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"The school called," my dad began as he walked up to me as Jackie got out of the driver side to only walk around to join us.
"The nurse said you were running over one hundred in fever, but you seemed fine this morning?" My dad frowned softly looking at me.
I frowned back in response.
"I think it has to do with my visions." I told him.

My dad's brows furrowed.
"Your premonitions?" He frowned.
I nodded looking at him.
"I usually only get small peaks of different things, but this time it was different. I saw a boy." I looked at the three adults as my dad frowned at me.
"A boy?"
I frowned.
"Yeah, he was running from something, or someone." I rubbed my arm.

My papa looked at Jackie.
"Have you called Stetson or Jayce yet?" He asked him.
Jackie shook his head.
"No," his arms crossed.
"I wanted you to know about it before we involved Jayce, between those three? He's always been the most sheltered one." He said now.

I blinked.
"Why has he been the most sheltered? And who are the other two?" I asked.
Jackie and my parents looked to me before looking to each other.

"Jayce grew up in a pretty violent household, his dad was very abusive and his mother tried to baby him any chance she got, but one night his dad killed his mom then himself. Jayce was maybe ten at the time? So it was a lot for a kid his age to take in." Jackie's arms crossed standing there.
"He ran that night to only get caught up with some nasty vampires who were just as abusive as his old man was, it wasn't until two years later when Stetson and your uncle Joshua found him, he was frightened, abused and in need of a lot of mental help." He frowned softly thinking about it.
"Jayce was a target because of his premonition and how it helped others cheat their ways through life, he thought we were the same way and that's why he rejected us for the longest, especially Stetson." He looked to my papa as if he already knew this.

"Stetson kept Jayce at arms reach always, he never let the other go off on his own because there were times where Jayce was scared of his own shadow, he thought he was being followed." Jackie frowned.
"It took two more years before Jayce finally got used to us, of course it took no time for him and Stetson to fall in love and despite the insane age difference, Jayce was marked by Stetson at fourteen years old." He explained.

My eyes grew wide standing there.
"Fourteen..? Isn't that-"
"Young?" My papa smirked in my direction.
"Normally yes, and as much as your uncles, myself and our friends wanted to beat Stetson's ass for being stupid, he was the only one Jayce let near him." He smiled softly.
"He was like a feral cat at times, so he slept a lot, usually in Stetson's arms so he knew he was safe." He explained now.

I frowned softly.
"I see.., But who were the other two?" I asked now.
"Oh, Rocky and Ziggy." My papa answered looking at me.
"When Stetson was on a hunt or he thought Jayce could use some away time, he'd have those two watch Jayce. He's the youngest out of all of us." He told me.
I looked at him.
"How much older is Stetson to Jayce?" I questioned.

"Eight years." I turned around confused to see the two we were talking about, walking up.
Stetson was looking right at Jackie and my parents while his mate, Jayce had his arm wrapped around the others holding him close.

"Why are you bunch talking about our love life?" Stetson asked with an arched brow.
"More like, since when do you two take romantic strolls around Crossroads looking like newlyweds?" Jackie asked with a grin.
Stetson smirked.
"Since this one could use some sun, Azalea is darker than him and that's saying something." He responded.
Jayce frowned in response but said nothing, his eyes fell on me and there was curiosity in his green eyes.

"I was actually fixing to call you, we need Jayce." My papa spoke up as Stetson arched a brow looking at him.
"For?" He questioned before frowning once Jayce let the others arm go and cautiously approached me.

I frowned watching him as he stood in front of me.
"Your premonitions are getting stronger, you saw something, didn't you?" He asked me and I wanted to smile from how soft his voice was.
But it seemed to shock the other four who looked at Jayce, as if he wasn't the type to approach others like he had approached me.

I just nodded as the other carefully took my hand in his, he closed his own eyes as if listening for something before he looked to my parents and the other two.

"Let's get inside, a storm is coming." He said heading for the front door of the house.

Jackie pulled out his phone.
"I'm going to call Rocky, to let him know what's going on." He said stepping aside as I followed Jayce inside my house.

"I want you to tell me what you saw in your vision." Jayce said sitting in front of me in the family room, I looked at him frowning.
"I saw a boy." I nibbled my lip.
"He was running away, at this point I want to assume he was running from someone from the bruises and wounds he had on his body." I said now.

Jayce nodded looking at me.
"And you've never met this boy before?"
I shook my head.
"No, but he was around my height, he had messy brown hair and dark green eyes, he was also pale. I thought he was a vampire." I frowned.

Jayce stared but nodded as he frowned now.
"None of our friends know of premonition or the abilities that come with it, as you become more developed with who you are as an Eve, your visions will also become more stronger. It might be scary at first, but these gifts are very special Iggy." He reached and took my hands looking at me before squeezing them.
"You may not have met this boy yet, but with such a detailed description of him, it either means you'll meet him soon or he's very close to Crossroads." Jayce sat there for a moment as the front door opened and in walked not just Rocky, but Jensen and Ziggy who both paused looking at us.

Jayce stared at them before looking back at me.
"Some visions may confuse you, they may even scare you because it can be things you're not ready to see just yet. That's one thing about this ability, is us being able to see the future and what it will bring us." Jayce sighed softly now.
"Not all things will be happy things either, and the more visions you have, the more developed you become. However, trying to pry into the future without it trying to reach to you first, will backfire, you may even cough up blood." He looked at me as my brows knitted.

