We're here." I told Cami as I parked up in the hotel's car park.

Cami looked out the window, her face filled with anticipation. "It looks small."

I glanced at the old building that looked a lot better on the pictures on the website than it did in real life. "It's not too bad. Let's give it a try, if we don't like it we can find something else."

I opened the car and gestured for Cami to get out. Once we got everything we headed over to the reception area to check in. After half an hour later we were finally in our room that we would be spending the next few weeks in.

I booked a room with a double bed instead of two singles so I could sleep next to Cami. She still has nightmares, it's not as bad as the first couple of days but with this new change it could trigger them again.

"It's kinda cute." I told Cami as I unzipped my suitcase. "I'm sleeping on this side, called it."

Cami threw herself on the bed and groaned. "Car journeys always tire me out."

I threw her a look. "All you did was text your friends, if anyone should be tired, it should be me!"

"Can we go to sleep?"

It was the middle of the day but we were both tired, not just from the journey but from the events of the last few days.

"Do you want to have a shower first?" I asked her as I pulled out my pjs and toiletries from the suitcase.

"Nope." Cami muttered with her eyes closed.

I grabbed the pillow from my side and chucked it at her head causing her to yell out. "Change into your pjs before you fall asleep."

Cami mumbled something as I walked past her and into the bathroom. The ensuite was modest and very white, so white that it actually hurt to look at everything.

I looked at myself in the mirror and let out a sigh. It wasn't a pleasant sight, I looked awful and that wasn't me exaggerating. I splashed some water on my face and rubbed my eyes.

I let out another sigh and began to undress. A nap in the middle of the day sounded so good right now, but first time to have a shower.


After my ten-minute shower, I came back to find Cami under the covers and fast asleep. She must have been having a good dream as she was smiling slightly. It had been a while since I saw her sleeping peacefully and as much as my body was crying out for sleep I didn't have the heart to move her. She hadn't changed her clothes and was spread across the bed like a starfish.

I changed into my pjs and let my hair down from the tight bun it was in. I didn't bother to wash my hair as I had already done that yesterday. As my hair cascaded down my back I let out a small groan of satisfaction. I did not like having my hair up and on the odd occasion that I did have it up, it felt so good to release it and run my fingers through it.

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