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Thirty-five days had passed since Gregory's execution. Y/N had arrived back to Alexandria but was constantly moving between settlements. The Sanctuary to help Marcus or to keep things in orders, The Kingdom to help rebuild, The Hilltop to help Maggie or visit her, and then, to the camp constructed by Y/N and Tyler. Tents were the sleeping and planning areas, hitching posts were set up along with perimeter defences, small fences.

This was the home for the people working on the bridge, mainly Saviors and leaders from all the settlements or just people in high standing with the leaders.

Y/N was sat on a log in the camp, journal in hand.

It's been a while since I've wrote in here, so, whoever ends up reading this can be brought up to speed. The last time I wrote was to tell you that we were at war, just after that Abraham and Glenn died in front of us all on their knees. Their heads were bashed in by a baseball bat wielded by a mad-man, Negan. We found other settlements to aid us in our campaign to get revenge. The Kingdom, The Hilltop, Oceanside. We all fought. My brother and father were with Negan and were co-leading a group named The Saviors. In a battle I lost my eye to my own brother and I ended up killing my dad. Lucy and I got together. We won the war and Rick wrongfully put Negan in a cell rather than killing him. We are building a bridge to connect all the settlements.

Y/N pocketed his pencil and closed his journal, grunting as he lifted himself from his seated position. "Y/N!" Marcus called out, "A hand?"

Y/N jogged over to his brother and helped him lift the wooden plank, the pair moved it towards the bridge and placed it beside the plank Aaron and Daryl had just placed.

"So, I go in after her nap and pick her up," Aaron started to tell a story about Gracie to the small group, "and the diaper just explodes all over me."

"Sounds like good times." Daryl said with a nail inbetween his lips.

"Oh, the best. You'll see." Daryl glanced up to Aaron's comment and shook his head, pounding the hammer against the plank. "What? You'd be a great dad. I mean, look at Y/N. He's going for another kid." Aaron chuckled at Y/N's confused expression. "Lucy tells me everything, Y/N."

"God." Y/N mumbled. He placed a nail on the wood and then hit it several times with a hammer.

Henry, an orphaned boy from The Kingdom, now adopted by King Ezekiel and Carol, is walking around the bridge, giving water to people. Y/N had only interacted with the boy a few times, enough to learn about him. His parents and brother were killed during the Savior war. He was trained by Morgan Jones and is currently being taught by Carl Grimes on how to use guns.

A thud was heard and Y/N looked up immediately and saw Henry on the floor. Savior, Justin, stood over Henry with a container of water. Y/N glanced at Marcus, Aaron and Daryl who all nodded, the four all stood up and went to intervene.

Before they could even get there, Henry put his staff between Justin's legs and pushed, causing the grown man to fall on his ass, "Back off!" The crowd chuckled as Henry took the container and walked towards the four men.

"You alright?" Y/N asked.

Henry nodded, "He's usually like that." He walked back to do his job and give out water.

The bridge crew mocked Justin, "Aah. Hey, man, it's cool. I got my ass handed to me by a kid one time, too. Of course, I was 6 at the time." A Savior with a tooth pick in his mouth joked.

Justin didn't take too kindly to all the jokes and walked towards Henry, Y/N and Daryl sprinted to him, Daryl grabbed Justin's forearm. "Hey. Kid's just doing his job." Daryl said. "Get back to work." He ordered.

The Walking Dead - Male Reader x Hailee Steinfeld OC - Already DeadWhere stories live. Discover now