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It was like waking up from a fog, my body felt heavier than it should have felt as I laid there, but the darkness that had kept my mind prisoner had finally been lifted.
I could feel my eyes threatening themselves to open as my fingers curled into the palms of my hands, squeezing and stretching as I felt my brows begin to knit before my eyes finally dared to open.

"Dad..?" I called out to the adult in the room who turned around so fast that he nearly fell.
"Iggy?!" It felt like the room was spinning before there were arms wrapping around me and I was being sat up as I tried to take in who was all present.
My dad, Ziggy, Lawless, August and Oakley.
I had questions on why they were here, but it still made me happy to know that Lawless brought them here, which meant he was distracted while I was trapped in whatever mind game this was.

"Oh my god." My dad cried hugging me as I sat against him before my arms finally moved and I was hugging the other back.
"Hi." I greeted the other with a tired smile as he pulled back with tears in his eyes looking at me.
"Hi back." He smiled cupping then caressing my cheeks looking at me with so much happiness in his eyes.
"We were so worried." He told me.
I looked at him.
"I'm sorry." I responded but he shook his head looking at me.
"This was not your fault, if you're awake, it can only mean that your papa succeeded." He said as I looked at him.

My eyes moved from my dad to Lawless who stood there, he looked like he forgot to breathe and there was nothing more that I wanted more than to feel his touch.
As if my dad could read the room, he moved away from me and suddenly Lawless's lips were on mine and his fingers were lacing with mine before his arms were wrapping around me, both of us were breathing each other in as my fingers dug into his shoulders, clinging to him as he held me tighter.

"I missed you so much." He said into my shoulder holding me as I nodded.
"I missed you too." I told him as he pulled back and took me in.
"Don't ever do that again." He told me as I blinked but gave the other a tired grin.
"I'll try my best, no promises." I joked as he smiled softly.
"Mhm, I'm glad you're back." He said before his lips were back on mine.

The kiss was broke as I looked to the door and felt this warmth take over seeing Omega at the bedroom door with tears in his eyes, looking right at me.
I could tell from the way he was standing that he was scared to just walk in, but it didn't stop me from opening my arms for the other to run and fall into.

"Are you okay, Omega?" I asked as he cried hugging me.
"Y-You were asleep for six days and you want to know if I'm okay?" He cried harder as I smiled softly hugging him.
"I do." I responded as Omega's brows knitted looking at me.
"I'm okay now that you're awake, are you okay?" He asked me.
I blinked but smiled at him.
"I'm okay." I said reassuring the other.

"Looks like it was nothing but a bluff, he's awake."
My eyes fell back to the door to find Jackie and Rocky there with uncle Joshua, Colt, Jensen and Stetson all looking relieved to see me awake.
I felt my heart race as my papa pushed open the bedroom door wider, his eyes on me and I could see nothing but relief and happiness filling his eyes before he dared to move forward.

"I knew it was a bluff." My papa said walking up as Omega removed himself from the bed and suddenly papa was hugging me tightly.

"Hi, papa." I greeted the other as he hugged me.
"Heya kiddo." He smirked softly brushing his fingers through my hair.
"You should know you gave everyone quite the scare, and now you're banned from taking naps after school." He told me.
"What? No way." I grinned.
"Oh yes way, hell I don't know if I can even let you go to sleep now, you're going to have to drink A LOT of coffee to stay up all night now." He grinned as I looked at him.
"That's a lot of coffee." I told him.
Papa smiled softly.
"Think you can handle the challenge?" He asked.
I grinned.
"I'm a Grimes right?" I questioned and his grin only grew.
"Damn straight you're a Grimes." He said ruffling my hair.

Dad moved back over and joined the two of us on the bed before he was hugging me again, and before I knew it.
Everyone was trying to fit to squeeze in a hug.
"Kaiser is dead and whatever clan he had put together was quick to break apart." Papa commented inside of the living room with his arms crossed.
I sat on the couch between Lawless and Oakley while August stood behind us, his arms crossed as we listened to the other.

"They weren't even trying to really fight I don't think, except for maybe two of them." Jackie arched a brow as uncle Joshua nodded in agreement.
"I noticed that as well, it seemed like they knew Kaiser was going to get himself killed and they were just stalling to see if it would actually happen." He said.
Jackie looked at the other.
"I wouldn't really list them as a clan then, just some vampires who were following a guy who was way too in over his head about a war that ended faster than he expected. He may have had powerful magic on his side, but that's the only thing that was going for him." He stated.

"What are we going to do with the kid?" Stetson questioned now as my brows knitted.
"Kid?" I looked to my parents as my papa frowned.

"Kaiser has a younger brother, we brought him in as leverage, but now that Kaiser is dead. We need to figure out what to do with him." His arms crossed.
My dad looked to papa.
"I think the answer is simple, he can stay here." He shrugged.

"Moxie, we really need to talk about this." Papa frowned at the other.
Dad frowned in response.
"Like how we talked about Omega? Magna, these are children in need of homes, and even if Jinx may be more on the problematic side, its still better than tossing him out onto the street and letting society deal with him. I'd rather take responsibility of him than having someone else do it that would only make things worse." He said now.

Papa stood there looking defeated because even though I had no real idea who we were even talking about.
What dad said made perfect sense.
And papa knew once dad's mind was made, there was no arguing with the other.

Papa just pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Jensen, help me out here." He said.
Jensen blinked before smirking softly.
"Sorry buddy, I know better than to try arguing with Moxie about anything, you're on your own with this one." He told him.
Papa stared at the other.
"You were my best man-"
"And I'm your best friend." Jensen grinned.
"But even I know when my opinion isn't needed." He said.

