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"So let me get this straight, while you were out playing hooky, you possibly found your third partner and a fourth..?" Cricket questioned walking next to me in the parking lot as Lawless trailed behind us Friday morning.
I nodded looking to him.
"It was a bit unexpected, but our parents support us as long as we don't keep adding people to our relationship. Ziggy said he wouldn't support it any longer if we brought in a fifth." I said.
Cricket arched a brow.
"No offense but I don't blame him, I barely support this but I do because you're family, my best friend and I love you sometimes." He grinned.

It made me smile softly in response.
"Well I'm glad I have you in my corner, I just hope the others are as supportive." I said now.
"Don't hold your breath Iggy, polyamory relationships are rare and not everyone is a fan of that kind of thing." Cricket shrugged now.

"He's right." Lawless walked next to me.
"We should be appreciative to who support us and understand who doesn't, I was shocked that my parents supported it. They talked more about it when we got home the other night." He told me.
I nibbled my bottom lip.
"Was it bad?"
Lawless smirked softly.
"Not really, my father is just surprised how much of a wild card you turned out to be." He shrugged.

I stopped walking which made the other two stop.
Lawless looked at me confused.
I looked at him.
"Do I turn you off because I want two more people in our relationship?" I asked him.

Cricket sucked in some air.
"I'll take that as my cue to leave and go find Zell, see you in class." He said walking off, leaving the two of us alone as I looked at Lawless.

Lawless stared at me.
"Why would that turn me off?" He questioned, cautiously walking up to me now.
My face was starting to get warm.
"Because I'm selfish and want to love other people the same way I love you?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes which made his sightly widen.
"If it comes down to having you or those two, I know my choice will always be you Lawless, but I don't want to lose you if you start feeling indifferent towards this." I said now as I stood there crying and he moved fast before he was wrapping his arms around me.

"You're not going to lose me Iggy, not now, not ever. I want to do everything in my power to make you happy, even if it means I have to share you with another alpha and an omega, it's always going to be weird to me, but I enjoy those weird things." He stepped back and looked at me with a soft smile.
"Because they're with you." He grinned.

I looked at him with knitted brows.
"But what if you get tired or you and August get into this real big fight and-"
I was cut off when the other grabbed my shoulders and brought me in for a kiss, his lips were softly against mine and it made my heart rate slow down standing there.
We didn't move for a moment as I let myself be brought into his embrace.
I wanted to listen for a heartbeat, but there wasn't one.
So I just stood there breathing him in.

"You're already seeing the negative things about this idea of yours, I told you when we were kids I would be fine with this, but you would be my top priority. That means, Oakley would be August's top priority, and I'm sure the two of them would agree with me about this. We're open to sharing each other, but if something were to happen between the four of us? I would choose you over them in a heartbeat." Lawless told me.
"Is that fair?" He questioned.
I just nodded holding him.
"It's fair, because I would choose you over them, you'll always come first." I looked up at him which made the other smile softly.

"You are the love of my life, Iggy Grimes, always remember that, okay?" He gave me a cute smile kissing me again as I nodded with a soft grin.
"I will." I told him.
"Good, now let's get to class. We have a busy weekend after school lets out, then next Monday? We'll get to meet those two you're so curious about." He grinned while walking next to me.
He was really trying to cheer me up.
And it was definitely working.
I walked into homeroom and only frowned seeing Dexter in the same desk I had him sit in when we first met.
I wanted to get angry because I still wasn't over the whore comment, I felt like I was owed an apology.
But I knew I wouldn't get one.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now