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I had no idea what I was doing at this point.
I was trying to convince myself that what I was doing was the right thing, by keeping this boy here.
I was just tired of seeing kids being dragged into this sort of thing, I went through it years ago and I didn't want to see my kids or anyone else's kids for that matter, go through similar things.
So I thought by keeping this kid here.
Was for the best.
Even if he hates it.

"This is your fault." The black haired teen snarled at Omega who flinched standing in the living room, his brows knitted.
"M-My fault? But Jinx-"
"Don't casually say my name like we're friends! Because of you, Kaiser lost Mitchie and because Pyro killed him, Kaiser lost a sense of himself!" The teen now known as Jinx hissed bitterly.
"If you had just stayed in that room like a good little hybrid, none of this would be happening and I wouldn't be stuck here!" Jinx hissed glaring at Omega who stood there trembling.

Omega's brows were knitted.
"T-They were mean, K-Kaiser hurt me, he hurt you too!"
"Kaiser is my flesh and blood, HE'S ALLOWED TO HURT ME!" Jinx yelled at Omega who flinched so hard he nearly fell backwards.

"Okay that's enough." I growled at Jinx who glared at me.
"Why? Because you said so?" He asked as I glared.
"That's exactly it, because I said so, yelling at Omega isn't going to change what's going on and neither is bullying him, so I suggest you cut it out and leave him alone." I told the other.
Jinx glared.
"And if I decide to gamble with my chances by ignoring you? Don't forget I'm a vampire, you have no power over me-"

"No, but I do." I turned around and looked at Magna who was glaring at Jinx who was already glaring daggers at the other.
"You don't scare me." Jinx glared.
Magna frowned at him.
"Trust me, if I wanted to scare you, it wouldn't be through words." He said warning the other which made Jinx's glare die down and he looked away, obviously flushed.

I frowned softly at Magna.
"Are you and the guys going to search again?" I asked him with crossed arms.
Magna nodded looking at me.
"If we were easily able to find this boy, I'm sure the clan isn't that far away from us." He said now.

"I think you forget that vampires are known for running fast." Jinx commented with a roll of his eyes aimed at Magna.
Magna stared.
"And I think you forget that we're going to be two steps ahead of your brother, and while we're at it, you should know that when we do find Kaiser?" Magna walked right up to Jinx whose glare returned as Magna looked down at him.
"I'll be the one that kills him." He told him.

"Magna." I hissed now glaring as Magna turned to me.
"You don't have to go that far." I frowned.
Magna glared now.
"Our son is in a coma and you want to tell me that I don't have to go that far? So what should I do Mox, smack this kid's wrist and send him out the door and have him tell his brother that we will trade, this brat back for our son to be awake again?" He asked me.

I glared.
"You're unbelievable." I hissed storming off to Iggy's room.

I stood inside Iggy's room and stared at our sleeping son and before I knew it, reality sunk in and I was sliding down the bedroom door and tears were streaming down my cheeks as I brought my knees to my chest.
I wasn't sure how long I sat there crying, I knew it wouldn't change anything, I knew it wouldn't make Iggy wake up.
And getting mad at Magna wouldn't change anything either.
Just like him getting mad wouldn't.

And I had a feeling that's exactly what Kaiser was wanting, for us to get mad and fight one another for some sick twisted reaction.

I sat there for what felt like hours until there was a knock on the bedroom door, I didn't want to move, but I knew I needed to.
Getting depressed wouldn't change anything.
Frowning to myself I stood to my feet, pulling the bedroom door open but was confused seeing Lawless there with two strangers.

"Lawless?" I questioned the teen who took in my expression and before I knew it, his arms were wrapping around me and the tears resurfaced.
"He's going to wake up." Lawless told me as my brows knitted.
"I know he is." I frowned as he held me tighter.

"Who are they?" I asked as Lawless stepped back from the hug and let the two teens into the room with us.

"This is August Summers and Oakley Mills, the two me and Iggy mentioned to you guys before, they wanted to come see Iggy. I hope that's okay." Lawless said looking at me.
I blinked but smiled softly looking at the pair who stood there looking at me.

"Of course it's fine, sorry we couldn't have met in better circumstances, I'm Moxie Grimes, Iggy's dad." I introduced myself to the two.
The brunet smiled at me.
"It's nice to finally meet you sir." He looked at Iggy and I could see there was sadness in his eyes as his brows tried not to knit but they failed and did so anyway.

"We weren't sure when Iggy would wake up but we still felt like it was important to meet his parents either way." The blond looked at me as I smiled softly.
"Well I appreciate that, you're both a lot more charming than I expected." I said as the one known as August smiled in response, his eyes fell on Iggy and he frowned.

"Have there been no signs that he'll wake up any time soon?" He asked me.
My arms crossed looking at Iggy's body.
"Unfortunately no, he's been like that since the other day, I'm honestly worried because if he doesn't wake up soon. We'll have no choice but to bring him to the hospital so they can monitor him better." I said frowning.

Lawless glanced to me.
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that, I'm sure he'll wake up sooner rather than later, we just have to be patient." He said looking at his boyfriend who continued to just lay there.

My eyes fell on Lawless.
"Was Magna here when you showed up?"
Lawless frowned.
"He's been outside, he seemed like he was in a bad mood so I avoided talking to him, especially with August and Oakley with me." He said.
My jaw ticked as I frowned deeply.
"Yeah we kind of got into it earlier, he was threatening Jinx and said some pretty cruel things and I guess my maternal instincts kicked in and it led to me storming off." I said.

Lawless made a face.
"Well you know the two of you won't stay mad at each other long, you never do." He told me and for some reason, that brought a soft smile to my face, because it was true.
We've always bickered and had our moments where we didn't see eye to eye, but at the end of the day, we were okay.

I turned around and Ziggy stood in the doorway, his eyes were on Iggy at first before his eyes met mine and he looked concerned walking up to me.
"You've been crying." He pointed out cupping my face in his hands with knitted brows.
I smiled softly.
"I'm okay Ziggy, just a lot of emotions and frustrations, you know typical parent stuff." I told him.
Ziggy looked at me before his thumb brushed against my cheek.
"Damn straight I know, Jensen is in the back cooling your mate off, the guys are out in the street searching so as soon as we know something, this whole mess will be over with." He said stepping back.

I let out a soft sigh before nodding.
"I wish it would be already, I want my son to wake up." I told him.
Ziggy nodded.
"Trust me, I know, we all do and you know that he will." He told me before his eyes fell on the duo that stood near Lawless.

"You two must be who Lawless here is constantly talking about right now." Ziggy said now with a grin as Lawless's eyes grew wide and his cheeks turned pink.

"Aww, he talks about us constantly? I'm flattered." August grinned at Lawless who groaned in response.
"Dad, this is August Summers and Oakley Mills, guys this is my dad Ziggy." He introduced the three hiding his face now which seemed to lighten the room a bit.

Ziggy was grinning before his expression softened.
"It's nice to finally meet the two of you, I'm definitely not as intimidating as mine or Moxie's mate is, I think the two of us are probably the more inviting duo." He said.
I nodded in agreement with a smile.
"He's not wrong." I grinned.

August smiled at that.
"Good to know, but at some point we'd like to meet them, obviously once your mate has cooled down." He said as I nodded.
"Definitely after he's cooled down." 

"After who has cooled down?"
I turned to the door to find Magna and Jensen there looking at us.
I frowned at him.
"After you've cooled down." I said frowning.
Magna frowned.
"I am cooled down-"
"Are you sure about that?" I arched a brow at him.

Magna went to glare but stopped himself with a heavy sigh.

"Hello?" Jensen answered his phone cutting Magna off who looked at the other as Jensen listened in on the person who was talking to him.
"Where?" Jensen asked as his brows furrowed looking at Magna who was watching the other.
"Alright, we're heading out, don't be obvious but stay on his heels. Do Joshua and Colt know?" He questioned.
Magna looked at the other as Jensen frowned.
"Okay, see you in a few minutes." He said hanging up and looked at us.

"Kaiser's been spotted." He told us and it made my chest tighten as I looked at Magna who went for the door but I caught his wrist.

"Stay here." Magna told me as I blinked before frowning at him.
"I was going to tell you to be careful." I told him.
Magna studied me before his brows furrowed and he was bringing me into an embrace, his lips on mine before he stepped back.
"This is fixing to be over with, do not let those two boys out of your sight, especially Jinx. I'm not done scolding him with his bad attitude." He kissed me again before stepping out of the bedroom.

I looked at the others and suddenly.
There was hope.

