Chapter Sixteen

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All I saw was red. 

 My blood was boiling, and Xander was at the point of making me shift. 

Far off in the distance, I could see Damon looking toward my army, mainly me, and at first he was afraid, but that vanished soon after. One of his famous disgusting smirks outlined his entire face, and rage burned brightly inside my soul.He took Vasilisa from me, so I shall take his very own life away from him. 

 "Prepare to die." I mouthed toward him, and he moved away from the telescope.

 "Bring it on." He mouthed back to me, and my hunger for his death intensified. 

 The sun was setting behind my back, and I watched as the full moon started to rise up into the sky. There was one thing my brother didn't know about being a werewolf. When a full moon rises up into the sky, the King of All Alphas is the strongest werewolf, the strongest supernatural, in the supernatural world. 

 I turned around facing my men, and with all of my strength and power, I proclaimed, "Tonight is the night, men. We have come here because of what happens when two different supernaturals have children. Hybrids. That is exactly what my brother is, a no good, rotten, selfish hybrid who thinks he can have any woman as his mate, especially our Queen. Now, tonight is the night that we take him and his puny vampire friends down. Are you with me?" 

"Yes Your Majesty!" The mass of werewolves shouted back to me. 

 "Now then... CHARGE!!"

 All of my men surged forward toward Damon's fortress, many shifting into their wolves, including me, and all I could hear was the pounding of hundreds of other paws hitting the earth in unison.

 I'm coming, Vasilisa. 


"Guard the doors! Bar them as well! I don't want to see even one piece of a werewolf in my fortress!" I yelled, sending my soldiers into fast motion. 

After I had seen all of my soldiers doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing, I ran up to Vasilisa's chamber. 

 Laying peacefully on the bed, Vasilisa stayed in her deathlike state, no other movement came from her except for the movement of her chest moving up and down from her breathing. 

 I slowly walked up to her, sitting next to her body, and lay my hand on her cheek. She was a bit warm. 

"Don't worry, Vasilisa. I will keep you safe." I whispered to her, getting up, and leaving her room. 


I sat in a clearing with my parents, frowning at both of them. 

 "We're sorry, Vasilisa. We didn't mean to kill Violet." My parents exclaimed, sadness shining brightly in their eyes.

 I just couldn't believe them. They killed an innocent child, one that couldn't even hurt a fly. 

 "Leave me alone, I don't want to see you anymore." I yelled at them, getting up from my position quickly, and left the clearing, running into the dark woods. 

Okay, now this is creepy.

 I turned toward the way I had came, and noticed I could no longer see the light from the sun. I shivered, getting a feeling that something, or someone, was watching me. 

"Hello Vasilisa." A firm voice boomed, making me jump. 

Spinning around, I noticed a man and a woman wearing expensive looking clothing walking toward me.

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