Chapter Twenty

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Twenty

The only thing I could use in the room to defend myself was the clock on the bedside table next to me.

I slowly slid my hands up the bed so it was resting near the end of the bed instead of near my body. I couldn't reach the clock easily from here but it was better than nothing.

Whoever was in my room approached my bed slowly and I tried my best to act as if I was sleeping. I even left out a fake snore and shifted my body slightly so I was on my side. That would make it easier for me to grab the clock if I needed to.

The person in the room stopped and it was silent for a few seconds. I continued to pretend I was asleep and prayed that Cami remained asleep. Last thing she needed was to wake up and find some creep looming over her.

The person came closer and I squeezed the bedsheet under my palm, trying my best not to panic.

What would they do to us? Attack us in our sleep? I would die before I let anything happen to Cami again, she had been through enough.

I felt someone graze their fingers across my face gently before moving down to my neck. The touch was as light as a feather and they continued to stroke my neck softly. After a minute or so and I heard a rustling noise and I cracked my eyes open slightly trying to see who it was.

I don't know why I thought this but I had a feeling it was Alpha Alessandro which made no sense. Why would he visit me in the middle of the night and why was he touching my neck? Was he here to see his handy work?

I closed my eyes fully as the person leaned towards me. The feeling of something cold had me flinching slightly and I praised myself for not making a noise. The person stopped for a few seconds before massaging the cool substance on my neck. It was soothing and actually felt good. After a minute or so the person stopped and leaned away from me.

I felt their burning gaze on my face and I was tempted to open my eyes and see who it was but I knew that wouldn't be a good idea. When I heard the person begin to walk away, I opened my eyes slightly so I could see who it was, it was dark and I couldn't make out who it was but it was definitely a male based on their height and broad shoulders.

The light from the hallway entered the room when the man opened the door and my mouth dropped when I saw who it was. The man turned around and I closed my eyes, hoping that he didn't noticed that I was awake.

After a couple of seconds, he closed the door and I let out a shaky breath and put my hand on my chest, trying to calm my racing heart.

Why was Alpha Alessandro in my room and why did he put something on my neck? I waited a few minutes to make sure no one else entered the room before I slowly crept out of bed.

I tiptoed over to the bathroom, opened the door and turned the switched on the light. My eyes burned as the room turned bright and I squinted as I went over to the mirror.

I looked at my neck, it was slightly redder than the rest of my body and it had a clear substance on it. I touched the jellylike substance and brought it to my nose so I could smell what it was. It smelt like aloe vera gel and I wiped it off my fingers with some tissues.

I switched the light off and closed the door slowly behind me, careful not to make any noise. Once I got into bed and closed my eyes my mind wandered to Alpha Alessandro again.

Why was he in our room? What did he put on my neck? Why did he put it on my neck? What was going on?

I was so confused and exhausted, both physically and mentally. I needed to rest my mind and that's what I did for the next few hours.

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