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"So, where are you from Dexter Jones?" I casually asked the other as he sat in the desk next to me.
Dexter blinked but smiled softly.
"Moon Rose." He answered as I studied the other.
"Oh cool, my cousins dad grew up there, he said that it's where both wolf and vampire live in this perfect harmony, is that true?" I questioned.
Dexter smirked softly.
"I wouldn't call it harmony, but it was better compared to how Crossroads used to be, my parents said this man ran the show and it made everyone miserable." He said taking out his pen for notes.

I frowned now.
"My parents said the same thing, my dad called him a bad man but he's still in prison this very day." I said.
Dexter looked to me.
"Must have been a very bad man to land in prison this long, but at least he's not here now, right?" He managed a smile as I blinked but smiled softly.
"Right." I looked away now before nibbling my bottom lip.

"So why did you choose to come to Crossroads?" I looked back to Dexter who chuckled softly looking at me now.
"You really have no problem asking questions do you?" He asked now.
I stared.
"It's how I get to know someone, plus, you didn't seem phased when you figured out I was an Eve right?" I questioned.

Dexter blinked.
"I had no idea actually, I just thought you were an omega with heterochromia." He answered as I made a face now.
"You thought I was just an omega?" I asked him frowning now.
Dexter stared.
"Well yeah, you were super pretty but now that you've pointed it out.." He looked at me for a moment.
"I definitely can't read you." He smiled softly.

I watched him before looking ahead now.
"Do I make you feel uncomfortable being what I am? I mean I am a walking target for outsiders, I can put you at risk by just knowing me." I told him.
Dexter arched a brow.
"If you made me uncomfortable, I doubt I'd be talking to you right now." He smiled softly looking at me despite me not looking at him.
"Plus, I think it's pretty cool I got to meet an Eve, especially considering your kind didn't exactly have it easy back then." He commented.

I looked back at him frowning.
"What do you mean?"
Dexter looked at me.
"I mean-"

We both blinked before my eyes fell to the front of the classroom again where Crickets boyfriend, Zell Walker stood with a grin on his face looking right at me.

"Short stacks..?" Dexter looked to me for further explanation as I sighed looking to the other.
"It's what they call me because I'm smaller than most male omega's, but that's what happens when you're born two months early." I smiled sadly getting to my feet as Zell met me half way, his brow arched up.

"Who's the alpha?" The brown haired, blue eyed vampire questioned looking past me before his eyes met mine.
I looked at him.
"A new guy, his name is Dexter Jones." I told the other.
Zell looked at me for the longest time.
"Uh huh, so anyway, Lawless already filled me in on this cook out your family is having, but would you guys be down for a bonfire at the lake this weekend? Our first week back to school and what better way to celebrate than a two day party over night?" He grinned.

I stared but shrugged with a smile.
"I'll let you know Zell, you know how my parents are, my dad's super protective over me and-"
"Iggy, the whole vampire group will be there, nothing bad will happen to you. A vampire's promise." He smiled at me now.
I nibbled my lip before sighing.
"Let me talk it over with my parents first, I trust you guys, but I respect the hell out of my parents wishes and don't want to lose that over a party." I told him.

Zell sighed.
"Fine fine, fair enough, I won't push your little buttons about it. Lawless may kill me if I do, also when the hell are you two going to get together? The guy won't shut up about you, it's always, Iggy this and Iggy that. It's more annoying than when Charlie's favorite anime comes on and then she NEVER shuts up." His arms crossed looking at me.
I smiled softly.
"I don't want to rush anything, we're going at our own pace Zell." I told him.

Zell studied me before nodding.
"Alright slow poke, I'll let you get back to your notes and flirty time with Mr. Alpha wolf over there." He joked as I made a face.
"We're not flirting-"
"If you say so-"
"And don't mention Dexter to Lawless, the last thing I need is him barging into the classroom all huffy puffy about it." I told the other.

Zell smirked now.
"Wonder how mad he'd get if I started calling him huffy puffy?" He questioned.
"Don't." I grinned.
"Alright I won't, see ya at lunch." He said walking out of the classroom as I returned to my desk with a soft sigh.

"Close friend of yours?" Dexter asked me.
I smiled softly looking at him.
"I wouldn't call him close, but he is my cousins boyfriend, and my childhood friend's best friend. You get used to him after a while." I told the other.
Dexter arched a brow but nodded not questioning it.

For the rest of the class period, we were both quiet, maybe I ruined things by asking him questions after just meeting him.
But he was the first alpha who didn't freak out at the sight of me.

When the bell rang we both stood up to only collide right into each other.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized as our things hit the floor and we were both knelt down to pick them back up.
"It's cool I wasn't looking, which reminds me, which class do you have next?" He asked.
I looked up at him.
"Gym." I answered.
"You?" I questioned.
Dexter smiled softly.
"Me too, would-"

I looked away from Dexter and up to Lawless who was already holding my gym bag, his brows furrowed at the alpha before his eyes met mine.
"Oh hey." I grinned getting to my feet as I stood in front of the other before turning to Dexter.

"Lawless, this is Dexter Jones, he's new here." I smiled at the alpha before looking at my friend.
"And Dexter, this is my childhood friend I mentioned, Lawless Ray." I introduced the two.

Dexter and Lawless were both staring at each other harder than I wanted them to as I frowned.

Lawless broke eye contact first before his eyes met mine.
"We need to get to class before the coach threatens to make us run the whole period." His hand placed itself on my lower back motioning for me to move as I looked over my shoulder to Dexter.

"Are you coming? You said you had gym class next." I said.
Dexter blinked watching us before he smiled.
"I'll be there in a minute." He responded as I blinked but nodded, completely ignoring the glares that both Lawless and Dexter were sending each other.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now