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The room was dark as I sat in the corner with my knees to my chest, I had no idea what time it was, but the only thing that crossed my mind was the fact.
Iggy was not home yet.
As soon as he left the house, I returned to the room that was claimed as mine and I hadn't left.
How could I?
I barely knew the grownups.
But what I did know was that they were really nice.

It scared me because I've never been used to something as nice as this.
Mr. Montoya wouldn't allow that sort of thing, and I think that's why I'm scared to get used to this life.
What if they find me?
Will those grownups really fight to keep me here?
Will I lose Iggy as my brother if I'm taken away again?

I hugged my knees closer to my chest as my brows began to knit and the tears started to form.
I wasn't sure what it was like to have a real family.
That first family who found me turned out to be really nice, and now this family was also really nice.
Iggy treated me like a person for the first time in my life and it made me happy.
Or at least I think it did..?

I looked to the window that was closed as the dark clouds hung above the sky, I guess another storm would be coming.
That's something I've always been afraid of.
There was nothing good about them.
They were loud, scary and at times.

Now that I'm looking around, I don't see a real good hiding spot to get into in case the thunder gets loud.
Will the grownups get mad if I scream over the sound of lightning?
I know Iggy said they were my parents now.
But I was scared of upsetting them.
It's all I was used to.
Was being this huge upset with nothing more than a name tag.


Mr. Montoya and his followers never addressed me as Omega, not once, I was strictly and only Eve to them like some kind of prized jewel.
It hurt knowing I was nothing more than that.
And I think that's when they showed their true colors, that I was nothing more than some object they would use when I got older..

It sent chills up and down my body as my nails dug into the sides of my arms sitting in the corner.

I wanted to know what it was like to feel loved and held like Iggy's talked about.
He likes hugging me and it scares me, but I like the feeling it brings.
He's really nice..
My eyes fell to the window again as I sat there.

If I stay here, I'll only bring these nice people trouble, Mr. Montoya will hurt them and it will be all because of me.

Slowly, I got to my feet and made my way to the window.
All of my life, I've wanted to know what freedom felt like.
How the sun would warm my skin and how the snow would freeze me in seconds.
How ice cream tasted or how much milk I could drink without getting sick.
These were all silly thoughts I know.
But they were what made me, me.

My fingers pressed against the glass of the window as I stood there with knitted brows.
I can't stay here.
Trouble will only come and I don't want to see anyone else get hurt over me.
I wasn't worth it.

My blood ran cold as the light came on in the bedroom and there the grownup stood.
I think this one was Moxie, Iggy said to call him dad and the other one papa.
But it made me nervous even considering that being an option for someone like me.

"What are you doing?" He casually asked looking at me as I stood at the window, my brows were knit as the tears reformed.
"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him and it was like the question caught him off guard.
Because his hazel blue eyes grew wide looking at me.
It made him blink before he looked over his shoulder then to me with a soft smile.

"Come step away from the window, I'll make us some hot chocolate and then I'll answer that question." He told me, motioning for me to follow him out of the room I felt most comfortable being in.
I was hesitant and he could sense that based on me not moving yet.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now