"Can this kill me?" I asked him.
Jayce frowned softly.
"No, but it can make you very weak and sick, it may feel like you'll die but trust me you won't." He offered a soft smile.
I looked at him.
"Do you speak from experience?" I questioned.
Jayce smiled softly.
"Yes but that is in the past, I haven't let myself go that far into my ability in quite some time, mainly because I like to be surprised." He looked at me.

"With the vision of this boy you spoke of, maybe keep your eyes more open when you're outside of school, you may find him, usually those we don't know who appear in our visions show up for a reason. Like they're meant to show up for a reason, whether it's good or bad, long or short." He finally released my hands looking at me.
"I won't tell you to go out and search for this boy, let him find you Iggy, that's the only best outcome when it comes to the premonitions you're having." He told me.

I frowned softly looking at him.
"Okay." I nibbled my lip.
"But what about the fever or nosebleeds?" I asked.
Jayce blinked but he smiled softly.
"They come with your ability, you can teach your body to control them so it doesn't happen as often, but now that you've had a much bigger premonition of something, your nosebleeds and headaches will happen more frequent until you've learned to control it." He explained to me.

"Alright, I have no idea what we walked in on, but I have NEVER heard Jayce talk that much before, holy shit." Rocky stood there gawking at the blond who yawned softly and just like that, he was laying back on the couch and going to sleep.
Like a child would.

I blinked sitting there before looking at my parents.
"Typical." My papa smirked as Stetson grinned softly.

"I was wondering when he'd exhaust himself." He said walking over, scooping his mate up in his arms bridal style who didn't wake up, Jayce's head only pressed itself against the others chest as he let out a tired yawn.

Stetson looked to my parents.
"I'm going to take him home, he said a storm was coming and I don't feel like getting soaked." He said.
My papa nodded looking at him with crossed arms.
"Get home safe and tell Jayce we said thank you."
Stetson nodded heading for the door before walking out.
"You're still a little warm." My dad frowned with his hand pressing against my forehead as I frowned at him.
"I feel fine though." I told him.
"Whether you do or not, I want you to stay home tomorrow until your fever goes down." He said as I frowned at him.
"But I'll be bored not getting to see Lawless or the others."
"You'll be fine missing one day of school Iggy, I'd feel better having you home with me tomorrow anyway in case you get another premonition." He told me as he handed Ziggy and Rocky a cup of hot tea while my papa, Jensen and Jackie talked in the other room.

"Yeah but-"
"Not butts, don't argue with me or I will get your papa in here and that will be a whole other argument." He warned.
I bit my tongue and sighed with a nod.
"Yes sir.."

My dad stared before he smiled softly handing me my cup now.
"You know I'm going to be protective over you, especially when it comes down to your health Iggy, I want you to take this seriously like you would a cold or the flu. There's no crime in skipping school once in a while, especially when you're getting high fevers and nosebleeds." He said.

I nodded looking at him.
"I understand, sorry for trying to argue." I said now.
He just smiled softly in response.
"It wasn't even an argument when I won." He teased sitting next to Ziggy who was grinning at the other.
Later that night I lied in bed staring at the ceiling with my arms resting on my chest, I frowned softly thinking about what Jayce said.
That boy will come to me?
But why?
What could I have that he'd possibly want?

Frowning I turned over on my side before nearly falling out of bed the moment my bedroom window opened.

"Lawless?!" I hissed quietly who closed my window turning to me.
"I was worried about you, you left school and never answered any of my calls or texts, I had to wait to find anything out from my parents before I made my way over here." He came over and crawled into the bed with me.

"How is your fever?" He asked pressing his forehead to mine.
I lied there trying to control my breathing.
"It's still high, my dad's making me skip school tomorrow so he can watch me." I told him.
Lawless frowned softly lacing his fingers with mine.
"Then I'll skip too, you're the only reason I even attend." He told me.
I blinked but smiled softly.

"What will you do when we find our third? You can't leave them alone at school." I told him.
Lawless arched a brow.
"I can't?" He asked teasingly.
I grinned.
"No, that's mean." I said as he smiled kissing my lips.

"I missed you." He told me breathing me in as I did the same.
"I missed you too." I said as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight as I laid there.
I could fall asleep from just being in his hold.

"Really you two?" 
I nearly jumped out of my skin to find not one but both of my parents at my door.
Lawless ripped away from me sitting up awkwardly.

"Hey guys." He grinned.
I sat up as well as my parents sighed.

"The door stays open, Lawless do your parents even know you're here?" My dad asked him.
Lawless nodded.
"I had to be with Iggy, they knew that." He told them.
My dad sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Alright fine, but going forward, please use the front door like a normal person if you want to stay the night. After the talk we all had earlier, I wasn't sure who was in this room with Iggy." He said.

Lawless looked at him.
"I won't let anyone near Iggy." He responded.
My papa smirked at him.
"We know you won't." His eyes fell on me and his expression softened now.

"Get some sleep, we'll see you in the morning." He told us leaving my door open as I laid back with Lawless, grinning at him.

"Can't be secretive for nothing, huh?" I teased the other.
Lawless smiled softly.
"Nope." He said kissing me.

"Goodnight Iggy." 
"Goodnight, Lawless."

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat