Chapter Fifty Five

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Chapter Fifty-Five



This girl is nuts. I shouldn't be listening to a word she says. Who tells someone they should try and kill themselves? This batshit deranged girl was probably wrong about Alpha Alessandro being my mate and here I was listening to her insane ideas.

"Okay hear me out." Rachel raised one hand when she saw that I opened my mouth to speak. "I'm not saying you should kill yourself but make it look like you want to and then if Alpha Alessandro is your mate he'll freak out."

"I don't even know what to say to this." I whispered more to myself then her. This was a foolish plan and I would be a fool to follow it through.

"How else will you find out if Alpha Alessandro is your mate?"

"I'm sure there's a better way to find out than trying to slit my wrists!" I put my half-eaten butty on the plate and got up from the bed. "Plus he most definitely isn't my mate, there's no point doing this."

"Did you not hear me? You're not actually going to do that, you're just going to pretend you are." Rachel explained. "Just pretend to sleep and scatter some tablets around you, I'll go to the Alpha and tell him you're not waking up and I think you had an overdose."

That was such a messed-up thing to do, there was no way I would be faking a suicide. "Nope, I'm not doing that."

"Fine." Rachel sighed sounding very disappointed. "We'll think of something else."

It was silent for a couple of minutes before I spoke again. "Can you please try and get me a phone? I really need to speak to my sister."

Rachel looked at me hesitantly. "I don't know, I don't want to break any rules."

So she was worried about getting me a phone but had no problem orchestrating a suicide with me?

"Please." I begged. "I need to speak to her, it's urgent."

Rachel bit her lip. "I don't know Nala, if I get caught I'll get punished."

"Please Rachel, no one will know it was you."

Rachel didn't respond but I could see that she was contemplating on whether or not she should do it. "Okay, I-"

"Oh my god, thank you!" I launched myself at her and wrapped my arms her. "Thank you so much!"

Rachel awkwardly patted me before pushing me away. "You didn't hear what I was going to say. I'm not going to get you a phone, I-"

"What?" I interrupted casing Rachel to glare at me.

"I won't get you a phone but I will call your sister and pass on any message that you want me to give to her."

It wasn't what I was hoping for but it was better than nothing and I wasn't going to turn down her offer. Who knew when I would be able to access a phone and contact Cami? At least this way she knows I'm doing okay and I could find out how she's doing too.

"Thank you. Honestly thank you so much." I didn't try to hug her again even though I wanted to. "Can you do it now? I'll give you her number."

Though Rachel seemed very hesitant in doing this she nodded.

"Thank you." I told her again. "Can you do it here so I can hear her?"

Rachel sent me a look. "So you can snatch it off me? Nope."

It was worth a try.

Rachel left the room to grab a pen and paper to take down Cami's number while I tried to ignore the intrusive thoughts that were trying extremely hard to take over my mind. It seemed completely ridiculous that I would be Alpha Alessandro's mate and I was silly for even entertaining that thought but little snippets of our time together would replay in my mind that could not be explained unless I was his mate.

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