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"Nervous?" I heard Lawless question as we pulled into August's driveway, I sat next to my mate with a frown before looking to the other.
"Nope." I grinned at him.
"Are you?" I asked.
Lawless looked to me.
"You're a horrible liar." He pointed out.
"But also no." He smiled as I grinned.
"We're both horrible liars, but everything will be okay." I said reassuring the other, leaning over my lips pressed to his before we were getting out of the truck and making our way to the front door of August's house.

"You made it!" Oakley grinned pulling me into the house as Lawless followed behind the two of us, Oakley's lips were on mine as he led us to the kitchen.
"Well we weren't going to bail, it is the full moon ceremony and a lot of omegas, alphas and even vampires are going to go into heat at some point tonight." I said.
Oakley looked at me.
"True, that's why Auggie wanted you two to stay the night tonight." He told us walking into the kitchen as August stood at the stove cooking what smelled like spaghetti.

"Exactly, I don't trust anyone out in the streets, and if something were to happen to either of you tonight during this ceremony?" August turned around with his arms crossed.
"I'd hate to hurt someone." He said.
Oakley rolled his eyes.
"Okay tough guy, they're both here and that's the important thing." He told the other.
August's jaw ticked before looking at us.

"When dinner is ready I would like to propose something and you're free to decline the proposal, it is still early, but it would make me feel much more connected if you didn't decline." He said now.
I blinked.
"Proposal?" I repeated.
August looked at me with a nod.
"I don't want it to ruin your appetite, but then again, it may not." He shrugged.
I stared and the only thing that came to my mind was.
He wanted to mark us.
It was obvious.
Especially with tonight being the full moon ceremony.
Would that make it seem like we were rushing things?
I felt excited, but at the same time.
My nerves were catching up with me.

And before I knew it.
We were sitting at the table with our plates made and eating in an uncomfortable silence.

"So what is your proposal?" Lawless questioned breaking the silence as he looked at August who took a sip of his water, his eyes fell on Oakley who shrugged taking another bite of his spaghetti before looking back at August waiting for the other to explain.

August looked at us.
"I want to mark you both tonight." He told us as my eyes slightly widened watching Lawless choke on his water.
"Tonight?" Lawless coughed with furrowed brows.
August stared before nodding.
"I feel as if tonight would be the best night to do it, I feel a connection with both of you and Oakley said he did too, we're not sure if there will be anyone else that will ever fill that connection that we want like the two of you do." He frowned softly.

"I know this may be rushing things and as I said before, you can decline the proposal, but I do like the idea of marking you both so I have a better chance at keeping you safe, and I feel that if I don't mark you now? It'll never happen, you'll start thinking things and you'll leave." August rubbed the side of his neck frowning.

The uncomfortable silence returned and I frowned sitting there.
It was in fact, rushing things.
But I understood where he was coming from.
He didn't want to lose us and apparently he saw a lot of good that would come out of being with us, and it made me feel insanely wanted.
I was just nervous about being really sore from all of the markings.
My shoulder was already throbbing enough as is, but still.

"I accept your proposal." The words left my mouth as Lawless looked right at me, as if he was still having to think it over.
August looked at me.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
I looked at him as I nibbled my bottom lip.
"Yeah, ever since I was a kid, I always knew I wanted to be shared and I wanted to share who I loved as well, I've always known I would have more than one mate I just wasn't sure when or how soon that would be." I smiled softly.
"Not many sixteen year old Eve's can say they have three mates instead of just one, it's honestly kind of exciting." I shrugged looking at August.

"Do I think we're rushing it? Absolutely, but I also understand that feeling of abandonment, I don't want to lose either of you because there's no telling that me and Lawless will find anyone else that would be okay with sharing, so yes. I'm sure that I want to accept your proposal, I'm not looking forward to being sore from the bite marks, but I want to do it so no one has any doubts or worries about being left." I looked at August and Oakley.
"So I'm staying right here." I told them.

August looked relieved.
"I'm happy to hear that Iggy, truly I am." His eyes fell on Lawless and his expression softened.
"Lolly?" He questioned.
Lawless flinched, his cheeks gained slight color as he looked at me before looking at August.
His brows were knitted before letting out a shaky breath.

"I accept the proposal as well." He said and it made August smile.
"Good, after we've finished eating, we can shower and then begin our little marking ceremony." He told us.

I was really fixing to do it with two other guys, my heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest from the nerves that were trying to eat me alive.
Once we all finished eating and showered, August had us meet back in the living room, both him and Oakley were still fully dressed.

"Do you know where you want your mark made by me?" August questioned looking at me.
"Wait, are we not going into the bedroom to do this?" I asked.
August blinked.
"To do what?" He questioned.
My face was growing hot.

August and Oakley both blinked before August grinned.
"We're not having sex tonight." He told us as my eyes grew wide and Lawless looked like he was going to collapse.
"We're not?" I looked at them confused.
August just smiled.
"No, we just wanted to mark you two, we're not going to rush into sex until you are both ready. I had a feeling that's what also had the two of you so nervous during dinner, but we don't have to have sex to mark someone as ours. We can just mark them and it works just as well." He explained.

