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I sat on the family room's couch staring out the window as the rain came down hard.
My knees were to my chest as I rested my chin on top of them frowning softly.
I could feel small pinches of a headache and I wasn't sure if that was from the premonitions or my fever.
Either way, the headache was making sure I knew it was there.

"What's on your mind?" Lawless walked into the room with two bowls of lucky charms cereal before handing me my bowl, it made my stomach growl as I looked to the other.
"What I'll be missing out at school today." I told him.
Lawless smiled softly.
"You're such a nerd sometimes, I'm sure any other kid would love to miss school just because their parents told them to." He said taking a bite of his cereal.

I looked at mine with a soft frown.
"Yeah, you're probably right, I just don't want this to become a regular thing." I responded taking a bite now.

"Alright I have to go do a few things in town." My dad walked into the room with his coat on looking at some papers as I looked at him.
"Can we go?" I asked him.
My dad paused and looked at me.
"It's grocery shopping Iggy, you hate grocery shopping." He pointed out.
I blinked but shrugged.
"I'm getting restless sitting here, pretty please." I grinned.
He stared before sighing softly with a smile that followed.

"Fine, go get dressed, I'll be in the car." He told us walking out of the house.
"You can pick you out a few things, but don't stay gone for too long." My dad told me walking into the supermarket as I nodded taking Lawless's hand as he grabbed an extra buggy.
"And watch out for crazy shoppers! They'll crash into you without apologizing!" My dad yelled as I blinked but nodded walking off with the other teenager.

"So I noticed you were low on lucky charms, you may want more of those." Lawless grinned walking next to me as I looked around.
"Hmm, I wonder why that is?" I smiled.
Lawless shrugged.
"I have no idea Iggy, you might have a cereal elf stealing your cereal late at night." He smirked looking around.
I just grinned shaking my head as we walked into the cereal aisle.

There were two other guys in the same aisle but they seemed pretty close considering the blond had his hand stuffed in the others back pocket, whispering something into the others ear with a grin while the other smiled in response.

"So what cereal are you in the mood for this week?" Lawless questioned bringing me from thought as I looked back to the other.
"Will the cereal elf steal it?" I teased.
Lawless smiled softly.
"Maybe not." He shrugged.
I smiled grabbing the honey combs.

"Nice taste in cereal."
I paused holding the bag before turning and it was those two guys from earlier.
The blond with hazel blue eyes was definitely an alpha, meanwhile the brunet with baby blue eyes, was an omega.
He was also staring pretty hard at my bag choice of cereal.

"Thanks, it's a change up." I responded as Lawless grinned at me, his eyes fell on the other two.

"We haven't seen you two in Crossroads or Cross Fade, are you new here?" He asked them.
The blond smiled.
"Busted?" He rubbed the side of his neck looking at us.
"Me and some friends actually arrived today, we'll be attending that high school next week sometime, so if you go to school, you may see us there." He shrugged.

I smiled softly.
"It's not every day we meet a friendly alpha-- wait, this is a repeat from the other day." I frowned now as Lawless frowned at me.
Which only made the two two frown.

"Repeat?" The blond looked at me confused.
I frowned at him.
"A new guy showed up at our school the other day, I thought he was really nice, especially considering I'm not exactly an omega." I waited for them to respond but they were both quiet looking at me.
"And because mine and my boyfriends relationship is special, we have more love to share and were looking for a third partner, well that kind of got slammed in my face because the alpha that showed up ended up calling me a whore and punched me in the face." I said rubbing my arm frowning now.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now