Chapter Four

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I was being pushed into the throne room where Malcolm waited for me. Forced to my knees, I saw my parents kneeling also, waiting for their execution. 

Malcolm opened his mouth to speak, "Vasilisa, if you don't become my mate, I'll kill your parents."  

Struggling against the guards' arms, I pleaded to Malcolm, "Don't kill them please! I'll be your mate, just leave them alone!" 

Malcolm let out a maniacal laugh, and shouted to me, hatred burning in his eyes, "I don't care! I'm just going to kill them anyway because you're too weak to stop me!" Malcolm signaled the executioner standing next to my parents, and the axe started coming down for their heads. 

"No!" I screamed, and I broke free of the guards, pushing my parents out of the way, dooming myself. 

Malcolm was laughing out of control by his throne, and as the axe hit my neck, I heard a voice yelling, "Vasilisa! Vasilisa!" 

I woke up, being shook by Malcolm. "Vasilisa, wake up!" he yelled. I pushed him away from me, away from the bed, and snuggled deep into the warm covers, wishing they could take me to a faraway place. 

Malcolm sat down on the bed and stated, "I'm sorry, Vasilisa. I shouldn't have said what I said yesterday. Can't you forgive me?" 

    Snorting, I pushed away the covers, sitting up, my brown hair flying and sticking to my face, but I didn't care. 

"Forgive you?!" I fake laughed, my face growing serious. 

"After you assaulted me, forced me to be your mate, and KILLED my parents?! It would be a miracle on your behalf if I actually let myself become marked, but never in my human life, will it happen. Don't even try to mark me either, or I'll kill myself." I yelled at him. 

Malcolm flinched, but he answered with his anger hovering in the air, "FINE, you will stay in this room until you allow me to mark you, and no one will talk to you, only bring you food." He got up from the bed, opened and closed the door, and after a couple of seconds, he came back in with some sort of device. 

Clicking the device around my wrist, he told me, "This device will give you a shock if you try to leave this room. So I wouldn't try to leave." Letting go of my wrist, he left the room. 

Rushing to the door, I noticed it was unlocked. I opened it, and starting to step through, when a painful shock shot through my body. I shrieked, falling back into the room. I lay on the floor for a while, when the door opened, and Amber walked through, holding a tray of food. 

I got up off the floor, running to Amber, pleading, "Amber, help me get this bracelet off my wrist."

The only answer I got from her was, "Your lunch, miss." I stood there, and Amber moved to leave, and I grabbed her arm, but she pulled it away. 

"You got what you deserved." she snarled, and left the room, closing the door behind her. 

"Amber?" I whispered. I realized that no one, including Amber, was going to talk to me, so what was the point of living in my case? I wanted Malcolm to suffer, because he deserves it. I threw the silver tray of food on the floor, causing it to make a loud bang, and left to take a refreshing shower.

The next chapter is going to be very sad, in my opinion. :( ~Bre

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