I could feel my nerves dying out sitting there.
Oakley smiled at me.
"When you're ready, that's when we'll have sex, we weren't going to push that onto either of you especially when you both looked like nervous wrecks." He grinned.
I blushed before nodding.
"Well that does make me feel slightly better." I admitted which made Oakley grin.
"I had a feeling it would, I'm in no rush having sex with you, I just want to call you mine by marking you." He shrugged.

I looked at him blushing.
"Then I want my mark." I told him.
Oakley smiled.
"Okay, where?"
I thought about it before blushing harder.
"My hip." I answered.
Oakley's eyes lit up.
"I can definitely work with that." He smiled as he pulled me to my feet, he pulled my boxers down low enough to expose my hip.
Oakley looked up at me before kissing the spot he was fixing to bite before his fangs pierced my flesh and I tried not to cry out because it hurt more than it did on my shoulder.
And somehow I would have to get through another bite mark made by August.

"Done." Oakley licked the blood before his lips were on mine as he smiled.
"Now you can mark me." He told me.
I nodded.
"You can mark my shoulder, our markings don't have to be in the same spot." He grinned.
I blinked but nodded as he pulled off his shirt to expose his shoulder better.
Inhaling, I kissed his shoulder before biting into the others flesh who hissed but sighed softly soon relaxing.

While me and Oakley were marking each other, August and Lawless took it upon themselves to mark each other as well.
Because soon enough.
August was marking me and I was marking him, and then Oakley and Lawless were marking each other.
And before we knew it.
The four of us were marked.
"I can't believe we actually marked each other during the full moon ceremony." Oakley commented laying in bed that same night, I was laying between him and Lawless while August laid behind Lawless, his arms wrapped around the other who seemed to be pretty relaxed.
"Do you two have regrets?" August asked us.
I shook my head as it rested on Oakley's chest who held me closer.
"Nope, I mean besides the soreness to my body." I grinned.

"That's another reason we weren't going to push sex tonight, I'm just content knowing you're both mine." August shrugged.
I looked at him.
"It will happen soon though, right?" I asked him.
August smirked softly.
"Whenever you want it to happen, Icicle." He told me.
I blushed nodding.

Before we knew it.
The exhaustion hit and the four of us were asleep.
"I'm home!" I announced walking into my house the next morning after Lawless dropped me off to go home to take care of chores at his house.
"We're in the living room Iggy, how was your sleep over?" I heard dad question as I walked into the living room, for once it wasn't the kitchen.

"It was good." I answered as my parents looked at me.
"You didn't." My papa frowned as I looked at him confused.
"I didn't what?"
"Have sex with all three of them, did you?" He asked and my face caught fire.

"N-Not that it's any of your business papa, but no, we just marked each other." I said feeling like I was going to melt.
Papa frowned at me.
"Why did you mark each other so soon? You just met-"

"Magna, dear, you marked me after a week of knowing each other." Dad cut in with an arched brow looking at the other.
Papa looked at him.
"Times were different back then Mox, Iggy, what you did is a pretty serious thing. What if the four of you get into a fight and want to break up? You realize markings can only be removed through magic right?" He asked frowning.

I frowned back at him.
"I know papa, but we wanted to do this." I responded.
Papa frowned.
"You rushed it-"
"Rushed or not, it's what we WANTED." I glared now.
He glared.
"Don't raise your voice with me-"

"Okay both of you calm down, what's done is done, there's no sense in getting upset with him Magna. You were a kid once, Iggy knows what he's done and he's perfectly okay with it, all we can do is show him our support and love him." Dad said looking at me with a soft smile.

Papa sighed rubbing his temples.
"Right, okay, I'm sorry for getting mad." He looked at me as his expression softened.
"I just worry about you is all." He told me.
I blinked but smiled softly.
"I'm sorry for raising my voice but I know what I'm doing papa and this makes me happy." I told him.
He looked at me before he nodded.
"I understand, as long as it makes you happy, there's nothing more for us to argue about." He smiled softly.

We turned around to the archway to find Jinx standing there, he looked unsure about something as he rubbed his upper arm before looking at us.
Dad looked at him.
"Hey back, is everything okay, Jinx?"
Jinx looked like he wanted to glare but chose not to as his hands balled into fists.

"I've thought about your offer, to move in with you." Jinx said looking away.
Dad and papa exchanged looks before looking back at Jinx.
"And what have you decided?" Papa asked him.
Jinx frowned looking at the adults.
"If your offer still stands, I'd like to continue living here, I don't really have anywhere else to go and I don't think there's anywhere else for me to go to.." He rubbed the side of his neck.

"Kaiser's followers would probably end up killing me, and as far as relatives go? I didn't have any besides Kaiser, so if you'll let me. I'd like to move in permanently." He told them.

The parents looked stunned looking at Jinx who stood there trying not to glare waiting for a response, we really needed to work on his anger issues at some point.

