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"Alright slow poke, we're all waiting for you, what's taking so long?" I stood on the other side of Iggy's door, waiting for the other to respond, but received nothing but silence.
Frowning, I knocked again before pushing the door open.

"Iggy?" I questioned stepping into the bedroom to find him on the bed.
"I know you did not come in here and go to sleep." I smiled softly walking over to the other and gently tapped him, but something felt off.
My brows furrowed when I gently grabbed his ankle and tugged him but again, there was no response.
"Iggy?" My heart began to pound standing there as fear filled my eyes.
"IGGY!" I screamed.

"Moxie?!" I turned around with tears in my eyes as Magna stood there with wide eyes looking at me as I stood there trying not to take my eyes off of Iggy.
"M-Magna, something's wrong, he won't wake up." I told the other.
Magna's brows furrowed as he dared to step into the bedroom and moved closer to Iggy who continued to lay there, his chest slowly rising.

"Call Stetson, get Jayce over here." Magna instructed, his back was to me as he took in our son.
"Just call him, please Mox." Magna looked to me and there was nothing but pain in his eyes as I stepped back with tears in mine before nodding and stepping out of the room.

I walked down the hall with the feeling of my whole body trembling.
I stopped and turned to the bedroom that held Omega, he barely had the door open but was looking right at me with worry in his own eyes.
I couldn't freak out in front of him, not when he was still so new to this family, I had to fake it for right now.
"Everything is okay Omega, just stay in your room for right now-"
"Is my brother okay?" He asked and I could hear his voice starting to crack.
It was harder to breathe all of a sudden as tears burned my eyes.
"He's going to be fine." I forced a smile.
"We're going to get this figured out, so don't cry, he wouldn't want you to be sad over something so silly." I told him as I walked down the hall, trying my best to ignore the tears that had slipped past down my own cheeks as I said that.

I stood in the living room as more tears fell and pressed dial on Stetson's number in Magna's phone.
Was it dealing with premonitions? 
Why would it put Iggy to sleep?
There were so many questions and not enough answers and it was already driving me insane.

I blinked through fallen tears not realizing the phone had been ringing.
"Stetson hey, is Jayce awake?" I asked him.
{"Mox..? Yeah, he's awake, is everything okay?"} He asked me.
Again, it was hard to breathe standing there.
"No, I don't know, it's Iggy. Is there anyway you two can come down here? Please.." I frowned into the phone.
{"You didn't even have to say please, we'll be there in a few minutes, hang tight."} Stetson said before hanging up.

I was pacing in the living room before I heard the front door being knocked on then pushed open, and in minutes.
Jayce, Stetson and Azalea were in the room with me.

"What's going on?" Jayce approached me as I looked at him with knitted brows.
"Iggy went to get dressed earlier and when I went to check on him, I thought he was asleep, but he won't wake up." I said as tears slipped.

"What?" Azalea's eyes were wide.
"He's going to be okay, right daddy?" She looked at Jayce who was frowning at me with knitted brows as well.
"Let me see him." He told me.

We walked down the hall and the whole time we walked, it sounded like our footsteps were only getting heavier the closer we got to Iggy's room.

I pushed open the bedroom door and Magna was still standing in that same spot, his eyes stuck on our son.
Stetson frowned stepping up and placed his hand on the others shoulder who looked at him with black eyes.
"Something isn't right Stetson." He commented.
Stetson frowned deeply.
"That's why we're here." He responded looking to Jayce who frowned stepping up and carefully placed his hands on Iggy's cheeks then forehead.
Listening to the other.

I stood next to Magna watching Jayce whose brows were furrowing as his hand slid and placed itself on Iggy's chest, continuing to listen.
His eyes slowly opened and there was a troubled expression on his face before he stepped back and looked to us.

"He's comatose." He told us and I felt my knees buckle, nearly sending me to the ground, but Magna caught my arm as he looked at Jayce frowning deeply.
"Why?" He asked and there was so much anger in his tone it was hard to tell who he was mad at here.
Jayce looked at us then to Iggy.
"There's a darkness taking place in your sons head, only well skilled vampires are able to acquire it and the one who has this skill required, used it against your son to get some kind of warning across." He explained to us.

My brows knitted.
"But why go this far? Why put him in this kind of state?!" I demanded.
There was pain in Jayce's eyes as he stood there.
"To hurt you obviously, whoever is behind this is someone who never should have been messed with, because now he's targeted Iggy and I honestly can't tell you when he'll wake up from this." He looked over his shoulder and everyone in the room could feel the statement he wanted to say.
If he'll wake up..

I looked to Magna whose eyes were jet black standing there.
"It had to be that man, the one who imprisoned Omega, who else could do this?!" He demanded glaring harshly at the bed that our son laid on.

We all turned to the door to find Lawless there nearly out of breath with soaked brown hair and wide steel blue eyes.
Ziggy and Jensen were right behind him with Azalea who had tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I had to call Lawless, he had the right to know something was wrong." She told us.
It was starting to feel way too real now.

"What's wrong with him?" Ziggy questioned as  Lawless stepped into the room, walking past all of us and made his way right into Iggy's bed.
He took the others hands with this confused look on his face as Iggy laid there, not moving.

"He's in a comatose state." Stetson responded looking to the other as Ziggy's eyes grew wide.
"Comatose? But how-"
"A vampire whose going to pay dearly for threatening my fucking sons life-"
"Magna, language." I hissed at him disapprovingly.

