Chapter Twenty-One

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Twenty-One

His eyes were flashing amber as they trailed over my body causing me to grip my towel tightly. "Where's Cami and why are you here?"

He ignored me as his eyes continued to inspect every inch of my body.


That one word seemed to snap him out of his thoughts and his eyes moved up to my face. "Do you always prance around half naked?" He spat the words out and looked at me in disgust.

Excuse me?

"I just came out of the shower! You're the one barging into the room without knocking!" I hissed at him before I remembered who I was talking to and lowered my voice. "I'm going to get dressed."

I snatched the clothes I had laid earlier on the bed and strode into the bathroom locking the door behind me. As I put the clothes on in record time I thought about where Cami could be. Is she okay? Were they hurting her?

I tossed the damp towel onto the sink and exited the bathroom to find the Alpha waiting for me.

"Where's Cami?" I inquired, my tone more polite this time.

Alpha Alessandro began walking towards me. "Since you got Cami is all you've been concerned about. Not your both yours and Cami's safety, just hers."

"She's my little sister." I reminded him, keeping my eyes on the floor.

"You would do anything for her." He didn't ask, he said it as if he was making an observation.

Of course I would.

"Makes me wonder how far you will go to protect her." I remined silent as he stood in front of me. "Or how far you've already gone to protect her."

I would do anything and everything to protect her, including burying her dead rapist's body.

"Let's test that shall we?"

Unsure of what he meant by that, I glanced up and met his green eyes before looking away quickly. His hands gripped my chin and he lifted my face up. "Will you do anything to keep her safe?"

"Yes." I whispered as I stared into his eyes.

He removed his hand from my face. "Get down on your knees."


"Get down on your knees."

My heart began to race as I stared at him in horror. Is this going where I think this is going?

I slowly got down on my knees and tried to stop myself from freaking out.

"Look up at me." He ordered.

I did as he asked and found him staring down at me. He let out a soft chuckle and grazed my lips with his fingers.

"Do you know what I'm going to do to you?"

I had an idea but I was hoping I was wrong. I would do anything to keep Cami safe but could I do this?

I kept my eyes on his face as I heard his zipper go down. I swallowed the bile that was rising in my throat.

Oh God, I can't do this!

"Are you scared?"

"Yes." I told him truthfully, my voice a lot weaker than I had expected. My throat started to close and tears pricked my eyes.

A lone tear slid down my cheek and he gently brushed it away. He frowned slightly before taking a step back. "Get up."

I immediately stood up and created some distance between us. My eyes wandered down to his trousers and I stared at it in confusion when I saw his zipper was closed.

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