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"So he just went to bed and wouldn't wake up?"
I sat across from August and Oakley at their house two days later after Iggy fell into the state he was in, only because I knew deep down he'd end up scolding me for worrying so much over something like this.
I knew he would wake up and come back to me.
It was just driving me nuts that this was happening, especially to him.
And there was nothing I could do until we got a lead on that Kaiser bastard.

"That's the short side of it yeah." I frowned looking at August who frowned at me.
"But he will wake up, right?" He asked.
I frowned at him.
"Of course he'll wake up, his frame may be small but he's a fighter." I wanted that statement to make me smile, but it didn't.
It only made my stomach hurt because I knew he was fighting to wake up.

"If only we knew some powerful arcane's." Oakley sighed leaning his head back as I made a face looking at him.
"Arcane's?" I repeated confused.
Oakley sat up and looked at me.
"You know witches and wizards-"

We both looked to August who was frowning at the omega who only frowned back.
August frowned at him.
"Those don't exist, they haven't for a very long time, you shouldn't bring something like that up for false hope." He said scolding the other.
Oakley blinked before he looked to me.

"He's right, I'm sorry for even bringing them up, they'd just be pretty useful right about now." He shrugged.
I looked at him before sighing as a soft smile appeared on my face.
"It's alright, thanks for even thinking that far into this, I don't know if the adults had even considered something like that. It does suck they don't exist, did they before?" I asked now.

Oakley looked to August who leaned forward looking at me.
"Once upon a time they did, but our races got jealous for power and didn't like the idea of humans being more superior than us, so our races made it their mission to destroy every known arcane out there." He explained to me.
My eyes grew wide.
"So humans, like half of what my dad is, they were a thing?" I questioned.

August blinked before smirking softly.
"Your clueless brain is very cute." He told me.
I blinked before my cheeks grew warm and I looked away.
"Sorry for being curious." I said rubbing the side of my neck.
August grinned.
"Don't apologize, I'm just surprised your parents or the teachers never taught you guys these things, especially in History." He said looking at me.

I looked back at him.
"They tend to keep stuff like that out of the classroom, and for my dad? It's a pretty sensitive subject, he kind of went through a lot before he met my father and their friends, so the human subject isn't something he likes to openly talk about." I said now.

August nodded.
"I can understand that, but to answer your question, yes humans were a thing." He looked at me.
"But because humans were weak and thought they could pose as threats with stakes and silver, they were either slaughtered or turned into one of our races, simply because both used to be insanely closed minded and wouldn't tolerate weak intimidation made by heart thumpers." He said.

I made a face.
"Heart thumper?"
Oakley looked to me.
"He means those with a heart beat, sure wolves have hearts, but humans had to make it painfully known that they were alive and pure, meanwhile wolves and vampires were not because of our curses." He explained.

I frowned at him.
"So humans thought they were better?" I questioned.
August smirked softly.
"To a point." He responded as I frowned.

"My dad is half human but he's never acted better than anyone, he's the complete opposite actually." I said now looking away.
"So it's weird knowing humans thought they were better or could be better than a more superior race." I commented.

August sat there for a moment watching me before he stood to his feet and made his way over, kneeling in front of me.
"Some humans were rare I suppose, but now you know some things about them." He smirked softly looking at me.
"Any other questions about the human race, my cute little vampire?" He asked.
Hold on.
Was he flirting with me right now?
I mean.
I felt like he was doing it this whole time, but still.

I sat there for a moment before shaking my head.
August blinked but he smiled.
"Good." He responded before pushing me back on the couch and in seconds, his mouth was on mine.
"I'm home." I announced walking through the front door to hear voices in the kitchen.
I wasn't sure why it was.
But for some reason all of the important conversations always happen in someone's kitchen.
It was kind of weird.

I walked down the hall but came to a stop at who was in the kitchen with my parents.

Jackie and Rocky Harris with Magna.

"Oh hey Law, I didn't hear you come in." I heard my dad comment as I looked to the other who stood at the sink, his back to the window and looking right at me.
I frowned in response.
"I just got back from August's." I responded.

"Who?" Jackie looked at my parents confused as my dad frowned.
"Iggy and Lawless are in that open relationship thing I've mentioned before, they have two other partners they want in their relationship." He explained.
Jackie stood there for a moment before his eyes grew wide and a huge grin appeared on his face.

"That's fucking wild, I thought they were joking about that as kids." He grinned.
"Jackie, language." Rocky hissed at the other.
Jackie grinned at his mate.
"But it's wild, babe! Why did we never think about doing that?" He asked.
Rocky stared at the other hard.
"Because I would have left your ass." He told him.

My dad smiled softly at the two before he looked at me.
"How did they take the news?" He questioned.
I blinked before looking back at him.
"They're worried but I told them I'd keep them updated." My eyes drifted over to Magna and frowned.

"Is he-"
"Unfortunately yes." Magna sighed rubbing the side of his neck.
"There's nothing we can do except wait, it's only been two days but it feels like a decade." He frowned deeply now.
I knew exactly how he felt, two days later and it felt longer than it has been.
I desperately wanted him to wake up.
Especially with the full moon appearing in the next few days and once it hits, so will mating season.

I knew it was the wrong time to be thinking about that kind of thing, but I had plans to make him my first, I didn't want to be marked by August or Oakley without marking Iggy first.
So I really needed him to wake up.

I stood there before rubbing the side of my neck.
"I know they don't exist, but would arcane's been able to fix Iggy?" I found myself asking.

All eyes were on me.
"Who told you about arcane's?" My dad asked me through furrowed brows.
I frowned at him.
"I was looking up remedies-"
"Lawless." I flinched hearing my father's tone as I looked at him who was frowning at me.
"Don't lie." He frowned.

