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The room was quiet and cold, the only sound you could hear was the whimpers coming from a pale boy who had his hand covering his own mouth, while the blond above him pressed his fangs into the others neck.
Blood oozed down the boy's neck who wanted to shove the other away, but he knew he couldn't do that.
He'd be killed in seconds for defying him.
So he just laid there like an obedient follower and let his body burn while his leader fed from him.

"Get dressed." The blond instructed moving from the blond haired omega who sat there.
"Did I displease you?" He carefully questioned.
The other paused pulling his shirt over his head, he turned as his red eyes pierced the other.
"Not yet, do not make me repeat myself. We're having a meeting and you're going to attend." He said walking out of the room to let the other change.

The blond sat there before looking away with a flushed face as he pressed the palm of his hand to his neck.
"Omega.. You fool.." He hissed before changing and walked out of the room next.

"Is everyone present?" The blond stopped by a taller male with jet black hair and cold red eyes.
"Yes Kaiser, we're all waiting for you sir." He responded.
Kaiser smirked with a nod as he adjusted his coat before making his way to the front of the room.

He had a full room, after that bitch Codie Lynn failed her mission and got herself killed like a dumb ass, it took no time for Kaiser to fill the spot and take over.
Of course he knew he was no match for her blood lust, but he knew how to make people follow him both with respect and fear.

That was why, between the nine vampires that lived in this home, there was only one omega.
He was going to be used to create more eve's.
Another thing that bitch failed to do.
She was obsessed with getting her stolen treasure back, that she lost focus on the main objective, and that was how she died.

This wouldn't be a repeat.
Kaiser already had one eve in his grasp and because of two lazy vampires not guarding the door properly.
He managed to escape, and now there was no telling where he was.
But those vampires wouldn't go unpunished.
Codie had higher blood lust than Kaiser did, but he still loved the thrill of the kill.
Even if it was against one of his own.

"Right okay, I would like Salem Hester and Trip Sawyer to step forward." He spoke up as his eyes fell on a side door that opened and his little treat stepped out.
It made him smirk because tonight would be the night to show an omega to never cross him in any way.

The brunette and red head stepped forward with confusion written on both of their faces as Kaiser smiled at them.

"You two rejoined The Black Rose after your last leader was killed, correct?" Kaiser questioned looking at Trip who was hesitant but nodded.
"Yes, we joined out of loyalty, we were under Codie's compulsion and-"

"Right, I don't care about your loyalty to a dead bitch." Kaiser smiled as Trip frowned.
"Of course not." He responded.
Kaiser smiled.
"What I care about is how you two could possibly let our ONLY eve escape this house and not even report it." Kaiser grinned crossing his arms.
"Do you two just simply not care, or is that you want to waste my fucking time with intolerable bullshit by being fucking lazy?" He growled at both of them now.

Salem frowned at the other.
"It's my fault Kaiser sir, I couldn't take it anymore from the constant crying that boy did, so I turned a blind eye." She said now.
Trip looked to her with wide eyes.
"Salem, what are you-"
"I would rather die than follow someone with the same goals as Codie, she was a merciless killer but I don't respect someone who kidnaps omegas and has them raped repeatedly in hopes of them being special like Moxie Grimes." She glared at Kaiser now.
"Those are innocent wolves you're killing all for the sake of some objective you and all of the other twisted sons of bitches want to create, what happens once you get your pile of eves? What will you do with them then?" She demanded in question.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now