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"What do you mean, Jinx is gone?!" Kaiser roared in the room as he stood in front of his followers who all knelt before him.
"It's exactly as I've stated, Lord Kaiser, your brother went out and when I went to search for him, all that was found was his ring." His second hand, Dante Lewis spoke with his head bowed, not daring to raise it in case the other chose to behead him for his negligence.

"This is not how things are supposed to work out, first my Eve manages to escape, the one who I was prepared to make as my mate, IS KILLED and now my younger brother is missing." Kaiser paused as he pinched the bridge of his nose before rubbing his temples.

"This is only happening because you chose to seek power through those hybrids, Lord Kaiser, if anything. Jinx missing is completely your fault." Pyro shrugged looking up at the other while the followers all glared daggers at her boldness.
Kaiser stood up straight before looking at the black haired vampire.

"My fault is it?"
Pyro smiled at him.
"Very much so yes, if you were anything like the clan members in the past, which if we're being completely honest, you're nothing like them. Jinx wouldn't be missing and just maybe, you're dear old Mitchie would still be alive and not have a bullet in his head right now." She shrugged.

"Lord Kaiser, I will happily dispose of her if you allow it." Aiven Webb spoke up looking over his shoulder now with a harsh glare as Pyro continued to smile.
"He won't allow it because he needs all of the followers his ego will give him, dispose of me and you'll lose the only balls that are present in this room. No one else will tell you how things are, they'll just sugar coat it so that it pleases you." She stood to her feet as the others hissed in response.

"I'm not Codie Ryn, Nathan Kelley or Maverick Shelton. I'm Pyro Dodson, your faithful and loyal soldier who will kill those who defy you, who will kill those who distract you from your goals, who will kill simply just because you ordered it." She shrugged.
"I will not be an ass kisser like the rest of these fools in this room just so you can sit higher on your horse you've planted your uptight ass on." She smiled at him.
"So you can use me, dispose of me, either way at the end of the day? I'll still hurt your feelings because I won't respect someone who blames others for his actions." She stood right in front of Kaiser with a stake to her back aimed by Aiven and Dante who glared harshly at her.

"Want my advise, Lord Kaiser? Let the fantasy of using Eve's for power go, they're a bunch of hybrid mutants, there is no reason to have them caged up for you to do absolutely nothing with them as if they're pets, do I think they are rarities? Most definitely, but do I think they'll grant you power and wealth? Absolutely not, they're not as rare as you think them to be, hybrids are born every day and just because you lost yours. You want to behave like a spoiled brat who needs his ass beat." Pyro smiled at him.
"And nothing would make me more happy than to beat your ass myself." She told him.

Kaiser stood there staring at her with a blank expression.
"Are you finished with your opinions, Pyro?" He asked her.
Pyro smiled at him.
"That depends, who do you think will kill who faster?" She questioned tilting her head looking at him.
Kaiser stared.
"You think you can kill me, right here and now?" 
Pyro continued to smile.
"Oh I don't think baby, I know I can, I think the real question here is. Do you have the balls to do it?" She asked him.

Kaiser frowned deeply at her before he finally blinked.
"Dante, Aiven, step down and get ready to search for Jinx." He ordered.
Dante blinked.
"But Lord Kaiser, she should be killed-"
"She should be, but that can wait." Kaiser stepped past them.

"My brother is more important than an Eve is, and if the ones who are holding the Eve that ran away from me are behind this? I'll make sure they each have a slow painful death, I won't tolerate blackmail-"

"But is that fair?" Pyro asked looking at him with an arched brow.
Kaiser paused and looked back to her.
"Is what fair, Pyro?"
"Killing them, I mean you did put that boy in a coma, it only makes sense for them to retaliate against you, I mean who wouldn't? I most certainly would if this was my child." She told him.

Kaiser's eye twitched in response.
"So you would kidnap my brother to use him against me to get something that I took from you?" He asked her.
Pyro stood there before a laugh escaped her lips.
"You are a CHILD and a JOKE." She laughed pinching the bridge of her nose.
"I wouldn't just kidnap your brother for taking something precious from me, Lord Kaiser." She stepped down and walked up to him.
"I'd slit your fucking throat and set you on fire while your brother watched." She told him.

He didn't want to admit it.
But Pyro scared him.

"So what do you impose that we do?" Kaiser asked her.
Pyro's eyes slightly widened with amusement.
"You're asking me?"
Kaiser's silence was enough for an answer as Pyro smiled at him.

"Wake the boy up and maybe that family will go easy on you." She told him.
Kaiser glared.
"You're telling me to release his mind and admit defeat because they have Jinx?" He questioned.
Pyro stared.
"Either you want your brother back or you don't, either way, there's a chance someone's life will be lost and I bet it will be yours." Her arms crossed behind her back looking at him.
"I have no faith in someone whose mind is like yours, Lord Kaiser, honestly? I think your death is what is most needed, and maybe in your next life? You'll be born as a rock, so you won't be so disappointing as a person. I don't understand how these mindless fools actually follow someone so child minded." She walked past him as Kaiser glared now.

