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Three months have passed since all of the crazy happened and let me tell you, even more crazy happened after that!
Remember the festival my papa randomly brought us to?
Yeah him and dad decided to adopt a kid off the streets that same night, I'm really starting to think Jackie may have been right about my parents just taking in strays because they had the money to do it and there were no rules saying they couldn't.
So there's that.

I mean don't get me wrong, Quin is a pretty cool guy for an omega, but him and Jinx tend to clash more than Jinx and Omega do.
I think it's because Jinx and Quin have similar personalities, and by that, I mean they both have anger issues they need to resolve.

But I'm not even done with the crazy talk and I'm sort of glad papa went out of his way and bought a bigger house, because like grocery shopping?
They adopted two more kids out of the blue, thankfully not back to back like with what happened with Jinx and Omega.

Leif was my final brother (I hope) who was a vampire, and I finally got a sister!
Her name was Amber, an omega like Quin.
Honestly I really think we needed a girl added to our family a long time ago, but like everyone else in this house.
She still had her own demons to face.

There was a lot of adjusting with this family and once we moved into the new house with an attic and basement included, we barely saw Jinx and Quin.
Quin took the attic and Jinx claimed the basement.
Thankfully we didn't have a lot of storage, otherwise those two would have been in for a rude awakening by having to settle for a normal bedroom like the rest of us.

I really did like having siblings though, it gave me a lot more people to talk to besides just my parents, plus when the new semester rolls around, the five of them will be attending Crossroads.
I was a little curious to see how that was going to play out, especially since Omega and Jinx have never attended school before.
There was also the fact Dorian seemed to be interested in Jinx, which I had to fight back the urge to tease the other about.

It was November and the time for Thanksgiving and our house was full of family and friends, it almost felt like we had someone famous here from all of the cars and people in the house.
Even Aunt Lexi and her bunch showed up, but naturally, they avoided socializing as much as possible by staying in the dining room where the wine was.

There was also the fact, not everyone in the family was thrilled seeing not only Lawless but August and Oakley were glued to my side and followed me everywhere I went.
But that was okay because I wasn't going to please anyone here but my three mates who loved me unconditionally, plus I knew who supported me and that was enough.

It did take some time explaining my relationship to my five other siblings though, I think the only one who took real interest in my relationship was Amber, but she did have to clarify that she was a one person at a time kind of girl, it didn't stop her from showing support though.
And it actually formed a friendship between her and Oakley.

"Iggy, can you bring out the rolls?" I heard dad request as I nodded walking into the kitchen as he checked the food in the stove.
"Is the stuffing almost done?" I questioned grabbing the bowl of rolls that August took from me with a grin as I scowled at the other for doing my job.
"I hope." Dad whined.

"You hope? What are you doing in here?" Aunt Zoe questioned walking in with Aunt Evie by her side.
"Failing as a cook." Dad cried as he opened the stove door again as if it would change seconds later after already checking it.
Aunt Zoe only grinned.
"You were the one who decided to take on the challenge for the stuffing, you know Evie would have been perfectly okay cooking it this year." She told him.
"I know but I wanted to attempt it." Dad responded as I smiled before following August out of the kitchen and into the dining room where half of the family was.

"Have I told you that you look very attractive tonight?" August questioned walking next to me as I smiled softly.
"You have, countless times, just like Oakley and Lawless have." I informed him.
August smirked.
"Well obviously you need to be reminded countless times so you know how much you mean to us." He told me.
I blinked before my face grew warm.
"You guys mean a lot to me as well." I told him.
August smiled softly.
"We know." He responded teasingly as I grinned shoving him as he put the bowl of rolls down and took my hands in his.

"I pay you a compliment and you attack me? How rude." He grinned as I smiled.
"You started it by teasing me." I pointed out.
"Is that what I was doing?" He asked as his hand took my hip and pulled me into him, his lips on mine as I grinned into the kiss.
"It was." I smiled.

"Iggy, come here for a moment."
I frowned looking over my shoulder to my Aunt Lexi who stood there with uncle Mistral, the two frowning at me.
August's hand fell from my hip as I made my way over to the two adults.