"Of course you can live here permanently." Dad spoke up with a grin.
"I mean your move in fee won't exactly be free." He said as Jinx's brows furrowed.
"Move in fee..?"
Papa glanced to dad before smirking softly.
"Yeah a move in fee, your first payment would be a hug naturally, and like Iggy and Omega, you'll have rules and chores to follow." He told the other.

Jinx blinked looking at the two of them.
"I can understand rules and chores, but a hug..?" He repeated with knitted brows.

"Like this." Dad walked up to the teen and with no warning, his arms wrapped around Jinx who flinched.
"Stop, I don't like-" He paused as if taking in the embrace and his expression softened.
"Okay, this is kind of nice." He admitted.
Dad smiled softly.
"This is your move in fee, welcome to the family." He said ruffling Jinx's hair who glared but it died down into a soft expression.

"I say we celebrate." Papa said looking at us as dad grinned.
"You always want to celebrate something."
"Can you blame me? It's not every day we get lucky enough to adopt two boys in less than a year and they already know how to walk, talk and feed themselves." He joked.
Dad rolled his eyes before smiling softly at the two of us.

"Go get dressed, we'll leave shortly and head to Eclipse." He told us.
My eyes lit up with a nod motioning for Jinx to follow me so I could find him some clothes to change into.
We really needed to go clothes shopping for both him and Omega.
We were on our way to Eclipse before papa was pulling over down town which made the four of us look at him confused.
"What are we doing?" Dad asked him.
"They're having a festival tonight, I figured we could do that instead of going to Eclipse." Papa answered by parking the car before getting out as we followed after the other.

"I didn't know Crossroads was having a festival tonight." Dad commented as papa looked to him.
"I didn't either until Stetson called and told me about it, I thought this would be more fun for you and the boys, instead of a nice dinner with awkward silence." He smirked.
Dad blinked before smiling softly.
"You never fail to surprise me, Magna Grimes." He told the other.
Papa only grinned as we walked down the street.

Omega was looking around with wide eyes.
"I smell so many different things, is that food?" He asked.
Papa looked to the other.
"It is, there are a few food vendors out here so we can grab food and walk with it while we eat." He told him.
Omega's eyes grew wide.
"We can do that instead of sitting?" He questioned as he began to sound excited.

"Jinx, did you know that?" He asked the vampire who went to glare but stopped himself as he sighed but shook his head.
"No, I didn't know that." He answered shortly.

"Let's grab something to eat." Dad said walking over to one of the vendors but papa was watching something else.
I looked in the direction he was looking in to see him watching a boy lurking around the vendors.

He was pretty skinny with scruffy blond hair that looked like it needed to be brushed and candy apple green eyes, his clothes were torn and it looked like he was in need of a shower.

My brows furrowed.
"Stay here." He instructed watching the boy lurking before he quickly grabbed some of the hot dog buns from one of the stands and took off running, not realizing my papa was right on his heels.

"Magna?!" Dad watched the other concerned as I frowned at him.
"There's a kid stealing food, papa went after him." I explained the situation.
Dad's expression turned into concern.
"Stealing food?" He repeated worried before looking at Jinx and Omega who were both eating their slices of pizza not paying any attention to what was going on.

"Stay with your brothers, we'll be back." He told me running after papa.

"Magna?" I called after the other to find him down the street with the boy that he had chased after.
Magna turned to me with a hold on the boy's wrist who was trying to pull away from him.
"Moxie? Why did you follow me?" He asked.
I frowned.
"Because our son said you were chasing after a food thief." My arms crossed.
Magna stared before his eyes fell on the blond.

"I'm sorry okay?! I was just hungry-"
"That doesn't excuse you for stealing food-"
"No one exactly does hand outs." The blond glared at Magna who frowned.
"Some people may surprise you if you were to ask, where are your parents?" He asked him.
The blond flinched and his expression turned cold.

"They're dead, I live on the streets because no shelter will take me in." He told Magna who frowned deeply.
"No shelters at all?" He asked the blond who frowned looking away.
"None, I've tried multiple times." He answered rubbing his shoulder.

Magna stared at him before frowning.
"What's your name, kid?"
The blond frowned at him.
"It's Quin." He answered.

Magna looked at me and I just sighed with a soft smile.
Not even having to be told or asked, I already knew what his plan was.
And I was perfectly okay with it.
There was just one problem.

We were fixing to need a much bigger house.

//Hey guys! H.Stowe here with some news.
So chapter 26 will be the final chapter for book 3 "Their Omega."
But do not worry, there will still be chapters in book 4 that explore more moments with the couple.
I will be going on a small hiatus to finish up plans and notes for "An Omegas Curse." So be sure to be on the look out for that once it's out and ready!
It will be staring a whole new character that's being added into the Grimes household and there's going to be a lot of drama that comes with it ':D.

I've had a lot of fun writing book 3, it's been a struggle at some points, but as promised it was made longer than the first book, "A Vampires Omega."
I'm not sure how long I plan on making the fourth book, but we'll find out when we get to that point!
This has been a very fun series so far and I can't wait to share what I have in store for the rest of the books.

But with that being said, Happy Mothers Day, and I hope you guys have an awesome day!
Until then!


Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now