Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

It was only a few seconds till we heard the click of the latch and Holly opened the door rubbing her eyes.

"Hey Is Ryder around?"

It took her a second before she realized that Jordan,Donnie and I were actually standing there. When she did all we heard was a gasp.

"You can't be serious...."

"Do you think we can come in, before people see us."

She stood in shock for a minute before she snapped out of it,


She moved to the side and we came in and shut the door.

"You ok there Holly?"

"Just not really believing what Im seeing."

"Shouldn't be a surprise, after all you know about me."

"It took me a week to wrap my head around the fact that you are the Joe that was calling and texting Ry let alone knocking her up. I almost half expected to walk in yesterday and find you two in bed yesterday but I didn't expect to open my door and find 3/5 of New Kids on the Block standing there."

"In bed with Ryder huh, getting a little something when you dropped her off huh....?"

I know he is teasing me, he does it all the time but now of all times.

"Not like we were getting it in"

"Your head was at one end of the bed and Ryder's was at the other, and your clothes were on the other side of the room."

"Its not what you think"

its totally what they think. 

"Anyways where is Ryder?"

"In bed asleep"

"OK Im going to wake her up."

"Make sure if we come in there your ass still has your clothes on."

"Shut up dude."

I tuned the corner and there she was curled up under the comforter cuddling with that purple bear that I won her at the school carnival couple years ago. I reached down and brushed the hair from he face and whispered,

"Ry Ry baby....."


Nothing. I leaned down and kissed her gently and whispered her name again. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled softly .

"Joey what are you doing here?

"Came to bring my baby home. Donnie and Jordan are over talking to Holly."

She shot up in bed,

"You seriously left them with Holly!"

"Yeah why?"

"Oh my god go get them before we go in there and she is like gang banging them.You know how obsessed with the band she is."

"Relax she actually seem to be quite starstruck. Sit up have a sip of coffee."

"I wish I had coffee"

"well then I guess its a good thing that I brought some."

"Your a godsent."

I watched her take a sip and moan slightly in satisfaction.

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