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"You really don't mind holding off the bonfire party until next weekend?" I questioned walking down the street with Zell and Charlie Saturday morning.
Zell grinned at me.
"Nope, this was going to be the first time Iggy ever experienced a party as cool as the ones I throw, if his parents are finally letting him live a little, the party can wait." He shrugged.
I blinked but smiled softly placing my hands in my pockets, but I felt my smile drifting away the future we walked away from my house.

"He'll be home tomorrow, Lawless, don't go looking depressed it's only been a day and a half." Charlie commented looking to me as I looked to the brunette with brown eyes.
"I'm depressed because we're supposed to stick together, he left last minute yesterday and all I got was a, see you next Thursday. Now it's, I'll see you first thing in the morning." I frowned looking away.
"Something doesn't feel right." I added in.

"Buddy, nothing ever feels right when you and Iggy are away from each other, which brings me to asking the question. How is your relationship going to work if you bring in an alpha and omega to join you two, it's going to cause a lot of fires." Zell commented standing in front of a store as he admired some suits.

"I can deal with fire." I argued.
Zell smirked looking over his shoulder with an arched brow.
"So if this alpha wants to take Iggy off somewhere to get to know him better-"
"That's not happening-"
"It has to happen if you want this relationship of yours to work." Zell looked at me.
"How else will the four of you learn about each other, if you're constantly sticking to Iggy and not letting him explore and learn about those two?" He asked me.

I frowned at the other.
"I guess I'm just paranoid it's going to be another Dexter problem, those two will be really nice to Iggy, just to break his heart in seconds. I don't want that." I told them.

Charlie looked at me.
"Then maybe find a way to meet up with those two and test the waters yourself? There's no crime in you protecting Iggy's feelings Lawless, it's actually pretty romantic." She smiled softly.

I rubbed the side of my neck.
"I don't even know where to begin looking, August did say they just arrived a few days ago with a few friends, I just don't want them to think I'm being a threat or something."
Charlie and Zell grinned at me.
"Law no offense, but the only threatening thing about you is that protection you have for Iggy, I don't see you showing up at that guys house posing as any kind of threat without your soon to be mate at your side." Charlie said.

I blinked before sighing.
"Thanks, you literally just killed all chances I had to feel bad ass for once." I told her.
Charlie shrugged.
"I can't lie to you Law, and actually, I think I just saw two tickets walk on the opposite side of the street, with their eyes locked right on you." She hinted looking past me.
I looked at her before turning around and sure enough.

August and Oakley were on the opposite side of the street window shopping.

I looked back to Zell and Charlie.
"How do I even approach them?"
"Now whose being intimidated?" Zell smirked pushing me forward.
"You wanted this with Iggy, you figure it out, big boy." He teased as I glared before walking across the street.

I've never really done anything without Iggy, he's always been at my side.
So to approach these two without him, felt really weird.

I made it to the other side and felt my breath hitch when Oakley spotted me first before he was whispering something to August, the other paused looking in the window before his attention fell on me and he grinned softly, motioning for me to join them.

What was this feeling..?
Could a vampire really be in a relationship with an alpha?
But just that expression and the slow motion in his neck made my stomach do a whole dance party.
Could this really work?
Would I really be able to see two other people aside from Iggy?
It felt wrong.
But at the same time.
This excited me.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now