"Child minded am I?"
"Yes Kaiser, you are child minded, you behave exactly as a child would the moment something doesn't go their way." Pyro looked at him.
"Why do you think I killed Mitchie? I wanted to see how you would react and you reacted exactly how I pictured, you want to start a war with a family of wolves and vampires but then get mad when they have the upper hand so you want to play the victim. Kaiser, it does not work that way, if you know your brother is in danger, you do whatever it takes to get him back, even if it means admitting defeat just so no harm comes to him. But because you are who you are? You'd rather keep adding fuel to the flame that should be put out." She finally frowned.

"And that's what makes you so disappointing as a leader." She told him.

Kaiser frowned at her.
"I guess it's a good thing I really don't care if I disappoint you or not Pyro, because you're just a follower who blindly obeys-"
"No." Pyro smiled at him.
"I don't blindly obey anyone, as I stated before, I was your faithful and loyal soldier who'd kill for you. But now?" She thought about it before her black eyes darkened.
"I'd rather just kill you." She said ripping the stake out of Dante's hand and shoved it straight into Kaiser's stomach who let out a pained cry.

Pyro stepped back as she watched the other drop to his knees grasping the stake that was deep in his stomach.

"You missed my heart." Kaiser hissed bitterly as Pyro stared.
"Let it be a warning Kaiser." She knelt in front of the other shoving the stake deeper who growled in pain.
"That if you don't stop behaving like a child? You won't ever see Jinx again, I'll personally see to it, that it doesn't happen because you don't deserve happiness or family. Jinx is still a child and all you're doing is raising him for war that'll get him killed." She said.

Kaiser glared.
"You speak as if you have a child, what, are your maternal instincts finally kicking in?" He asked her.
Pyro smiled at him.
"I had a child, but because I chose to join a clan, she was killed in front of me. I turned my emotions off because if they were on? I don't know what I would do, but what I want nothing more in this life is to see your heart ripped out for endangering innocent children, so I'm done being your follower Kaiser, I'll warn that family you want to target and if I lose my life along the way? At least I'll be able to finally join my daughter in the afterlife." She stepped back with a sigh.

"It's been decades since she was taken from me, and I've grown tired of following a child who acts like he's twelve and not his actual age." She said heading for the door.

"Pyro if you walk out, you'll be targeted to be killed, is that what you want?" Kaiser asked her.
Pyro paused and looked over her shoulder, grinning wickedly.
"Oh it's what I'm counting on." She responded.

"Let me go! LET ME GO!" The boy screamed inside of Magna's house as they carried him inside to the living room.
"Was there anyone else with him, Jackie?" Magna questioned as he kept a death grip on the teens wrists who was trying to rip himself free, but it wasn't happening.

"No, it was just him, which is odd." Jackie responded.
"Let go!" The teen demanded trying to pull away from Magna but my eyes grew wide the moment Magna's hand swung and connected hard against the others cheek who stood there, stunned with wide red eyes.

"I think you're forgetting the position you are in right now boy, so I suggest you stop yelling and demanding things, especially when it's your leader's fault you're in this position to begin with." Magna growled at the other.
The teen glared as tears finally surfaced to his eyes.
"Then kill me." He told him.

Magna glared.
"You're just a kid-"
"My age has nothing to do with this, no one is going to come for me because I went out on my own, I'm already dead to Kaiser, there's no point in keeping someone useless hostage. Sorry but the leverage you thought you had? I'm not it." The teen looked away with anger in his eyes.

Jackie looked to Magna.
"What now? If he's being honest which I think he is, then what do we do with him?" He asked.
"Obviously we can't let him go, it'll just put us back to square one." Rocky looked at his mate with a frown.
Jackie looked to Rocky.
"But if they don't want to look for the kid, how much use is he to us?" He questioned.

"He'll stay here until Iggy wakes up." Moxie walked into the room with crossed arms and furrowed brows, his eyes on the teen who was frowning at Moxie.
"Whether he's leverage or not, he's still a child who shouldn't be put through this and if you let him go, he'll return to a house of blood. So for now, we can keep him here." He said looking at the teen who tried pulling away from Magna again.

"Are you sure, Mox?"
Moxie looked at him.
"I just want our son to wake up Magna, these are children being brought into war when they should be experiencing high school, romance and friendship. So yes, I'm sure I'd rather keep this boy here for now where he can be watched, just like I'm sure this Kaiser person will end up doing what he knows is right by waking our son up and dropping this childish game, I'm tired of seeing the kids being brought into this. We went through it years ago, I don't want to see the kids go through what we went through." He said.

No one said anything and the teen finally stopped fighting as he stood there looking at Moxie who was already looking at him.

"No one here is going to hurt you-"
"Too late for that." The teen cut Moxie off who blinked looking at Magna who frowned.
"I slapped him to calm him down." He told the omega who glared before sighing as he walked over and made Magna let the teen go who was hesitant to move.

"While I'm here, no one is going to hurt you, but there are going to be rules that you'll follow if you want to keep from being slapped by my mate." He said looking at Magna slightly annoyed as if he were in the wrong for hitting the teen.

The teen frowned deeply.
"You think I'll blindly obey what you say?" He asked him.
Moxie blinked but he smiled, except, his smile wasn't meeting his eyes.

"Yes I do, because if you don't listen to me? It won't be the vampires in the room with us that you have to be worried about." Moxie stepped up.

"It'll be me you'll have to be worried about." He said warning the other.

I think it was a good thing Iggy was missing out on this, because seeing Moxie pissed off?

Was terrifying.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now