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For the remainder of school, Dexter had chosen to avoid me.
I wasn't sure what did it.
Maybe it was me being an Eve.
Or the fact, I was close friends with a vampire.
Either way.
He followed Denver and Ambrose around all day.
So part of me had a feeling, they were playing a big part of why he was avoiding me.

I knew Lawless would be happy with that, but I wasn't.
Don't ask me why I felt like it had to be Dexter that would complete our relationship.
But it had to be him.
I just wasn't a fan of him being cruel towards me.
There was no telling what those other alphas were telling him either.

So I had a plan to confront him after school ended, just to see what his problem was.
I knew that was probably dumb of me.
But to turn into a jerk on the first day? Was a new one.

"You're spacing." My cousin Teddy Ellison, the son of Mistral and Devin pointed out to me as I stood at the lockers frowning.
I turned to the blond.
"Sorry, it's just the first day back and there's already so much happening." I told him.
Teddy arched a brow.
"Such as?" He questioned.
I bit my gum.
"Such as.. We got a new student today who I think may have the potential to be mine and Lawless's third partner, there's also the fact, me and Lawless made it official as well. Oh! Lore nearly got taken about by a skate-"

"I get it." Teddy smiled softly looking at me.
"There's a lot on your mind, but did you just say you and Lawless made it official? That's big news, Iggy." He told me.
I nibbled my lip with a nod.
"Wait until we announce that to our parents tonight, which reminds me, will you be going to that cook out?" I asked him.

Teddy blinked but smiled softly.
"I think that's more of a vampire sided party, my parents didn't get the invite like uncle Moxie, Monty and aunt Evie did." He told me.
I frowned at that.
"Well that's not fair-"
"No it's fine, I don't think our parents and their friends all met eye to eye back then, just because we're their children, it doesn't mean they should be fake and force themselves to socialize with people they don't care for." He shrugged.
I frowned at the other.

"I guess that's true.." I looked past Teddy as my eyes fell on Dexter and I felt a jolt of excitement
"I'll call you later T, there's something I need to do." I told the other.
Teddy's eyes followed me before frowning as I walked away.

"Dexter!" I called out to the alpha who paused walking outside the building, his eyes fell on me but there was no kindness in them like before.
"What is it?" He asked me.
I looked at him.
"I wanted to talk to you about today, you've been avoiding me since the first period, what's up with that? Did I do something to make you mad?" I asked him.

Dexter's brows furrowed.
"Iggy, no offense, but I don't think we should be friends." He told me and my heart sank hearing that looking at him.
"What? But why?" I frowned deeply.

"Maybe because you're a fucking mutant and no one wants to be around you because of it?" 
I frowned deeply turning to Ambrose who stood there with Denver and a few other alphas.
Elias Giles, Bellamy Bender, Ciara Torres and Leanne Murphy.

I glared softly.
"I'm not a mutant-"
"You are!" Ambrose snarled glaring at me.
"And because of what you are, it caused a lot of people to die in the past, anyone that gets close to you will only get hurt or die." Ambrose's brown eyes were burning as he glared at me.
"Maybe you should go home and do the world a favor and kill yourse-"

We all froze from how angry this guy's voice was at the doors.
Immediately I recognized him.

Alpha Stewart stood there with Dorian Travis and Maggie Chaney, glaring at Ambrose and the other alphas.

I watched the brunet walk further outside as he continued to glare at Ambrose.
"You think you're some big shot talking like that?" He growled at the other.
Ambrose blinked but smirked.
"Someone has to get it through to this thing's head, he's not wanted here!" He snapped now glaring.
Alpha's eye twitched.
"In case you forgot, he's also a person and that's not something you get to decide." He growled.

"We're all alphas, how about you not embarrass your family names by targeting the hybrid, it wasn't his choice to be born as the Eve, but he's not flashing that kind of news around either. You're a bunch of disappointing alphas, when that full moon ceremony comes around, you'll be lucky to find an omega, because if you don't cool it with targeting Iggy?" Alpha stepped forward glaring at all of them.

