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I laid there staring at my mate whose eyes were closed as he laid in front of me, his chest slowly rising as I watched him for the longest time.
"If you take a picture, I'm sure it'll last longer." Lawless finally commented before his eyes opened and I just smiled at him.
"I'm sure it would, I'm just trying to get over the fact, we marked each other." I said.
Lawless stared at me.
"Do you have any regrets?"
I just grinned.
"None whatsoever." I responded which made the other smile before his lips were on mine.
"Me either." He told me.

I felt different standing in the shower with the other, I couldn't describe the feeling right away but it was like there was a sense of knowing, no one else could have me unless Lawless allowed it.
I had to figure out where I'd want August's and Oakley's marks now that Lawless took my shoulder, I didn't want them all visible but I still wanted others to know I was off limits.
To be mated to a vampire, alpha and omega..
It sounded way too crazy to be true, but soon, it would be.
"There they are."
I paused walking outside to the backyard to find everyone there.
My dad walked right up to me and Lawless with Ziggy right on his heels looking at the two of us.

"He's glowing." Ziggy smirked at my dad who looked at me with amusement in his eyes.
"I really wanted to believe Ziggy was lying when he said you two were fixing to mark each other, but the walls are not exactly sound proof-"
"Oh my god-"
"And there's also the fact you're glowing with Lawless's scent all over you." My dad told me as I stood there with my face burning hot.

I glared at Lawless.
"You said I wasn't loud." I hissed as Lawless raised his hands in defense.
"To me you weren't, but we were also too wrapped up to even notice that you may have been just a little bit loud? But-"
"What? Lawless!"
"But it's over with! Plus it's natural, right?" Lawless looked to his dad for help who only grinned at us.

"Perfectly natural but also very brave, especially knowing your papa was home." I froze turning to my papa who walked up to us with his arms crossed, his eyes locked on Lawless at first who flinched taking a step back before my papa was in front of me.

"Let me see." He told me.
Hesitating, I pulled the shoulder of my sleeve down revealing the bitemark.
My papa inhaled sharply but he sighed.
"Next time? Please give me a better warning, I could have given you the hotel key and you could have had your moment there, not in a house full of family and friends." He told us.

I don't think my face could get any hotter without the thought of melting from complete and utter embarrassment.
"Sorry papa." I whispered.
Papa only stared but he sighed softly ruffling my hair.
"What's done is done, the important thing here is the fact, you two are officially one and now a part of each other's family." He told us.

"Sorry we didn't make you a welcome basket." Ziggy grinned at me as Jensen smiled at us.
"This was last minute and Lawless tends to be pretty unpredictable, I mean he sent that text seconds before you two went to the room." He told me.
I blinked before looking at Lawless wide eyed.

"You made it sound like you told them hours in advance." I hissed.
Lawless pulled at his collar.
"You never would have gone through with it-"
"Of course I wouldn't have!" I shrieked crouching down as I buried my face in my hands trying to hide from the world.

Our parents just grinned before Lawless was pulling me back to my feet and walking us over to August and Oakley.

Oakley didn't hesitate, he pulled me away from Lawless and his lips were on mine, I could hear quiet gasps but ignored it as I looked at Oakley who grinned at me.
"Marked already or not, you're still going to be marked by us so you'll have three different scents coming off of you." He told me.

"But I don't think I want my mark as exposed as Lawless here made his." August spoke up looking at the two of us as Oakley grinned at the other.
"I don't know Auggie, it's bold and lets others know that Iggy here is off limits, I'm still undecided where I'd want to mark you." He told me.

I blinked but smiled softly at the other.
"I guess we'll decide when it gets to that point, tomorrow is the full moon ceremony-"
"So the four of us will spend the night together, but preferably at my house." August looked at us as I stared before nodding.
"I'm sure it'll get crazy." I looked to my parents as my brow arched and as I motioned my mate and two boyfriends to follow me.

"Dad, papa, what was your full moon ceremony like?" I asked the two.
My dad blinked as I heard uncle Joshua laugh in response.

"Your uncle Mistral wanted to kill your dad that night." He answered for them as my brows furrowed.
"Is that true?" I asked.

My dad's lips formed a thin line.
"Pretty much, things were a bit more complicated when we were younger, plus Ace Ellison was a real problem back then, before I found out your grandpa Bane was my dad I thought Ace was and he was insanely closed minded to the idea of wolves and vampires being together or even existing in the same universe." His arms crossed.

"And because at the time all I wanted was to please Ace, I went to the full moon ceremony, saw no alphas that interested me which then again, the whole idea of it didn't interest me so I chose to explore the woods and next thing I know. I'm meeting your papa at the pond." Dad smiled softly as I blinked but smiled in response.

"I was hesitant because I had always been told the vampires were the bad guys, but in reality, it was just Ace who was the bad guy. He was always trying to find a way to get rid of the vampires-"

"Even though we were completely innocent! I mean he wanted us dead just because we had a much cooler cafe than Crossroads!" Jackie cut in as everyone looked at him.
Rocky was rubbing his temples again before apologizing for his mate.

"My point is." Dad grinned at the two before looking at the four of us.
"The full moon ceremony isn't something you have to go to, I'll have to tell your brothers that, because now that things have changed, vampires are finally allowed to attend the ceremony without judgement or thinking they'll be killed. Times are different which makes breathing the same air much better."

"And it's because this Ace person is finally out of the picture?" August questioned looking at my dad who nodded.
"Yes, he was the reason behind a lot of fights and near deaths, he even tried to kill my brother and his mate, but thankfully he's still in prison, or at least that's what I keep telling myself." He shrugged.