Aunt Lexi's arms crossed.
"You should really think about your future when it comes to these childish ideals you have by having three mates, what you're doing is selfish and you really shouldn't broadcast that kind of thing for everyone here to see, it's disgust-"

"Really Lexi?"
She paused before looking at Uncle Monty who walked up, glaring softly with Uncle Joshua right behind him.
"What? I'm only stating what everyone here is thinking-"
"The only ones that are bothered by Iggy's happiness are you, Mistral and mom, so don't say it's what everyone is thinking when it's just the three of you." Monty said scolding her with a soft glare.
"It's Thanksgiving for a reason, not a time to complain and make it about yourself, so please shut your mouth and drink your wine or leave." Monty told her.
"We're already used to not having the three of you during the Holidays, so if you're here to ruin tonight by judging our nephew, get out." He frowned.

Aunt Lexi frowned deeply before leaning over to Uncle Bexley.
"Get Lore." She told him.
Not having to be told twice, he nodded leaving his mates side.

Uncle Monty only smiled softly.
"You're a real riot and as closed minded as Ace Ellison-"
"Don't you DARE compare me to him, Monty!" Aunt Lexi snarled hatefully at the other.

"Whoa, whoa, put out the fire, what the hell is happening?" Aunt Zoe ran into the room with papa who looked at Uncle Monty and Aunt Lexi who were both glaring harshly at each other.

"I'm a lot of things Monty, but I am not Ace Ellison, it disgusts me that we're related to him, but you don't get to sit back and compare me to him just because I'm uncomfortable with the fact, our brothers son is a minx!" She hissed before glaring harshly the moment my dad's hand connected hard to his sister's face.

"Moxie?! What are you doing?" Grandma demanded glaring at the blond who was glaring at Lexi with hurt in his eyes.
"Get out, Lexi, I can tolerate a lot of things said and done by you, but I won't tolerate you calling my son a whore in my own house." He growled bitterly as Aunt Lexi glared at him.
"You know it's true-"
"Out." Dad growled at her with anger in his eyes.

Aunt Lexi only glared.
"You'll always be a damn disappointment and it never fails to amaze me how blind you still are to reality." She said snatching Lore's wrist who actually flinched with knitted brows and took Bexley's hand.

"This will be the last time we speak Moxie, I won't continue playing pretend just to make the air breathable for your sake, it's disgusting how this family supports Iggy, it's worse than when you fought so hard to be with a damn vampire. You just like to ruin things for this family." She looked at him with anger and hurt in her own eyes.
"And I'll always hate you for it." She said storming out with Lore who was looking right at me with hurt in her eyes before following after her parents.

My dad stood there trembling.
"Mox?" Aunt Zoe frowned at him as he walked past her in silence to only have Ziggy and uncle Monty chase after him.

"Well that was a bit intense."
I turned around to find Amber there with her arms crossed, her brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail that helped expose her honey brown eyes as she wore a dark maroon dress with black heels.

"You heard all of that?" I asked.
Amber bit her gum.
"Want me to lie and say no?" She questioned.
I inhaled sharply before frowning.
"No, not really, I need to go check on dad." I said going to move past the other but her hand reached out and placed itself on my chest.

"Hey, I know I haven't been in the family for long, I've never met that woman either until tonight but you should know, what she said about you being a minx? She's wrong." She told me.
I looked at her before smiling softly.
"Thank you Amber, I appreciate you telling me that, but now I really want to go check on dad." I told her looking at August who stepped back from me as I walked away from the two.
"Moxie, calm down and breathe-"
"I can't believe she actually came here picking a fight, she called Iggy a whore!" I paused at the archway as my dad stood at the sink with his back to me.
"And on Thanksgiving." His head bowed as he let out a frustrated sigh.

I didn't want to move as I frowned at my aunt and uncle who stood there with the other.
"You know how Lexi is, hell you know how mom and Mistral are, they claim to try to support our family but the first minute things go sour, they get uptight about things." Aunt Zoe said with crossed arms.
"That's not a good enough excuse to call someones child a whore, Zoe, I won't tolerate anyone calling any of my children names." Dad said frowning deeply.

I moved out of the way as grandma walked past me, her arms crossed as he frowned deeply at her.
"Are you leaving as well?" He asked her.
Grandma frowned, her eyes fell on me then onto him.

"No, I came here to check on you, I may never understand how my grandson can have three mates and be so open about it, but I'll always want my children in my life even if you and your sister have to fight about it. Lexi was out of line and I'll make sure she knows about it when she calls me later to talk about tonight, she's always been the tempered one besides Mistral." She said with crossed arms.