"I'M ALLOWED TO BE ANGRY, MOX, THIS IS MY FUCKING SON'S LIFE HERE!" Magna screamed at me as I stood there with wide eyes full of tears as he stood there glaring at me before his eyes widened and he looked away fast.
"I'm sorry." He was quick to apologize and it only made more tears fall as we all stood there.

"I'll go make some coffee, Jensen, Stetson, take Magna to cool down." Ziggy spoke up as he walked over to me, his brows knitting as he cautiously took my hands in his.
"You and Jayce will join me in the kitchen, everything will be okay, you'll see." He told me with this reassurance in his voice but there was so much sadness in his eyes.

I didn't want to leave the room, I wanted to stay standing in here in case there was a chance that Iggy would wake up any second now and apologize for scaring everyone.

My legs moved but Ziggy paused at the door, his eyes fell on Lawless as he frowned.
"Law?" He called to his son who wouldn't budge.
Ziggy frowned.
"Come join us shortly, okay?" He requested.
Ziggy watched him for a minute before frowning as the three of us left the room and went into the kitchen.
"It just doesn't make sense." My face fell into the cup of my hands sitting at the kitchen table.
"Why go through such extremes to get your point across?" I found myself asking as Ziggy poured the coffee into three coffee cups before making his way over to the kitchen table to join me and Jayce.
"I don't know Mox, but I do know for a fact, whenever our guys get their hands on this one? It'll be a death worse than what Codie received." Ziggy responded taking a seat at the table.

"Because trust me, if someone went after Lawless? They wouldn't even get a prayer in." Ziggy looked at me.
"I don't know why this guy would place Iggy in a comatose state, just like I don't know why he's hiding behind the curtains, no one knows what he looks like." His arms crossed taking a sip of his coffee as I frowned at the other.
"No one except Omega." I responded.

Jayce looked to me.
"Do you think he would be open to telling us what this man looks like, so we can have an idea of who to look for on the streets?" He questioned.
I looked at him and just as I was about to get up.

Omega stood in the kitchen with tears streaming down his cheeks.
"T-This is my fault, isn't it?" He stood there crying as I got up, knocking the chair back as I quickly approached the other.
I wanted to be cautious of his feelings of being touched, but that wasn't an option for me right now, my arms wrapped around the other, hugging him.

"No baby, of course it's not your fault, none of this is." I told him as he cried harder into my shoulder, clinging now.
"B-But if I hadn't ran away, if y-you hadn't taken me in, he would be okay." Omega cried as I pulled back and looked at him.
"Omega listen to me, this is NOT your fault, you ran because you had the chance and took it and nothing makes me prouder knowing you take those chances when they're given to you." I brushed my thumbs under his eyes.

"No one blames you, faults you or anything like that, you are completely innocent about this, do you understand me? Do NOT blame yourself for what's happening to your brother, your papa and I plus our friends will get this taken care of and Iggy will be awake in no time and once he's awake, you and him will get to eat all of the marshmallows you want and I won't even complain, okay?" I smiled softly as tears begged to fall looking at the broken Eve who looked at me with knitted brows, he was hesitant but nodded.

We stood there for a moment before Omega sniffled.
"H-His name is Mr. Kaiser Montoya-"

"What a sinister sounding name."

I turned to find Magna there with the guys plus Lawless whose eyes were dark.
My eyes were on Magna who frowned softly at me, cautiously I approached the other reaching up and caressing his cheek as he fell into the touch.
"I'm sorry for getting so angry, you know it wasn't at you." He told me.
I smiled sadly.
"I know Magna, are you okay now?" I asked him.
He was hesitant but gave me a small nod.
"I've cooled down for now." His eyes fell on Omega who was already looking at him with knitted brows.

Magna stepped back from me and cautiously approached Omega now.
"You said his name was Kaiser Montoya?" He asked him.
Omega frowned softly but he nodded.
"H-He's around your friend's height," he looked to Stetson.
"With slicked back blond hair and cold red eyes, he has a scar below his right eye and scars on his arms, he's usually wearing a dark gray coat and dark jeans. Sometimes he has circular sunglasses on and his voice is kind of deep." Omega told us as he nibbled his bottom lip.

"Well that's enough of a description for me." Stetson commented as Jensen nodded in agreement.
"We'll let Joshua, Jackie and Colt know so they can also keep an eye out for this guy." His arms crossed.

"I want to keep an eye out as well." Lawless spoke up as Ziggy frowned at him.
"Dad, Iggy is going to be my mate, he is the love of my life." Lawless looked at us.
"I would do absolutely anything in the world for that guy on the bed, even if it means killing someone for his sake, so please do not tell me to stand back and let the adults handle it." Lawless looked away frowning.
"If I stood back and let you guys do all of the work to bring this guy down, I would never be able to call myself your son, his mate or be able to face myself for being lazy about this. Iggy means too much to me." Lawless told us frowning.
"So I'll be keeping an eye out whether you want me to or not." He said.

No one said anything before Jensen smiled softly.
"That's my son, he gets that stubborn attitude from me." He shrugged.
And for some reason, that brought relief into the room and in minutes.

We were making plans to bring Kaiser Montoya down.

[Two Days Later]

I stood in the bedroom looking at Iggy's sleeping body as Magna stood at my side.
There was still no sign of him waking up any time soon.
But there was a part of me hoping, he would.

Magna's hand took mine as I looked down at it then looked up at him as he frowned before looking to me.

"He's going to pay." He told me.

Kaiser Montoya came into our lives asking for war.
And a war is what he's going to get.
I just hope.

He's ready for what he's asking for, because once we're done?

There will be nothing left of him.

That much I can promise.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now