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Y/N brought the axe onto the wood, sweat trickled down his brow, his wiped it away with his palm and continued with his work

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Y/N brought the axe onto the wood, sweat trickled down his brow, his wiped it away with his palm and continued with his work.

The grief-stricken Y/N was no longer, rather driven by a promise, an oath that Negan Smith would die. Whether that is by a walker, someone else in the group, natural causes, suicide or himself. He promised himself that he would. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for blood and revenge.

For what he did to Abraham. For what he did to Glenn, his best friend, brother. For what his men did to Olivia. For what his men did to Denise. For what he did to Spencer. For what he did to Sarah. For what he did to himself and Daryl.

For what he did to Lucy.

No more tears brimmed

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No more tears brimmed. Nothing but anger. Flashes of that horrific night.

'We pissin' our pants yet?'

Each flash, each image that popped up into his mind just made him swing the axe back further and swing it forward harder. Sasha tapped Y/N on the shoulder, hands were in her pockets. "I'm going to kill Negan."

Y/N arched an eyebrow. "What? Just like that." He clicked his fingers. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because of what he did to Glenn. Because of what he did to you. And you're one of our best shots and you're good out there, me and Rosita will need someone. We can't tell Daryl because he'll tell Maggie and she'll try and tag along."

"We'll get our chance. We move now, we'll fuck up and people will get hurt. More people than Glenn and Abraham. We can't risk our lives for a small chance. Rick is sorting it out, trust me." Y/N said, bringing the axe down onto the wood.

"You're not going to change my mind, Y/N. I'm asking you and giving you the opportunity to get revenge."

"If you go, you and Rosita will die. Think about the rest of us. I've had to watch Hershel die, Beth die, Tyreese die, Noah die, Glenn die, Abraham die. Think I want to see you be added to the list?" Y/N's voice raised. "I don't talk to you much Sasha but we're family, so I'm telling you to wait for the right time."

"I'm done waiting." Sasha finished, walking away from Y/N, who continued his work.

"Seems like you're at home." A voice chimed behind Y/N, Lucy smiled warmly to him.

"Thought you was at the Kingdom."

Lucy shrugged her shoulders. "We was. Daryl got bored real quick and so did I."

Y/N hummed, placing the axe down onto a pile of logs. "Good to see that you're back."

"The Saviors are coming!" A bell rang from the wall.

Y/N immediately looked around and saw Daryl flee for the basement in which he was told to hide in. Jesus sprinted towards the pair, grabbing them both. "Normal situation you'd go in the basement with Daryl and Maggie, but, we can't have 4 people found in the same spot. Follow me." Jesus panted, taking them both around back. "Either you can climb the walls and hide around back, or hide in our greenhouse."

"Greenhouse." Y/N said, Jesus escorted them to the rundown greenhouse, opening a locker for them to enter.

"Tight squeeze but it should keep you hidden."

The pair stepped inside and Jesus moved bags of fertiliser to cover them in case the locker was opened. Jesus slammed it shut and left the greenhouse.

Lucy and Y/N had their bodies pressed against each other, although they were trying to make space, the locker wasn't big enough. Footsteps arised from outside, Saviors spoke.

"Look at this run down shit." One of them joked, kicking the rusted metal. "I think we should just fucking burn it to the ground."

"Simon wouldn't be happy. C'mon, we need to find these son's of bitches. I tell you what, when I find that Lucy girl, I'll fuck the bitch until she screams." The other Savior joked.

Y/N reached for his sheath, taking his knife. He reached to push the locker open but was stopped by Lucy who grabbed his wrist. She shook her head and took the knife out of Y/N's hand, placing it in his sheath.

"I'll join you, Luke."

Y/N took a mental note of the name, Luke. He looked through the gap of the locker and saw the men laughing. One was blonde with a scar running across his left eye, the other had dark hair and had a goatee. The two men left the area, their chatter faded.

"Look at me." Lucy whispered, placing her hand on Y/N's cheek. "They won't get me. If they lay a hand on me, I'll kill them myself."

Y/N placed his hand on hers, exhaling deeply. "I can't lose anyone else." He mumbled, "I can't lose anymore."

"You won't lose anyone. You won't lose me." She replied, placing her forehead on his. "You're the strongest man I know. And I trust you the most."

Y/N smiled lightly at the compliment, placing his lips on hers.

It felt like electricity sparked, the pair yearned for each other and they knew it, months of repressing their feelings all led to this moment

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It felt like electricity sparked, the pair yearned for each other and they knew it, months of repressing their feelings all led to this moment. Y/N deepened the kiss, pulling Lucy in by her neck, accidentally hitting his arm on the metal. "Ow." His voice was muffled by Lucy almost instantly pressing her lips against his.

The pair pulled away, keeping their foreheads together.

The Saviors had cleared out after conducting their search, and doing a pretty shit job at it. Jesus came back to the greenhouse and let Y/N and Lucy out, they wondered around Hilltop, looking to see if any Saviors were lagging behind or stayed behind, which there weren't. "I'm going to check if Maggie and Daryl are okay." Lucy told, bidding farewell to Y/N.

Y/N entered Jesus' trailer and saw an orange post-it note tucked away into a book. He pulled it out and sat down on the couch, reading it.

'We've gone to kill Negan. We may return, we may not. Watching what he's done to our family, I simply can't allow him to get away with it. Don't try to stop me or Rosita, all you'll do is get yourself hurt. Yours truly, Sasha.'

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