Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I needed sleep, my body was craving it but my mind just would not switch off. All the things that could go wrong kept running through my head. Our plan only consisted of what we had to do to stay undiscovered but what if someone found out. What would we do?

I had to have another plan, just in case.

Cami came home from work and needed to take a shower. She popped her head into the living room to say hello and then went upstairs. I decided now would be a good time to take a break from my uni assignments and went to the kitchen to make myself and Cami a hot drink. I was grabbing some mugs when there was a knock on the door, I flung the door open expecting it Mrs McClusky but instead there was a man. He forced his way in, I tried to stop him but he was too strong. I ran to the kitchen, I needed to get out of the house but he was too quick and grabbed me.

My memories are muddled up here, I can't remember exactly but he attacked me and I defended myself. I hadn't meant to kill him, I wanted him to stop. Next thing I knew, he was dead and I was standing over him with a knife. I panicked, I didn't know what to do so I grabbed the rug from the living room and wrapped him up in it, taped it up and dragged it to the back garden. Cami came down just as I was cleaning up the blood, I told her I dropped some wine and told her to put something on Netflix while I made us some food.

When Cami fell asleep I drove the car to the back of the house, dragged his body to the car and drove to Saddleworth Moors. I buried him there and then came home. Cami knew nothing about this, she had no idea what happened.

That would work. If it came down to it and somehow we got caught, that's what I would say. No one has to know the truth and Cami would be safe.

A muffled scream had me jumping up from the bed, without turning the lights on, I ran to Cami's room, tripping over the shoes I discarded earlier.

I barged into Cami's room, expecting someone to be there, hurting her but no one was there.

"I'm sorry, I just had a nightmare. I didn't mean to wake you up." Cami sobbed into her pillow as I switched the lights on.

Placing a hand over my racing heart, I went over to her and got into bed. "Shh, it's okay. It was just a nightmare. I'm going to stay here with you."

"Thank you." Cami sniffed and turned around so she was facing me. "I'm sorry, Nala."

"Shh, just try to get some rest." I told her quietly as I stroked her hair. It was something mum used to do to the both of us when we were younger and had a bad dream. It would relax us completely and within minutes we would fall back asleep.

"You know what I was thinking, half term is only a couple of weeks away and it's been a while since we've been on holiday. We could go somewhere for a few days, relax during the day and drink shit loads of alcohol during the night."

Cami made a noise that sounded like a sob and a laugh mixed in one. "I'm underage, I can't drink."

"Just this one time I will look the other way and by the other way I mean buy you the drinks."

Cami smiled weakly. "Where should we go?"

"It has to be in Europe, I don't think we can afford anywhere further at the moment. How about Italy? I've always had a thing for Italian men and I love pasta."

This time Cami laughed which warmed my heart. "Stop stereotyping! I thought you had a thing for Greek men?"

"Italian, Russian and Greek are my top three."

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