"Is he still here?" Dad asked her.
Grandma frowned.
"No, he left moments after Lexi did, he didn't say much but that he didn't want his family here either. You know they get like this, in a few weeks or so you'll all be okay again." She told him.
Dad's arms crossed.
"I didn't like the way she grabbed Lore-"
"Lore is not your child nor is that your business Moxie, how Lexi chooses to raise her daughter is her business, she may toss her opinions on how she'd want you to raise Iggy and the other children better, but she doesn't get involved." Grandma told him.

Dad only frowned looking away as grandma sighed reaching up and cupped the others cheek.
"No one is perfect in this family and they never will be, being married to Ace made me realize that and it took getting back with your dad to also realize how being imperfect is perfect." She smiled softly.
"You've never ruined anything for this family, your sister is just hurting in ways we can't help her, but you know when someone is hurting, they say things they don't mean." She told him as his brows knitted and tears formed in his eyes.
Grandma smiled sadly.
"You'll always be my son, no matter the choices you make in this crazy life, you are also my only child who likes to adopt children." She pointed out with a smile.
"It makes me happy knowing how much love you have for those six." She said.
Dad smiled softly as the tears slipped.
"Thanks mom, I wouldn't trade them for the world." He told her.
She smiled in response.
"I know you wouldn't, baby, that's what makes me so proud of you." She told him.
"The stuffing is thankfully not burnt." Ziggy sighed as he walked out with the platter as we all sat at the table, watching the other sit it down before joining Jensen at his side.
"Next year I vote for someone else to cook it, no offense Moxie." He said teasingly as dad blinked before blushing.
"I just wanted to be involved." He whined.

"Then cook something else that doesn't need planning." Uncle Monty grinned at his brother as dad sighed softly.

I smiled taking a bite of the stuffing to find it surprisingly moist and not as dry as I thought it would be.
I blinked looking over my shoulder to August as Oakley and Lawless looked us.
"Are you okay?" August asked me.
I stared at him before smiling softly.
"I'm okay, don't worry about earlier Auggie, comments like that don't hurt me. The only thing that hurts is seeing who I care about react to being what's said." I told him.
August blinked but he smiled softly.
"You always surprise me with your selflessness, but it's one of the many things I love about you." He told me.

"I love him more." Oakley argued as August grinned.
"I don't think you do." He taunted.
Oakley went to stand but Lawless was quick to grab the other and sit him back down.

"Don't cause a scene, we all love Iggy." Lawless was hesitant.
"But I love him more than both of you-"
"THERE IT IS." Oakley screeched getting up and walked over before his lips were on mine and I just grinned.

"Man kids sure are bold nowadays, I mean kissing right in front of my cranberry sauce? How much more open can you get?" Jackie sighed heavily.
"Wait, it was YOU that took the last of the cranberry sauce?" I heard papa question with anger in his eyes.
Jackie sat there staring at the other before taking a bite of the cranberry sauce.
"Wanna fight about it?" He challenged.
Papa stood up and so did Jackie, with the cranberry sauce.

"Oh boy." Ziggy sighed as dad smiled softly at the two.
"There's always something crazy happening." Dad commented before his brows knitted and he was jumping to his own feet.

"Mox?" Ziggy looked at him worried as dad covered his mouth, running out of the room to only have Ziggy right behind the other.

I sat there watching my papa and Jackie fighting over the cranberry sauce and for some reason, uncle Joshua and Stetson were offering money to see the two actually fight over the sauce.
It was just CRANBERRY sauce.
But apparently to them it was more than that.

"I'm going to go check on dad." I told Omega who sat across from me with a nod.

Getting to my feet, I left the dinning room and made my way down the hall to only hear the two in the bathroom.
Blinking I quietly made my way over to the door and listened.

"What does it say?"
"It doesn't say anything Moxie, it's a stick-"
"Okay, not what I meant, what are the results?" I heard dad question.
"Oh, it's-"

Oh boy.
I can't wait to see how papa reacts to that kind of news.

That's a story for another time.
So for now, you'll have to wait.
But trust me.

It'll be worth it. <3

To Be Continued....

//Hey guys!
H.Stowe here, so the third book is finally complete and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. <3
I will be going on a short hiatus to get book #4 "An Omega's Curse." Ready to be read, I can't promise when it'll be out, but it will be sooner rather than later.
It will be staring Quin Grimes who struggles being an omega but also struggles with an alpha who wants to give him a hard time doing so.
There will be a lot of drama, romance, and so much more in the 4th book that I can't wait and share with you guys!
So in the meantime, I hope everyone looks forward to what I have in store, I also hope you guys have a great week and I'll see everyone soon!


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