Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

My mouth flung open and I stuttered a few times. My actions seemed to have amused the Alpha as a small smile graced his face.

Why would he tell his cousin?

Does he want me to die?

"Y-you told...w-why would...cousin...what?" Words came tumbling out of my mouth but none of it made sense.

I cleared my throat and tried again. It took me a few tries before I finally managed to talk. "Why?"

"Why what?"

What the hell do you mean 'why what?'

"Why did you tell your cousin? What exactly did you say to her? Did you tell her everything? What did you say? What did she say?" The questions spilled out of my mouth frantically.

The Alpha raised his eyebrows. "Are you scared?"


I looked away from him tried and thought of a different approach to take. Despite his actions most of the time I had this inkling that deep down the Alpha cared a little about me. I have no idea why he would since he think I'm the one who killed his cousin but it was the little things he said and did that made me wonder about this.

At the start when he thought Cami and I had something to do with his cousin's disappearance, instead of locking us up and torturing us like I expected him to do we were given a room to sleep in and food to eat. He let Cami go and for some unfathomable reason he moved the rapist's body and didn't tell anyone.

He obviously believed Miles from the beginning when he disclosed to the Alpha that Cami and I buried his cousin in the Moors because he went there and removed the body. When Miles told him this information why didn't he torture and punish us? Why didn't he question us further? Why did he go by himself to the Moors to check it out and then move the body so no one could find it? I could put the first part down to him not fully believing Miles but when he did find the body why didn't he kill us? He had to have known Miles was telling the truth and we killed his cousin. Why keep us alive?

Perhaps all his actions could be explained away, maybe the Alpha believed that it was Miles who killed his cousin and he was trying to pin the blame on us? It could explain his behaviour however, when I 'confessed' he didn't do anything to hurt me. Instead he seemed angry and upset at my supposed rape and even went as far as providing me with a therapist so I could heal from my trauma.

His behaviour made no sense to me, it didn't seem like he wanted to hurt me. During the times he did hurt me, I could see the remorse in his eyes and after the first time he hurt me, he applied some sort of medicine on my neck in the middle of the night which helped it heal quicker. Why did he do that? I was his prisoner at the time. I still am now.

It was probably a crazy thought but because of that I do believe he cares a little about me. Despite his contradictory behaviour I wholeheartedly believed it.

Why did he care? That's a question that I had no answer to, I had no idea why he would care about me at all, after all I was just a random human to him.

I lowered my voice to a whisper and tried this approach to see if I could gather some information from him. "Yes, I'm scared she might... hurt me. Please, what did you tell her?"

Something flickered in his eyes for a few seconds before it became blank again.

No! I didn't want him to go blank, I wanted him to reach into those weird feelings he had towards me and help me out.

"She will not hurt you." He sounded confident which was the opposite of how I was feeling.

Of course she was going to hurt me, she just found out I killed her brother!

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