Chapter Thirteen

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I heard a creak, my eyes widening at the sound, and I bolted upright to see three ladies, dressed in blue, pink, and purple that I had never seen in my life, walk through the doors. Watching them, they walked to the middle of the room, in front of the bed I was currently in, and in unison, they bowed. 

"How may we serve you miss?" One lady wearing blue asked. 

They're maids. That's what they are. It must be horrible for them having to work here, for that blood-thirsty monster. 

"Miss?" The maid in blue asked.

"Oh! Sorry, just lost in my train of thought. You don't have to call me miss, please, call me Vasilisa, Sil if you like." I replied cheerfully, ending with a smile. 

"Mi-Vasilisa, would you like to get dressed and take a tour of the place?" 

A tour? So, I'm not really a prisoner am I? Huh, prisoner for a day, guest the next.

"Yes please!" 

I jumped off of the comfortable bed, and walked over to the three ladies. When I stood before them, I was at least half a foot taller than them, which was rather odd. I am only 5'4, I am surely no female giant. 

"This way." The maid in blue, probably the leader of the three, said. 

"May I know your names please? I told you mine, and I'd like to learn yours." I asked kindly, hoping to get a response.

"That's fine, Vasilisa. I am Genevieve." The maid in blue answered, turning around, curtsying.

"Elizabeth." The maid in pink replied, curtsying.

"Blair." The maid in purple answered, curtsying like the others.

I nodded my head.

"Your names are very beautiful." I stated, and Blair blushed. 

Genevieve and Elizabeth smiled briefly, and started to open a oak cabinet next to them. 

I gasped.

The oak cabinet was filled to the doors with dresses, blouses, skirts, shorts, pretty much everything a lady could ever want. They pulled on a drawer beneath the cabinet, revealing a huge mass of heels, flats, sneakers, slippers, everything type of shoe made especially for women. 

"Take your pick." Genevieve said, quite happy with my response. 

Slowly, I walked up to the cabinet, pulling out comfortable clothing; a soft bra with matching underwear, a navy blue Hollister t-shirt, American Eagle shorts, and a pair of navy blue Vans to match. I turned toward them with my outfit and they pointed toward a divider across the room. Quickly, I pulled off the nightgown that I had on, and was shocked that everything fit me perfectly. Damon probably had his spies sneak around my room and wrote down my measurements for everything I wore. What a creep. 

Discovered by the Royal Alpha KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang