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I wasn't sure what happened the night before besides waking up drenched in sweat, but the moment I was awake.
My parents told me we were returning home, and when I tried to push on the why, my dad just ignored me.
I knew it had to be something serious, because there were hardly ever any secrets between the three of us.
So of course, this only made me nervous.

"Once things calm down, come back for another visit." My grandma said hugging my dad who smiled softly at her.
"We will mom, I'm sorry things are a bit crazy right now, but.." He looked over his shoulder to me and Omega who held my hand frowning.
"I know." My grandma smiled as she stepped up, kissing the others cheek.
"Just be careful, okay baby?" She looked at him as he smiled with a nod.
"We will be, I'll call you later when we're back home, if anymore of those men show up. Do not open the door." He told her heading towards us and papa.
"You don't have to tell me twice." She smiled with crossed arms watching us walk out.
"So what happened last night?" I asked sitting in the backseat with Omega who was looking out the window with awe in his dark green eyes.
"Iggy, let's not talk about it." My dad said in the front seat.
My brows knitted.
"No buts, Iggy, we're only thinking about you by thinking this between the two of us." My dad turned around in his seat to look at me.
"We're not keeping it from you because we want to, we're keeping it from you to keep you at ease. It's nothing for you to worry about, I promise." He smiled at me but his smile wasn't meeting his eyes.
And that worried me.

"Iggy, why don't you show Omega his room while we unload the car?" Papa suggested as I stood in the grass with Omega who blinked tilting his head.
"I can't sleep with Iggy anymore?" He asked.
It made me smile softly turning to the brunet.
"Trust me, you'll love having your own room." I told him.
Omega only looked confused but nodding following me into the house.

"This will be your room." I pushed open the bedroom door that exposed a room that was the same size as mine, there was just a king sized bed and a dresser underneath the window.
I turned to the other.
"When we get unpacked and if dads up for it, maybe we can go shopping so you can decorate your room." I grinned at him.
Omega was cautious but stepped into the bedroom looking around.

"This is mine..?" He asked taking in the room as his eyes fell on the bed.
I smiled softly watching him.
"Yeah, I told you before, we're family now. Brothers even, so if you like your room. Wait until you see the kitchen, that's where the food is." I grinned.

Omega turned around fast.
"Show me."

I took the others hand and led him out of the room and down the hall that would bring us to the kitchen next.
I heard someone else in the yard talking to my parents, so I was going to assume it was probably one of my friends parents wondering why we were back so soon.
Now I know what you're thinking.

Iggy, why don't you go eavesdrop?
The thing is.
I probably could do that, but I don't want to because if you've seen the movies or read a book, you'd know.
That was probably one of the worst things you could do in that situation.
So it wasn't happening.
I'll stay in the dark until they're ready to tell me what happened.

"This is the pantry." I grinned bringing the other into the small room with shelves full of food.
Omega's eyes were wide as he took it in.
"Wow.." He stood there before tapping his two index fingers together as his face turned a little pink.

"A-And I'll be allowed to eat this stuff? No one will scream or hit me?" He asked.
The question made me hurt as I shook my head.
"No way, my parents are far from the aggressive type, whatever you see in here is up for grabs so don't be scared to come in here and find you something to eat, especially if you're hungry." I told him.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя