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"Your parents actually agreed that you could go on the bonfire trip?" Cricket questioned the next day at the lockers.
I nodded with crossed arms.
"As long as I have Lawless, Zell and the others, they're perfectly fine with me going." I told him.
Cricket smirked at that.
"I'm surprised, I figured uncle Moxie would be a bit more strict than that." He said.
I grinned in response.
"You and me both, oh you guys were late last night, but me and Lawless told our parents the news." I said.

Cricket's hazel eyes slightly widened.
"You're pregnant?" He joked as I shoved him grinning.
"No you jerk, that in two weeks we'll be marking each other." I told him.
Cricket grinned.
"And how did uncle Magna take that?" He asked.
I rubbed my upper arm.
"He wasn't nearly as excited as everyone else was, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact, I'm an eve and his son." I said now.

Cricket looked at me leaning against the lockers.
"Does he think Lawless can't protect you?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"Whether he thinks it or not, I know Lawless can, but I also know I need to keep him at arms reach when it comes to his temper." I told him.
Cricket made a face.
"Why's that?"
I looked around before looking at Cricket.
"He wanted to kill Dexter yesterday." I frowned.

"I'm sure a lot of people wanted to kill him, Iggy, some of our family may not be thrilled you are what you are, but they still care about you. So when someone like an outside alpha hits an omega on their first day at school? It sends red flags and those protective instincts kick in." Cricket explained.

I frowned.
"I know, even-"

I stopped myself from talking when Lore and Mitzi walked up with Bear Ellison, the son of Millie and Hailey.

"I see Emmy healed your bruise." Lore pointed out looking at my face as I frowned softly.
"Yeah, no one wanted me to come to school with a busted face." I said.
Lore frowned.
"Regardless of what you are, you are still half omega, what that alpha did yesterday was beyond over the line." Her arms crossed.
"And as your cousin, I guess it worried me a little bit and I wanted to make sure you were better today." She looked at me with furrowed brows.
"So, are you?" She asked.
I blinked but nodded.
"I'm fine, not that you asked, but in two weeks. Me and Lawless will be marking each other." I told her.

"I know." She smirked softly with crossed arms.
"Our parents like to gossip over the phone late at night when they think their children are asleep." She responded.
I blinked.
"Dad?" I asked.
Lore shook her head.
"Aunt Evie." She said as the first bell rang.

"Gotta go, see you later." She said walking off with our cousins.

"So she was in a good mood." Azalea commented walking up, her brow arched up before joining the two of us at the lockers.
"No kidding, it was kind of weird." Cricket said now.

I looked to the two.
"She was the first one at the scene yesterday, maybe seeing me like that changed something in her." I suggested.
Cricket glanced to me.
"It'd be cool if it did so we wouldn't have as many asses prepared to beat the next time someone comes after you." He said.

"Aw look at how cute my ballsy boyfriend is being." Zell commented walking up and wrapping his arms around the others waist, boldly kissing the others neck, cheek then lips.

Cricket grinned at him.
"You don't think I can beat ass?"
"Oh I know you can't baby." Zell smirked.
"But it's still cute knowing you think you can." He said kissing the other again before his eyes fell on me.

"How are you doing today, Mr. I Pick Fights With Alphas?" He asked with this teasing tone in his voice.
I blinked before feeling my face growing warm.
"Better actually."
"Good, don't let yourself land in that situation ever again, or at least wait until you have a vampire with you to be your strength. You're pretty important to Cricket and Lawless, which makes you important to me as well, so I can't exactly have you getting beat up all the time because you choose to be one and not the other during the time of violence." Zell told me.

I frowned at that.
"I keep getting scolded-"
"As you should." Zell arched a brow.
"What you did yesterday was reckless, if you don't get scolded, how will you ever learn not to repeat history?" He asked kissing Crickets cheek.

"I have to get to class, see you guys in third period." He said walking off.

"You know, he's not wrong." Azalea commented as I looked to the other.
"Nope, he's right actually, sometimes I think you forget you're an Eve so you pick fights thinking you'll win, or maybe you pick fights thinking the other person will be threatened into backing off." She said.

I frowned at her.
"I've never seen it that way, nor do I want to. I'd never use my race as power to make others back off." I responded.
Azalea smiled softly.
"Good, keep it that way, you may be half omega, but you're also half a vampire." She said as the second bell rang for late students to get to class.
"Let's go." She grinned walking off.
I sat in first period spacing off more than usual as I listened to our teachers lecture.
I knew I was half of both, I'd never use what I was against anyone.
Especially when it came to reminding them of our ranks when it came to power or strength.
That wasn't who I was.
Sighing softly, I leaned back into my desk before wincing when this sharp headache greeted me.

A boy was running from something, he was in the woods, beat up and dirty with messy brown hair and dark green eyes.
A vampire maybe?
I could hear voices around me as the headache got louder with every leaf or stick this kid crushed beneath his feet running.
He was running from something, I wasn't sure what it was.

I heard my name being screamed which made that boy come to a stop.
And as if it were like magic.

I stood in front of that boy whose eyes were full of fear and confusion.
"Who are you?" I asked him.
He just stood there before his eyes grew wide as he pointed behind me, and all he did was screamed.

I fell back in my desk with my heart racing.

"Holy shit."
I heard students gasping around me as the teacher knelt in front of me, concern written all over her face as she looked at me.

"Iggy? Sweetie are you alright?" She asked me.
I sat on the ground trying to get my breathing under control before looking at her.
I managed a nod but it didn't convince her.

"Cricket, will you please escort Iggy to the nurses office." She instructed.
I made a face.
"But I'm fine-"
"Iggy, your nose is bleeding and you were crying out as if something were hurting you, I'm sorry but that's far from fine to me. Please go to the nurse with Cricket." She told me.

I frowned as Cricket helped me to my feet.
"Come on buddy, lets get you checked out." Cricket said pulling me past the students who all stared.

"What an attention seeker." I heard someone comment as I walked out of the classroom, to only hear our teacher scolding whoever it was that made the comment.
"Was it another vision thingy?" Cricket asked walking with me into the bathroom so I could clean my face up.
"I think so, except this one was more detailed and somehow.. I was able to go there." I told the other.
Cricket's brows furrowed.
"Well spill the tea sis, what did you see?" He asked me frowning.

I wiped the blood from my nose and face off before turning to him.
"A boy, he.. He looked like he was running from something, or someone." I bit my thumbnail thinking about it.
"It was weird Cricket, and when I tried to ask who he was, he pointed at something behind me and all he did was screamed." I told him.

Cricket frowned.
"That's not weird dude, that's creepy as hell, do you think you'll get another vision of him?" He questioned.
I shrugged.
"Part of me hopes so, but the other part doesn't.. I mean, I've had small glimpses of stuff in the future, but nothing like that." I rubbed the side of my neck.

"I know wolves don't have the premonition ability like vampires would, but not even my papa can see into the future, so it has to be someone on his side of the family who can and would be able to help me make sense of what I saw." I frowned walking out of the bathroom with the other to only stop when Lawless was trying go in.

"Iggy?" He frowned at me.
I looked at him.
"Hi Law."
"You look pale, are you sick?" He asked me.
I frowned at the other.
"No, or at least I don't think I am, our homeroom teacher is sending me to the nurse though." I told him.

Lawless's brows furrowed.
"Even though you're not sick?"
"I saw a premonition of someone and it caused my nose to bleed." My arms crossed as Lawless frowned.
"Jesus Iggy-"
"I'm fine now." I looked at him wanting to convince the other, but this honestly scared me.
Who was that kid and why was he running from something?
If I was able to see him in a vision that detailed, did that mean he was close by?

Lawless frowned bringing his hand to my cheek as he caressed it with concern in his eyes.
"Go to the nurse, if she decides to send you home, come get me."
"Over a nose bleed?" I teased.
He frowned and I did the same.
"Alright fine, but I'm telling you, I'm fine." I said walking to the nurses office with Cricket.
"I'm sending you home for the day." The nurse told me pushing back in her rolling chair to her computer.
"Over a nose bleed?" I frowned deeply.
The nurse paused typing whatever it was on her screen, before turning to me.

"For running one hundred point two in fever, Iggy." She frowned as my brows furrowed.
"But I feel fine-"
"Whether you feel fine or not, your temperature is still high, I want you to go to the doctor to get checked out so they can give you something." She looked at me for a moment.
"Are you eating properly?" She asked.
What about sleeping?" She pushed as I frowned at her.
"I'm telling you nurse wright, I'm fine." I told her.
She sighed at that leaning forward she looked at me.

"Is there someone who can come pick you up?" She asked now.
I frowned wanting it to be Lawless, but he wasn't eighteen yet so he couldn't sign himself out of school like I'd want him to.

I stood outside the school building watching Misha's dad's truck drive up.
I frowned walking up to the passenger door as the window rolled down to reveal Jackie sitting there, looking at me.

"I'm flattered you called me before your parents, but I'm not saving you from an ass chewing when it comes down to it." Jackie said behind the wheel as he drove out of the school parking lot.
I buckled myself in frowning.
"I knew they'd panic but I didn't know who else to call, Ziggy and Jensen are out of town and I'm not exactly close to my papa's side of the family yet." I shrugged.
Jackie smiled softly at that.
"What about your dad?"
"They can't help me with this sort of thing." I murmured next to him.

Jackie glanced to me.
"Help you with what?"
"Premonitions?" I looked at him as Jackie blinked.
"And you think I can?" He smirked.
I felt my face growing warmer than it already was.
"I don't know, can you?"
Jackie sighed softly.
"I can't, but I know someone who can, it's just a matter of him actually doing it. He's a bit sheltered, even after him and Stetson had that tomboy of a daughter." He told me.

I stared.
"You mean Jayce?" I asked him.
Jackie nodded.
"Emmy's our healer, and Jayce is the one who can see the future and understand things others can't. But first things first." He pulled into my parents driveway as my heart sank.

"We have to tell your parents." 
I sat there for the longest minute watching the door open, and soon enough.
The two of them were walking out and looking right at us.

"I was scared you were going to say that."

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now