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I want to tell you that this story has a happy ending.
But then I would be lying to us both.
Through this story, not just me, but everyone goes through drama, fights and heartache.
You get reminded of how much a bitch reality really is.
And how life was never intended to be fair.
Especially when outsiders learn the truth that there's not just one Eve but two living inside of Crossroads.
But we'll get to that part later.
For now.
Let's just settle for the family drama and high school fights.
It's a lot more innocent compared to what's fixing to come our way.
I just hope.
You're ready for it.

Because I'm not.

"First day of school, are you guys nervous?" My dad Moxie questioned, he sat at the table while my papa Magna cooked breakfast.

"Ask me that again when I'm not going on two hours of sleep." My cousin, Cricket Ellison yawned sitting next to me at the table.
My dad arched a brow at the other.
"Why are you only going on two hours of sleep?" He asked the blond who grinned.
"YouTube is a teenagers enemy uncle Moxie, you get wrapped up in videos that lead to a series and next thing you know, the suns coming up." He grinned with a stretch that followed.

My dad made a face.
"YouTube..?" He looked to my papa for an explanation who smirked turning to us with a plate full of pancakes.
"It's the new generation Moxie, we never had anything like that at their age, then again. School didn't even exist for us." He said thinking about it now.

"You guys were so lucky back then." Cricket whined.
"To not go to school means summer was never ending." He complained.
My dad smiled softly at him.
"It wasn't all that grand Cricket, it was actually pretty boring." He told him.

"No kidding." I looked up as aunt Zoe and aunt Evie walked into the kitchen.
"Our family was always focused on images and popularity, honestly it got boring pretty fast." Aunt Zoe commented kissing her sons head who looked at her.
"But you guys didn't have to sit and listen to seven different lectures throughout the day for eight hours." He frowned at her.
Aunt Zoe smirked softly.
"No we had it worse, we had Ace Ellison breathing down our necks." She said.

"Oh right, the bad man that's still in prison right?" I asked now looking at my parents.
My dad nodded.
"Yes, the bad man and that's exactly where he'll stay, nothing good came out of those years with him around." He said.
Papa looked to my dad.
"I think since that last big fight, this has been the calmest our years have been, the only things we've had to deal with are our problem children." He joked.

Me and Cricket looked at each other before grinning.

"Are those two ready or am I expected to waste even more of my dads gas?" I looked up and smiled seeing Lawless Ray, my childhood friend and Jensen and Ziggy's son.
I was still waiting for the day for him to make me his wife, whether he's forgot or not.
I haven't.

"I'm ready." I said getting up and grabbing my bag.
"But the pancakes." Cricket whined trying to stuff his mouth with bigger bites.

"Stop that before you choke." Aunt Evie hissed at the other.
"No let him choke, it'll be a learning lesson." Aunt Zoe shrugged but grinned when her mate playfully punched her.
"You are seriously no help! Tell our son to slow down." She told her.
Aunt Zoe sighed.
"Cricket, slow-"

"Done!" Cricket shoved his empty plate forward jumping to his feet.
"Down..." Aunt Zoe arched a brow at the blond with syrup smeared on his face as he grinned.
"Sorry but uncle Magna's pancakes will always smash and I'm not fixing to waste some bomb food." He said.

The adults exchanged looks.
"Smash..?" Aunt Zoe looked at my dad who looked at my papa.
"Bomb food..?"
Papa was only grinning at us.

"Get going before your aunts and dad get even more confused from your teenage lingo." He told us.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now