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It was Monday and to say I was nervous was an understatement.
I would be meeting August and Oakley for the second time and that wasn't what was bothering me.

Cricket's death stare from the backseat of Jensen's truck was.

"So you disappeared all weekend and came back with a brother?" Cricket questioned sitting behind me while Lawless drove down the road that morning.
I sat there before nodding.
"That pretty much sums it up-"
"Cool cool, I'm definitely coming over after school to meet him, but my next question is." Cricket leaned forward so he could see me better.

"Why did you change your schedule up last minute? Now we barely have any classes together." He pointed out with a frown.
I looked to my cousin with a frown.
"I did it to get away from Dexter, he was literally harassing me." I told him.
Cricket frowned deeply.
"Yeah and Ambrose tried to rape me but you don't see me changing classes, you should have hit him-"
"So he could have slammed his fist into me again?" I glared.
"Jesus Iggy, man up and don't let fear chase you away from shit. Dexter is just an alpha." Cricket growled at me.

I whipped around glaring.
"That may be so, but it doesn't change the fact, I'm not comfortable being around him. I get you're upset I bailed on some of our classes together, but we still have gym, history and lunch together." I reminded the other.
Cricket rolled his eyes.
"Yeah the classes near the end of the day, none in the beginning." He said crossing his arms with an annoyed look in his eyes.

I could only sigh as we pulled into the parking lot and suddenly I felt more shy seeing August and Oakley parked two spots away from where Lawless pulled in.
Was this really going to happen?
I know I wanted this.
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to share Lawless with someone, and here we were.
Fixing to achieve one of those goals.
It just made me really nervous.
Because how was I supposed to act?

Not to mention, they had four other people with them, two I recognized as vampires while the other two were alphas.

I must have spaced because the sound of Cricket getting out and slamming the door behind him made me blink as I looked to Lawless.
He was already looking in my direction.
"He's just mad, you know he'll cool down later and you two will be okay." He told me.
I sat there nibbling my bottom lip.
"I hope so." I said getting out of the truck followed by Lawless.
"Good morning you two." I felt my chest growing tight as August approached us with Oakley and the other four.
Lawless looked at them.
"Good morning, we were a bit late arriving, this one's brother kind of got upset Iggy would be leaving him for eight hours." He explained.

[Thirty minutes ago]

"Where are you going?" Omega questioned as I stood in the kitchen finishing my bowl of cereal.
"School, do you remember how I mentioned it the other day where if you go, you'll make friends at?" I questioned looking at the other.
Omega frowned but he nodded.
I smiled softly.
"That's where I have to go now, I'll be gone for a little bit but you'll have dad to keep you company." I told him.
Omega's brows knitted as tears swelled in his eyes.

"Y-You promise you'll come back, right?" He asked as his whole body began to tremble.
"A little bit can be a very long time, I-Iggy." He pointed out as tears slipped and I moved fast, hugging the other who still flinched at being touched.
"It's only eight hours, I promise I'll come back, we still have some grocery shopping to do after school to get you some marshmallows." I reminded him.
Omega sniffled as his nails dug into my shoulders.

"O-Okay, I do like mallows, but I'll miss you." He told me.
It made my heart race as I leaned up kissing the top of his head.
"I'll be back before you know it." I told him.
Omega looked at me with puffy eyes but nodded.
"Okay." He said stepping back as I smiled softly before looking to our dad who stood there smiling softly at me.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now