Vaelon sent word for a man he had met many years before, an old friend and talented Braavosi swords master named Davos. While initially they did not think much would come from the request, both were impressed from the first time she wielded a blade. For years, he stayed in Volantis and became Viserra's dedicated instructor and mentor in weaponry. Even with her youthful ignorance, she seemed to already know her own potential and pushed herself each day in training.

"You will do great things one day, Viserra. Your Targaryen blood gives you a fire that many others can only dream of." Her father would tell her, only to have her roll her eyes at him.

By the time she reached the age of eight and ten, she had traveled all across the Free Cities with Davos, fighting in small arenas to refine her skills and learning all about the different customs of each land. She had even participated in several fighting pits in Meereen, making a name for herself in the large city. They had called her many things, all unbecoming of a noble woman, but she showed no mercy on those who disrespected or underestimated her.

Pentos had been the last place the pair was to stop before traveling home to Volantis. Viserra learned that her cousins, Prince Daemon and wife Lady Laena had stayed there for years before childbirth took the dragonrider's life. Finally residing in a place where her blood had also stayed only swelled the longing she felt to meet those who not only share her looks, but her boldness and fire.

The few weeks spent in Pentos were not focused on training or sparring. The merchant lords took great pride in hosting a dragonrider and there had been much feasting and partaking in Pentoshi wines and delicacies. Truth be told, though she enjoyed the luxuries, she didn't have any more patience for another poor attempt at courting by one of the young Magisters.

When her father had showed up a few days before she was to depart back home, Viserra found herself both pleasantly surprised and suspicious. Pentos had been known to be their last stop but his urgency to see her made her that this was more than just a coincidence.

Vaelon had appeared anxious when he greeted her and she could sense that there was something troubling his mind. But he did not speak of it until they all sat down for dinner that night. At first he divulged rumors that the Seven Kingdoms were quietly dividing in the decision of the King's heir. There were whispers that some would not support a woman as Queen, but instead called for his firstborn son to be crowned.

News and rumors from the Seven Kingdoms were constantly circulating within the Free Cities. This information surely would have reached her even in her distant location, so she listened attentively, wondering why her father had undertaken the journey to reach Pentos and deliver this message to her now.

"Viserra," her father sighed, suddenly placing his hand on top of hers at the table. "I know that you have always desired to ride across the narrow sea and see the history and lands of our family."

She nodded, watching his face closely, realizing that she was about to know exactly what he had been withholding until now.

"The Seven Kingdoms are unstable and King Viserys' health has been declining rather rapidly. His impending passing is bound to thrust the realm into chaos. Maintaining peace and stability will necessitate both power and dragons, especially if the rumors have any merit. I believe it might be the opportune time for you to begin your journey across the Narrow Sea."

Viserra sat in silence for a moment, feeling as if her father had already orchestrated some sort of plan without discussing it with her first. She attempted to conceal her irritation but found it rather challenging. "Are you mad?" She asked. "Would you have me fly to King's Landing and present myself on the basis of rumors? That sounds as foolish as admitting treason to the face of the King himself and expecting not to be thrown in the dungeons."

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