Papa looked at dad who just smiled.
"We will make it work." He told the other.

"Can I ask who this Jinx kid even is? I mean I know I just woke up, but apparently you two like to grocery shop for children when your son is in dreamland." I grinned at my parents who both looked at me.
Dad looked at me.
"Like your papa stated before, he's Kaiser's younger brother, your papa and the others brought him here three days ago and he's been locked in one of the guest bedrooms because he doesn't know how to behave around Omega." He said with his arms crossed.

I made a face looking at Omega.
"What do you mean he doesn't know how to behave around Omega?"
Dad frowned.
"Jinx blames Omega for everything, so he's had a bad attitude around the other, which is why I've kept the two apart from each other." He explained.

I blinked but frowned.
"Well can I meet him?"
"You just woke up after a six day nap, lets focus on you before we focus on anyone else." Papa frowned at me as I frowned back.
"But I'm fine, there's nothing to focus on me about, I'd like to meet Jinx." I said now.
"Especially if the two of you are serious about adding him to the family." I added.

"You know what I just thought about?" Jackie spoke up looking at the other adults now with an arched brow.
"What?" Uncle Joshua questioned looking at the other.
Jackie stared.
"How this adoption system works, literally we don't have one in any of these towns. If you see a kid in the streets, they're basically up for grabs." He shrugged.

"Babe, no." Rocky rubbed his temples as Jackie looked at him.
"What do you mean, no? That's exactly what Magna and Moxie are doing, they see strays in the street and they bring them into their home, next thing we know. Bam, they're adopted." Jackie argued.
Rocky stared.
"Well I mean yeah, they do sort of do it like that, but you can't just walk outside and snag a kid and call it yours." He told the other.
Jackie looked at him.
"And why not?"
"Because in some places that's considered kidnapping, also half the kids we see HAVE families, so no babe. The kids are not up for grabs, you just have to be lucky." Rocky explained.

Jackie's arms crossed.
"Hm, odd, well either way these two are going to be the family that adopt kids every week apparently, since you know, money isn't an issue and there's no rule in the nonexistent rule book that states you can't bring an orphaned child into your home and call them yours." He said now.
I don't think anyone could argue with that.

"Iggy." I glanced to Lawless and it was like his eyes were telling me what he was thinking, it made my throat go dry before I just nodded and Lawless stood to his feet.

Ziggy looked at the other.
"Where are you going?"
"Me and Iggy need to talk, we won't be long." Lawless said taking my hand and leading me out of the room that lead back to mine.
"Are we really doing this with everyone in the house?" I asked sitting in front of Lawless on the bed who was looking at me.
"I sent my dad a text letting him know what I had planned, so yes, I want to do this so I can officially make you mine." He told me.
I looked at him before smiling softly.
"I wake up from a coma and you wanna do it, what a pervert." I teased as Lawless blinked before looking away, obviously embarrassed.

I just grinned removing my shirt before moving closer to him.
"I'm teasing you Law, you know I want nothing more than to be called yours, it is a little odd you'd want to do it the moment I wake up though."
"We made a promise that we would do it the night before the full moon ceremony, tonight is the night before that happens and I don't want to wait any longer." Lawless told me.
I blinked but smiled softly.
"I understand, then make me yours." I told him.

I watched his eyes slightly widen before he was removing his shirt and his lips were soon on mine, carefully he was pushing me back as his hand slid up my chest and his hand was caressing my cheek as I felt his leg slip between mine.
I felt my body getting hot as his free hand traveled and grabbed my hip, lifting as he grinded against me which caused a sound to escape my lips, startling both of us.

Lawless looked at me as I looked up at him with a flushed face.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I blinked but grinned.
"I'm okay, are you okay? You look like you just got shot." I pointed out.
Lawless blushed.
"Sorry, you just threw me off, I didn't think a moan could sound like that." He told me.
I looked at him.
"Like what?"
He smiled softly.
"So cute." He said pulling my shorts down as I shivered underneath him.

"Where do you want it?" Lawless questioned as I thought about it before my eyes looked into his.
"My shoulder, so no matter where we go, everyone will know I'm marked by you." I told him.
Lawless blinked but he nodded as the dark blue veins appeared under his steel blue eyes, he leaned in kissing my shoulder before his fangs came out and he was sinking them into my flesh.
I let out a quiet pained cry as he held me still, biting in deeper as the pain shot up and down my body.
It was like being set on fire just for everything to soon turn to ice.

"Mark me in the same spot." Lawless told me licking the blood off my shoulder now as I nodded, doing exactly as he did by kissing the others shoulder and biting as hard as my fangs would let me, I heard him hiss in pain but he soon relaxed as I tasted his blood entering my mouth, it was bitter but sweet.
Maybe that was the vampire in me that didn't mind the taste of blood, either way.
I broke away from his shoulder and admired the swollen wound made by me.

"We're officially marked." Lawless laid me back down with his lips on mine, his hands were on my thighs and after minutes of prepping and uncomfortable feelings.
He was soon inside of me, making me his completely.

I won't tell you how loud I was because I was already embarrassed over the idea of being heard.
I just remember clinging to the other, crying his name and begging for him not to stop or to let me go.
It was a whole new feeling, and to think we would be doing this exact same thing with August and Oakley.
But I knew, we would never be connected in this kind of way like me and Lawless were.

Lawless was my first love and he'll be my last, I knew there would never be anyone else like him, no one who could make me feel so in love and alive like the way he could.

And now?

We were one.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now