Chapter Twenty-One

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As Vasilisa fell to the ground, my heart plummeted. What is going on?! Then, Vasilisa's body started to glow, her fingers and feet started to change. She's SHIFTING.

"Malcolm! Get her outside! NOW!" Damon yelled, running up to me in clean clothes. I'm surprised it didn't take him longer to get dressed.

I picked up Vasilisa from the ground, feeling the temperature rising. She's going through the first shift, but how is this possible? She's a human, she shouldn't be able to shift.

Vasilisa let out a pain-filled cry, the glow becoming brighter now. I raced down the staircase, the servants' faces growing with worry and curiosity as I ran through them. The guards opened the entrance doors, and I ran to the forest, where there was a large clearing that she could shift in. I looked behind me, noticing Damon and Vasilisa's friend Amber wasn't too far behind. I got to the middle of the clearing, laying her down on the grass before I backed away from her shaking and glowing body. She started to let out more cries and started rolling on the grass-covered ground.

Then the bright blue light sprang from her.


Another shock shot through my body as I tried to open my eyes. I was unsure what was happening to my body at the moment. I let out a cry, hearing Malcolm yelling my name, but I couldn't answer him.

"Hello, Vasilisa." A voice called out.

Then my eyes opened, noticing Malcolm wasn't running to me. I tried to yell his name, when a howl came out of my mouth. I stiffened, looking down at my hands which were no longer hands, they were white paws. PAWS.

"You have noticed that you are no longer human, I see." The voice said again.

"Where are you? Who are you?" I called out.

Two slivery forms started materializing in front of me, forming the shape of a human and a wolf.

"Hello, my daughter." The woman said, giving me a soft, kind smile.

"Daughter? I already have a mother, and she's dead." I said to the lady.

The lady was covered in a long sleeved midnight blue dress and had curly dark brown hair, just like my own hair.

"You are wrong, Vasilisa. You are my daughter and your father's daughter." The lady said, a stern look set on her face.

"What is your name?" I asked the lady in blue.

"I am Isis, more known to the werewolf world as the Moon Goddess, and this is—" Isis said and the wolf next to her morphed into a man.

"I am Plato, your father, the guardian of the Moon Goddess." Plato said.

I have heard of the Moon Goddess, but I do not believe she is my mother.

"I do not believe you." I said confidently, which in turn, Isis shook her head.

" You came to this world in the size of a small toddler, and you were brainwashed by the two humans you call your parents. I will shed some light on your real identity." Isis exclaimed, waving a hand in my direction.


"Mother! Come quick!" I yelled, Isis running through the door in the back of the large house.

"What, Vasilisa?" Isis said, looking down at me.

"The Portal is calling me. I don't know why, but it's calling me to it." I said nervously.

"Then we'll go to the Portal, Vasilisa." Isis said.


The Man of the Portal was waiting.

"Vasilisa. Isis. Thank you for coming." The Man of the Portal said, nodding his head in acknowledgement to us.

"What do you need, Portal?" Isis said.

"It's one of the prophecies. Your daughter is involved with it." The Man of the Portal said.

"Why?" Isis asked.

"The son of Aristotle and Theodora is her mate. She must go to the mortal world." The Man of the Portal said.

"How is that possible? He's supposed to be mated with a lycan." Isis said.

"Which is only Vasilisa. All other lycan families are extinct or cannot reproduce to have a lycan." The Man of the Portal said.

"I'll go, Mother." I said, receiving a shocked look from Isis.

"What? No, Vasilisa. Your destiny is up here, with me and Plato." Isis said.

"When Malcolm passes, I'll come up here with him and we will take our places by your side with Father." I said.

"Fine. You can go, but only as a small child, find a family to stay with, but stay away from those werewolf hunters, they are horrible." Isis said.

"Yes Mother. I will." I said, transforming into a toddler, stepping through the Portal.

End Flashback~

"See? You are Plato and I's daughter. You are the daughter of the Moon." Isis said.

I could remember my first shift, my first kill, meeting Ari my wolf, the adventures in the mortal world with Father, my power, all of my memories infused with the recent memories I've made here on the mortal world.

"What I've been through has been both good and bad." I said.

"Ari has missed being able to talk to you. That brainwashing spell those two werewolf hunters really did a number on you." Isis said.

"Missed me, Sil?" Ari said for the first time in a long time.

"Yes, Ari, I have missed you." I responded.

"Good, because your mother has been bothering me for so long." Ari whined.

I had forgotten Ari, and I had forgotten my power. Oh, how I have missed my power. My mother has the power of healing, my father has the power of death, and I have the power of fire. Hot, raging fire.

Changing back into my human form, I willed my fire swords to me.

"Miharu, Tobari. I am back in my right mind. Come to me." I whispered.

Then, a shriek pierced the air, and my swords appeared in my hands.

"Goodbye mother and father, I'll see you soon." I said, and they disappeared, revealing Malcolm, Amber, and Damon with wide eyes in front of me.


There. That's the entire treat from me! ~Bre

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