I frowned deeply now.
"Oakley mentioned it but I was the one who wanted to know about them, especially if there was a chance they could help us." I said now.
My dad was frowning at me.
"How does Oakley know about arcane's?"
I blinked but frowned.
"I guess they learned about them before they arrived here, but why weren't we taught about them or why has no one ever brought them up before now?" I found myself asking.

"Because arcane's were dangerous, they knew of magic not even vampires knew about and they used it to their advantage to inflict pain onto others." My father looked at me frowning.
"Vampires only knew about compulsion and could read thoughts, we weren't aware there were others far more gifted than some out there, take Jayce for example. He has premonitions where he can see things before they take place." His arms crossed frowning.

"Arcane's could make a heart stop if they chose to do so, they were dark and cruel beings who thought they could hold the whole world in their hands, so naturally the wolves and vampires banned together and had to knock them down a peg." He glanced to my dad frowning.
"Even if it meant destroying the human race to do so, but no vampire or wolf was about to be controlled by a human all because they knew of the dark and light arts of magic." He explained.

I stood there frowning softly.
"So humans were that bad?" I asked.
My dad looked at me.
"Not all humans, but because most of them chose to follow the path of wrong, naturally all of them had to be destroyed for a point to be made." He told me.

My father glanced to my dad.
"But for some, they got lucky." He smiled softly now as my dad stared before he blinked and smiled softly in response.
"Real lucky." He responded.

"Alright you two flirts." Jackie smirked at them before he looked to me.
"So now you know, humans were just as bad as vampires and wolves, but they no longer exist and if they do? No one knows any that could help us with this issue, which sucks but we're all keeping an eye out on this Kaiser guy, especially after the detailed description your son gave you." He said looking at Magna.

Magna nodded with crossed arms.
"Yeah, only Omega was able to tell us exactly who and what to look for when it comes to this guy, now, none of us know what his followers look like, we just know it's a group of vampires." He frowned.

"So they could be here in Crossroads and we wouldn't know about it because we're only looking for one guy?" Rocky questioned with a frown.
No one responded right away because it was true, we were all focused on Kaiser that no one stopped to think about the fact, he had followers who could be watching us right now and no one would know about it, because we no idea what his followers looked like.

"How about we make rounds?" Jackie suggested.
My dad looked to the other.
"No Ziggy, next Christmas." Jackie stared at the black haired vampire who glared in response.

"I think that's a good idea actually." Magna commented looking to the others.
"While we're here we might as well go and see if we spot anyone suspicious, I mean there's no guarantee we'll get lucky, but if there's that possibility. I want to take it." He said now.

No one objected as we made our way to the door, but I was stopped at the feeling of someone grabbing my wrist.
I paused and turned to my dad who was frowning at me.
"Dad." I frowned at him.
He was hesitant before he let go.
"Keep your eyes and mind open, we don't know what these guys look like, just like we don't know if they'll be carrying any form of weapons, so please be careful while we're out making rounds." He told me.

I frowned but nodded.
"I will be." I responded walking outside with the others.
"We'll start on the east side of town." My parents spoke up as I looked around.
I looked to Magna who was frowning as he stood there with crossed arms.
"I'll go with Magna." I said as the other vampire looked to me with a nod.

"We'll be in pairs, everyone can meet back here within the next thirty minutes to see if they've found anyone or anything that could be a lead." Magna said.
Everyone nodded and in seconds, we were splitting up in pairs and walking through town.

"I want to thank you, Lawless." Magna spoke up as I looked to the other walking next to him.
"For what?"
"For staying by my sons side through this, for fighting for the one you love." He looked to me.
"It makes me really appreciate and respect having you in my sons life, the two of you have been together since day one, and even in the state he's currently in. You're still at his side, I'm sure most would have abandoned all ideas of hope, but not you, and that makes me really proud knowing you and Iggy will be mated after all of this is over with." He said.

I looked at him for the longest time before looking ahead.
"Iggy is and always will be the love of my life Magna, no matter who or what comes between us, it'll always be him. So of course I'm going to fight for him." I smiled softly.
"He's a clumsy guy who tries to take on the whole world without thinking about who he really is, he's open minded with a very large heart, that's why I agreed to be open about sharing him with August and Oakley, because I know that's what will make him happy." I said.

Magna glanced to me.
"Does the idea of sharing him not bother you?"
"It does." I confessed, frowning.
"It bothered me as kids because I felt like he thought I wouldn't be enough for him, so naturally I thought he was just being selfish by only thinking about himself." I smiled softly thinking about it.
"But that wasn't true, he just has a lot of love to share and wanted to share that love with other people. It's hard to explain, but I feel like what we're doing is right." I looked to Magna who was already looking at me.

"Do you think you'll regret being with three people at once down the road?" 
I stared before I came to a stop.


"WE FOUND SOMETHING-- OR WELL SOMEONE, EITHER WAY GET OVER HERE!" We heard Jackie shout down the road from us.

I looked to Magna who left my side and we were both running down the street until we were near an alley where Jackie and Rocky were both at.

There was a teenage boy with messy black hair and light red eyes pinned to the wall, trying his best to get out of Jackie's hold who had him pinned against the wall.
"Let me go!" The boy screamed trying to kick back at Jackie who only looked at Magna.

"We found him watching Ziggy a little too hard as if they know what we all look like already, and the moment Rocky approached him he tried to run, unfortunately he thought he was faster than me." Jackie shrugged.
"But unfortunately for myself, I'm pretty sure I pinched a fucking nerve just now so now I'm sore." He complained.

Magna stepped up grabbing the back of the boy's neck and kept him pinned to the wall, glaring.

"Yeah? Well fortunately for us. We just got the leverage we need to get my son out of the state he's in." He said.

"So let's see who croaks first."

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now