"Jackie said they spotted him near the coffee shop, just out and about as if he were having a daily stroll." Jensen told me as I walked next to the other.
"Well his daily stroll is fixing to be the end, we've dealt with threats in the past, we dealt with Ace Ellison of all people, but this doesn't come close." I said with a glare.
Jensen glanced to me.
"You plan on killing him right?" He asked me.
I looked to the other.
"Of course I plan on killing him, he chose to put my son in a coma to get a reaction and this is how I'll respond, there is no redemption for people like him." I said storming down the street with the other.

"Where is he?" I walked up to Jackie, Joshua and Colt who were standing near the cafe, waiting for us to join them.
"He went inside." Joshua looked at me as I frowned at the other.
"How long ago?"
"Just a few minutes--wait, there he is." Joshua looked past me as I whipped around and glared seeing the blond walk out with a cup of coffee in his hand, he looked around before he continued down the street.

"Let's go." I said walking after the other.

I wasn't sure where he was heading until the cemetery came into view and it made sense, he knew he was being followed so he knew he needed to be close to the place he'd be buried at.

"You've had plenty of chances to kill me."
We all paused walking after Kaiser who stood in front of a gravestone, his eyes glued to it as he stood there with his hand shoved in his pocket before taking a sip of his coffee.
I glared at him.
"I prefer to drag out someone's death that endangers my sons life." I said.

Kaiser looked to me before smirking softly.
"Endangered his life? I simply put him to sleep to get my point across, you took something valuable from me, it's only right I respond in the way I did." He shrugged.
I stepped forward but Jackie was quick to grab the back of my shirt, yanking me back.

"Don't charge in like an idiot Magna, you'll get hurt and then Moxie will be even more sad." He hissed at me.
I glared before glaring at Kaiser.

"You know you're going to die out here right?" I asked him.
Kaiser looked at me as he smiled.
"Why else do you think I'd come out here alone? You've taken everything from me, my Eve, my mate was killed in front of me and now you have my brother. I have no reason to live." He shrugged.
"I really hope you don't expect any of us to feel bad for you, because I'm about ready to shove this stake down your throat." I growled.
Kaiser looked at me.
"What's stopping you? Don't have the balls to commit murder?" He taunted and I felt my blood run ice cold as the anger began to consume me.

"He's baiting you, don't do it." Jensen growled.
"I'll take my chances." I responded before running at the other vampire who smirked in response, ripping out his own stake before swinging it at me.

And before we knew it.
Other unknown vampires were running out of the woods and charging at us with stakes and fangs barred out with black eyes.

"You think killing me will wake your son up?" Kaiser asked swinging the stake at me as I glared harshly.
"There's always that chance now isn't there?" I hissed glaring.
"My son was innocent, he did nothing wrong, you were the one who went after him all because Omega found the courage to run away! Once you're dead and gone, there will finally be peace again!" I yelled before shoving the stake into Kaiser's stomach who let out a pained cry, his knees threatening to buckle but he remained standing.

"There will never be peace! Don't you understand that, between vampires and wolves there will always be a bad guy in someone's story." Kaiser laughed.
"I just happened to be the one in this story, how do you know for certain your son won't die if I die?" He asked me.
"We're connected him and I, if I cease to exist, you don't think he won't?" He questioned.
I glared harshly.
"I know he'll continue existing because he's MY SON!" I growled swinging the stake down again, piercing the others shoulder who growled in pain.

"This is the war you asked for, these are the consequences to picking a fight you knew you never could have won from the very start." I yelled swinging again, this time shoving it deep in the others chest who cried harshly in pain.
I held it there with black eyes as Kaiser looked at me with wide black eyes.

"Never mess with a Grimes, let that be a lesson for you to learn down in hell." I spat bitterly shoving the stake in deeper as Kaiser let out a hiss as his body began to turn gray, slowly ashing from his legs.
He looked at me.
"I'll see you there." He told me before his whole body crumbled and Kaiser was no more.

I knelt there nearly out of breath before turning to my group and the clan of vampires who stood there stunned.
All they had to do was look at me before they each ran in different directions, disappearing completely.
Iggy laid there, his heart beat picking up its pace again, there were voices in the room and despite how many days it's been.
He felt exhausted.

Slowly, he felt his neck move before his eyes finally opened.

Iggy was awake.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now