"I'll make sure all of those omegas in that school will avoid going, so if I were you? I'd start acting my age and stop living life like fucking middle schoolers." Alpha growled at each and everyone of them.

Ambrose was in the others face.
"And if I choose not to listen to someone who thinks he's top dog?" He asked.
Alpha stared.
"Then you'll not have just me to deal with, but those vampires as well. We don't live in the god damn past and I'm sick of everyone here thinking they were victims, the only real victims in the past were Iggy's dad and Lawless Ray's dad, stop thinking you're some kind of celebrity, it's fucking depressing." Alpha spat at Ambrose who glared harshly.

"Whatever, you killed the whole vibe by being some kiss ass alpha, no wonder no one respects you." Ambrose scoffed standing there.
"You want to talk about embarrassing? Think about how your parents must have felt naming their only son Alpha, when there's nothing alpha about you." Ambrose smirked with knitted brows.

"You just like to run that mouth of yours, too bad that's the only thing going for you." His shoulder shoved into the others who growled in response.
Ambrose went to walk past me but stopped.
His eyes on me.
"Like I said before, go home and kill yourself, no one wants you here." He said walking off.

I stood there with furrowed brows before my eyes fell on Dexter.
Not thinking, I walked after the black haired alpha.
Reaching for him.

"Don't touch me." Dexter snarled shoving me back as I stumbled with knitted brows.
"I already know why you're interested in me Iggy and it's disgusting that you'd even think I'd want to be with you and a vampire." His words made everyone stop, even Alpha and the others who turned our way now.

It was harder to swallow standing there.
"If you'd just let me explain." I frowned.
"What's there to explain? How much of a whore that makes you sound? You and that lame ass vampire may be okay with it, but normal people would NEVER be okay with something like that." Dexter glared and without thinking.

My hand connected to the others cheek as hard as I could but the thing that surprised me.
Was his fist slamming itself into my face knocking me completely off my feet.

"Holy shit, Iggy?!" My head was spinning as I sat there with my heart racing as Dexter stood above me, his gray eyes now dark and it was harder to breathe when his pheromones were let out.

"Did you really think I wouldn't hit you back? Don't forget, you threw the first hit." Dexter growled at me.

"Yo, hey buddy, that looks like fun. Can I join?"

My eyes grew wide seeing Misha Harris's dad, Jackie, standing right behind Dexter who went to turn to only have Jackie's fist diving into the other teens face.

"Dad?!" I heard Misha yell from the door as Jackie glared harshly at Dexter who stood there stunned.
"You think you can use all your strength to punch someone not even half your body weight? Then expect the same shit in return, there's no rule here saying an adult can't smack a child, and what you need boy is some serious discipline." Jackie growled bitterly.

"Iggy are you okay?" I looked past Jackie and was surprised to see it was Lore at my side with concern in her eyes, she was cautious but brought her hand to my cheek as she glared harshly at Dexter now.

"What the hell is your problem? Only I'm allowed to hit Iggy, and not even I'd hit him that hard, you could have seriously killed him!" Lore hissed.

Dexter stood there before frowning at her.
"My bad." He responded flatly as I sat there with hurt in my eyes, and in my face.

"Iggy..?" I looked past my cousin as Lawless stood there with Zell and Ashby.
He was taking in the situation before his eyes turned jet black and he was storming up to Dexter, his fist risen.
But Jackie stopped him.

"Enough, everyone's obviously heated, but you are a student who doesn't need to get expelled from school." Jackie glared Dexter's way who rolled his eyes.
"Hit me then, I'd love to get a vampire expelled." He taunted as Lawless shoved forward but this time, Zell grabbed the others arm, his blue eyes also black.

"Don't Law, he's not worth it." Zell growled.

Dexter smirked softly, his eyes fell on me.
"Later, whore." He waved us off before walking away with Ambrose and the others who patiently waited for the other.
"Ow ow ow." I hissed sitting in Lawless's kitchen while his dad, Ziggy, doctored my busted lip and bruised cheek.

