This dragon was a magnificent blue and white, having many spikes along its back and tail. She recognized the rider immediately, it was Helaena, who herself did not look surprised in the least to see her there. A small wave of guilt washed over Viserra as she laid eyes on the woman before her, thinking back to her choice of activities that morning.

"Lykirī, kessi daor ōdrikagon īlva." Be calm, Rhyn. They will not harm us. She comforted him and gave him a few taps to his side. The nervous dragon needed the extra reassurance having never been confronted by anything or anyone else while flying.

Helaena reached her arm out to her with a smile, as if reassuring her that their interaction was indeed friendly. Viserra smiled back, still holding tight to her nervous dragon's reigns.

The large dragon that had met her above the clouds earlier, descended down to their right. Now that they were side by side, she realized it  was at least double the size of Rhyn. It had to be Vhagar. The rider she recognized right away as well.

Rhyn snorted and took it upon himself to dive further down and away from the large dragon, coming up on Dreamfyre's left.

"Hey!" Viserra irritatedly called to her dragon, watching as Dreamfyre synced her flight up with theirs.

She looked over at Aemond, his expression unreadable, almost irritated, but watching her nonetheless. They were the ones who intruded her flight, she thought, there was no reason for him to be annoyed.

Shaking off her own irritability from both her dragon that was calling his own shots and the man across the way that somehow got under her skin, she looked towards Helaena and decided she would enjoy this moment in the sky.

"I have never flown with someone!" Viserra shouted, hoping that Helaena would be able to hear her.

Helaena beckoned her with her hand, "Follow us!" She shouted back.

Dreamfyre suddenly flew ahead of them and Viserra urged Rhyn to follow.

Feeling his rider's confidence and sensing no harm from the other dragon, Rhyn followed, both of them picking up speed and circling around each other as they flew. She looked back to see that Vhagar and her rider continued their steady flight behind them as well.

Viserra felt like this was where she belonged, here in the sky with other dragons and their riders. Again, the fire raging in her chest felt like it was trying to reach out to Helaena. In that moment she truly began to believe that it had something to do with their Valyrian blood.

They flew for a while longer, weaving their dragons around each other and taking themselves above the clouds several times. The sun was starting to descend along the horizon and Viserra followed Helaena's lead back down into the city.

She would dismount with them but would not house her dragon in the pit as they did. Her dragon had never been chained down nor had he ever been contained. The arena they flew all three dragons down into was a massive structure atop a hill. It was built like a giant colosseum, a sight to behold in itself.

Several men wielding wooden staphs surrounded the dragons and Viserra felt Rhyn's uneasiness and agitation suddenly return.

"Gaomagon daor zūgagon, kesā sōvegon qrīdrughagon hen kesīr hae aderī hae nyke jiōragon hen." Do not worry, you will fly away from here as soon as I dismount. She spoke to her dragon, reassuring him that she would not be turning him over to these strangers. After patting his neck, she untied herself from the saddle and climbed down his back.

But before she could dismiss him herself, Rhyn took to the skies immediately, almost knocking her over with the sudden gust from his wings. She watched him fly from there, brows furrowed and slightly irritated at almost being knocked to the ground. The men around the pit area seemed to control the other two dragons with their Valyrian words and a degree of caution.

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