"But if for some reason Ace were to show his face in any of these towns, more importantly here?" My papa walked up to us.
"He'd be dealt with, just like Codie and Kaiser both were, it's a shame we weren't able to deal with him the same way, but the police have it handled for now." He said.
Dad nodded before his eyes fell on me.

"Earlier you mentioned wanting to meet Jinx, do you still want to?" He asked me.
I blinked but nodded.
"Yes actually, Jackie sort of changed topics earlier before Law stole me." I grinned.
My dad smiled softly with a nod.
"Jackie's pretty good at subject changes, but I just want it to be you that meets him first." He told me.
I nodded letting Lawless's hand go who frowned but watched me walk off with my dad who walked us back into the house.
"I don't know what's going through his head right now, especially knowing his brother is dead, he's not the most inviting person but he is a troubled teenager." My dad explained walking to one of the bedrooms as I followed behind him.
"Omega is also troubled-"
"Omega is emotionally troubled, Jinx is troubled with anger issues." Dad stood in front of the bedroom door before knocking as he let himself into the room.
I blinked.
"Oh, so your typical angsty teen, got it." I responded.

We walked into the bedroom and a teen with messy jet black hair and cold light red eyes stared at us from the corner he stood in, soon enough glaring.

"Jinx, we're making burgers, are you hungry?" My dad asked him as the one known as Jinx glared.
"I'd rather starve than eat something you've cooked, you killed my only blood relative and want to talk to me casually like I'm perfectly alright thinking everything is okay." Jinx growled lowly.
"What's next, you want to sing kumbaya and expect me to just go with the flow of things?" He glared at my dad who frowned at him.

"No, that's not what I want Jinx, what I want is for you to understand that my mate did what he had to do to get our sons mind back." He responded as Jinx glared harshly.
"Kaiser never would have killed your son, he would have finally let go of the control he had and your son would have woke up fine and dandy! But you took it too far, your mate took it to the next extreme by taking someone important away from me! He was my brother, the one who raised me and he-"

"He abused you Jinx, mentally and physically." My dad cut the other off as Jinx's brows furrowed looking at him.
"No! He never abused me, he had to harden me up to make me the perfect soldier for his clan, I was okay with that-"
"You were okay knowing someone in that clan could have killed you, or that you could have died and all you would have been to him was a soldier?" My dad asked him.
Jinx stepped further into the corner glaring with furrowed brows.
"Kaiser was cruel but he was still my brother-"
"But were you a brother to him, or just someone he could use as long as you felt wanted?" My dad questioned and for some reason, it hurt hearing that aimed at someone.
And I knew it hurt Jinx.

Because it was written all over his face.

Jinx's whole expression turned ghost white as if he hadn't thought about that, the anger that was in his eyes disappeared and sadness took over as his brows knitted.

"I was his brother.. Of course I wanted to feel wanted by him! Any sibling would want that." Jinx hissed glaring with hurt in his eyes.
"I followed Kaiser because he kept me safe, but then.." He looked away as my dad frowned at him.
"The abuse started?" He questioned.
Jinx flinched but frowned.

"He was always easily tempered, he was obsessed with getting hybrids and have them create more, but when each experiment failed, he started losing his temper more and more and Pyro always baited him into getting angry." Jinx's arms crossed as he frowned deeply.
"I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, every single time." His brows knitted.

My dad frowned moving forward as Jinx glared.
"But he still took care of me!" He shot now as if not wanting to be seen weak.
Dad looked at him.
"Because you were a kid, it's the adults responsibility to watch over those who can't watch over themselves, Jinx, if Kaiser really cared about you. Don't you think he would have tried harder to get you back home? Instead he went after my mate looking for a fight that he lost, he was perfectly okay leaving you behind." He told him.

Jinx glared as tears filled his eyes.
"No he wasn't, you don't get to say that! Don't say that, he loved me." Jinx cried as my dad stood right in front of him.
"He loved using you because you obeyed his every word, the moment you disappeared he lost all interest in using you because you were dead to him-"
"That's not true!" Jinx yelled now.
"He went after a fight to get me back-"
"Was it to get you back Jinx, or to get Omega back?" My dad asked and the tears surfaced to Jinx's eyes as he stood there.

I looked to my dad frowning.
He looked to me.
"What is it, Iggy?"
I frowned softly.
"Don't you think you should ease up some? I mean.." I rubbed the side of my neck looking at the adult who frowned at me.

"No, because Jinx needs to be talked to like any other adult would talk to him, he needs to know this is reality and reality is cruel." My dad looked at Jinx who stood there, his body trembling as tears begged to fall from his eyes.
My dad frowned softly at the other.

"I want you to think about it, but I think it would be a good idea for you to live here with us." He said now.
Jinx glared at him.
"Why? So you can be a constant reminder that your mate killed my brother and left me as an orphan?" He demanded.

My dad only stared at him.
"No, so you can finally understand what it means to be loved, protected and cherished." He responded as the tears slipped past Jinx's eyes.
"I'm related to the one who endangered your sons mind, who was prepared to ruin your lives by keeping Iggy in a coma, why would you take someone like me in?" He asked my dad who looked at him.

"That's easy, because I forgive and forget easily, especially when it comes to children who are still trying to figure out their lives. How old are you Jinx?" My dad asked him.
Jinx frowned at him.
My dad smiled.
"The same age as Iggy and Omega, and just like Omega? I'd like to see you live your life as a normal teenage vampire, and not as some cold blooded soldier who's lost in this world, you don't have to give me an answer right away, but I would like for you to consider it." My dad told him.

Jinx looked away and instead of saying anything back, he just nodded as if he would consider the suggestion to move in with us.

And I have a feeling that if Jinx does move in with us?

Things were fixing to get a lot more interesting.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now