"That brat really hit you like you were an alpha, any loose teeth?" Ziggy asked me with concern as I shook my head frowning.
My dad's arms were crossed.
"He should be expelled, there should be rules! Why did this even happen?" He frowned deeply.

I sat there frowning.
"I thought Dexter was a potential partner for mine and Lawless's relationship, but I think Ambrose and those other alphas filled his head with lies and other things, but he called our relationship disgusting and then.." My eyes grew wet from the tears begging to fall as my face grew warm.
"He called me a whore.." I sat there crying now.

Ziggy and my dad looked to each other frowning deeply at one another.

"Am I whore?" I asked them now.
"No baby, of course not." My dad was quick to respond.
"You and Lawless just have enough love that you want to share it with another person, rather than it being disgusting, it's beautiful." He told me.

I sat there frowning at them.
"Then why does it hurt so much? I mean it hurts more than Ambrose telling me to kill myself." I told them.

"He told you to do what?" I froze from the anger in my papas voice who walked into the room with Jensen glaring in my direction.
I frowned at the other.
"It's bully talk, that kind of thing isn't what even bothers me." I told him.
My papa stood there with his arms crossed.
"Whether it bothers you or not Iggy, it's still not appropriate." He hissed.

"Good thing Emmy is coming." Jensen walked over and looked at my face.
"She'll heal you better than homemade remedies will, it won't be completely gone, but if that bastard-"
"Jensen." Ziggy hissed at the other.
Jensen stared before looking back at me.
"If he touches you again, call us immediately."

"Just make sure you're off school property before you hit a kit." Jackie walked in with his mate Rocky and their son, Misha who walked right up to me worried.

"Are you okay, Iggy?" He asked me.
I nodded sitting there looking at the black haired vampire.
"Better than earlier, I'm a little stunned, but not like before." I told him.
Misha frowned softly but he nodded.

I looked to my parents.
"I'm going to go check on Lawless." I said as my dad frowned.
"We'll come get you when Emmy arrives." He told me.
I nodded getting to my feet before leaving the kitchen and made my way to Lawless's room.

I frowned hearing grunts and angry sounds on the other side of his door, quietly, I pushed open the door to see him punching his punching bag glaring holes into it with jet black eyes.

"What?" He turned around with a glare but froze realizing who I was.
His eyes fell on my cheek and his expression hardened as I cautiously approached the other.

"Stop taking it out on that bag, you'll break it again." I scolded the other who frowned deeply once my arms wrapped around him, my face pressing against his chest.
"I'm okay." I reassured him.
"Spooked but okay." I added.

"I wanted to kill him." Lawless told me, his hands wrapping around my back to embrace as I frowned softly.
"I'm glad you didn't-"
"But I wanted to, Iggy." Lawless growled.
"Just seeing you on the ground with your face bruised like that and him towering over you? My mind shut off and the only thing I wanted was to tear his head off his shoulders for even hurting you like that." He looked at me now, carefully caressing the swollen cheek as I looked at him.

"Let it just be us for now, don't even focus on looking for another partner, we never said it had to be right now anyway." His thumb brushed my cheek looking at me with knitted brows.
"I want us to just focus on each other, because if another alpha or a vampire hurts you like this again? I can't promise I won't let them live to see the next day, we're not mates yet but you are still mine." He brought me in for another embrace before his lips were softly on mine.

"Is that okay with you? For it to just be us for now?" He asked me.
I stared before sighing softly with a smile that followed.
"That's fine with me, you're all I need right now." I told him.

He smiled softly.

"Wow, kids nowadays sure are honest with their feelings, it was hard for me to tell your father I loved him after our third date, and here you two are being romantic." Ziggy cut Lawless off who stood there trying not to blush.

"Really dad? What are you doing here?" He asked him.
Ziggy blinked before looking at me.
"I nearly forgot." He grinned.

"Emmy's here."

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