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Pope, The Reapers' leader, stood beside the door with Carver, Daryl and Leah next to him. "Your brother passed the test." Pope began, "He is now binded with us by fire. Now, it is your time to be binded by fire." Pope nodded to Daryl and passed him an iron. "We would've used the same test on Daryl on y'all but I need to ensure your loyalty." Daryl began walking to the fireplace and heated the iron till it was red. "Put it on both of their hands." Pope ordered.

Daryl leaned over to Y/N and gave him an empathetic smile before placing the iron on the back of Y/N's left hand. He yelled in pain but bit his lip to ease the pain, which worked a little. Daryl lifted the iron and Pope grinned. "We welcome our brother. Forged by fire."

"Fortitudo Saludis!" All the Reapers shouted.

Y/N, Marcus and Daryl were all escorted  by Leah to the interrogation room. Pope watched through the glass window. Frost, one of Maggie's people, was being tortured by Carver.

His face was swollen and bloody, he had no finger nails remaining and he was missing his left ear. "My dance card is wide open, man. We got all day." Carver said.

Pope turned to Y/N, Daryl and Marcus, he chewed on some tobacco, "Tell me, fellers, any of y'all got experience in prying some boy's lips for information?"

"We all do. At our old community we were all head of arms. We dealt with any threats and usually interrogated people." Y/N told.

"Why don't y'all take a turn, then?" Pope opened the door, "Carver, go take a break. Our new brothers will handle this."

The trio entered the room, Frost looked up at them and then his head slung back down. "Are we just gonna stand here staring at each other dreamily or are we gonna get to it?"

Daryl went behind Frost and put him in a choke hold, Y/N grabbed the bucket in the corner and filled it up with water from the water truffle in the side. "Give us a location of where your friends are hiding, man." Marcus sighed. Y/N splashed the water onto Frost's face, which was riddled with cuts and purple bruises. Daryl let go and grabbed a pair of pliers.

"We should've let you all starve, fucking pussies. All of y'all and that Latina bitch you've been fucking." Frost looked at Y/N and Pope pushed himself from his leaning position.

"What does he mean by that?"

"There was a woman in our group. Ours." Y/N motioned to Marcus and Daryl, "She died a few days ago 'cause of walkers."

"Loss is a tragic thing, son." Pope pointed at Frost, "He's the reason she's dead. Didn't keep her safe. Now, release your fury onto him! Start taking pieces! Give him a knife!" Pope ordered Leah who threw Y/N a knife.

"You start fuckin' listening." Y/N grabbed Frost by his hair and placed the knife beside his fingers. "We shared a bit of grain, don't mean I like you but I don't want you to die. Tell us where your leader is. The woman." Daryl went behind Frost and put him in a light chokehold again. "Marcus, fill up the bucket and grab a cloth." Y/N placed the knife on Frost's middle finger, "Location!"

"Fuck you, asshole! Fuck!"

Y/N threw the finger to the side and glided the knife to his ring finger. "Location or I take another!" Y/N glanced up at Daryl, "Tighten it." Daryl listened and tightened the chokehold, Frost began kicking his feet and trying to squirm out of it. "Location!"

"Y-Yellow house!" Frost answered, "Town off the 283. Antenna. Antenna. Antenna."

Y/N passed Leah back the knife, Daryl let go of Frost and Marcus put the bucket back into the corner. "Leah, Daryl and Carver. You three go scout it out. Y/N and Marcus will be here on standby if his Intel don't work out."

"Somehow she's turned the dead against the livin'." Pope was stood on top of the wall, "That is impressive. Not for long, though."

The herd moved closer and the first few dozen blew up, landmines were buried beneath the field leading to the gates. More and more explosions went off.

All of The Reapers stood on the wall and watched, their weapons at the ready. "What's on your mind, Shaw?" Pope asked Leah.


"Come on. I know you better than I know myself. What's on your mind?"

Leah stayed quiet for a beat, the memories of her and her brothers fighting side by side in Afghanistan. Then fighting side by side against the dead. "I'm thinking of the ones we lost."

"Fuck 'em. They were weak. We are strong, that's why we're still standing. Dixon, take a walk 'round the perimeter."

Daryl nodded to Pope's order and walked the lower gates.

The explosions kept going off, Y/N picked up his M4 and cocked it back. "We'll run outta explosions before they run out of walkers." Y/N mumbled.

"Have a modicum of faith." Pope responded as Daryl returned.

He nodded to Y/N who patted Marcus on the back, giving them the indication that Maggie has infiltrated and he's took out a Reaper.

Explosions followed by more explosions, the noise almost became deafening. Y/N motioned to the ladder while looking at Marcus, he understood the message and cleared his throat, "I've gotta piss." He dismissed himself and climbed down.

"I'm gonna check the walls. Make sure none have breached." Y/N slid down the ladder and met up with Marcus, "See the Hospital building?" Marcus nodded, "Top floor, room 127, I put a sniper on the window. Wells is up there, sneak up and slit the bastard's throat."

"Best of luck, brother."

"I fucking love you, man." Y/N pulled his brother in for a hug and patted his back, "We kill these pricks and then we go back home."

Marcus pulled away and then walked off, Pope collared Y/N, "We're meeting with Shaw and Dixon." Pope and Y/N began walking to the roof, ontop was Daryl, Leah and Phillips. along with a holder which stored over a hundred fireworks. "It is time for our enemy to face their reckoning." Pope stood on the ledge of the roof, looking down at the walkers that had passed the landmines. "Shit!" He shouted as the gate emitted a loud bang. A car drove through and the front gate swung open, allowing an opening for the remaining hundred strong walkers. "Carver, what the fuck is going on down there?"

"It's the enemy, they're inside the wall."

"Shit." Pope mumbled, putting his radio back into its holder. "Aim it at the courtyard and fire." Pope ordered Phillips.

"Our people will be caught in the crossfire." Leah challenged, "This is our family."

"A family that you left for that knotty haired prick! You were never family since you came back, Shaw. Light it up!" Phillips reluctantly lit the fuse, Y/N glanced at Daryl and then motioned to Phillips and Pope. Daryl shook his head.

Y/N reached for his knife and threw it at Phillips, the weapon landed in his Adam's Apple and he then sprinted at the already alert Pope.

Leah smacked Pope's knife out his hand, allowing Y/N to attack the leader. He wrapped his arms around Pope's waist and charged off the building, harshly hitting a lamppost on the way down.

He landed with a thud and glanced at Pope who was gurgling on his own blood after landing on a Pike. "Shit." Y/N cursed as he held his side.

He was able to get to his feet and saw his knife clatter to the ground, Daryl stood on the ledge and then stepped away. Y/N limped to where the walkers had breached, a few Reapers were fighting them off.

Y/N unholstered his pistol and fired three bullets, hitting two of the Reapers in the legs.

He made a break for the food holding area, he opened it and grabbed a dufflebag that was hanging on a hook. He put it on and opened the zipper, sliding all the canned food and bottled water into it.

When it became too heavy, he zipped it up and then sprinted for the garage. "Dixon, L/N's and Shaw are with the enemy. I repeat, Dixon, L/N's and Shaw are with the enemy!" Carver shouted down the radio. "Kill every fucker behind these walls that ain't us!"

The Walking Dead - Male Reader x Hailee Steinfeld OC - Already DeadWhere stories live. Discover now