Chapter Eleven

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Gasping for air, I shot up from my slumber. I had dreamt that I was taken away from Malcolm by a vampire. Sighing, I was relieved to be rid of the dream, but I realized it was real. Light shining in the corner of my eye, I noticed a small window was in one of the walls, and I rushed toward it, but then I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. Whipping my head around, noticing that my heels were no longer enveloping my pedicured toes; only a pair of bare-footed feet with a cuff tied to a chain had replaced them. I got a full glimpse of the room I was in, and it reminded me of a prison cell. 

Stretching as far as I could toward the window, looking down from my captivity, and I felt fear consume me. I was in a tower attached to a huge building, almost like a castle, probably a fortress. Stumbling backward, I fell back onto the scratchy, uncomfortable cot, staring up at the ceiling. 

"Malcolm, where are you?" I whispered to the ceiling, praying this wasn't the end. 


"Find her even if it's the last thing you do!" I shouted to the troop of the soldiers. 

As they left, I walked toward my study, pausing by Vasilisa's room for a second, then continued on. As I stepped into my study, I slammed the door shut, shaking the entire room. I howled, and started punching the walls, leaving massive holes of sorrow and anger in my wake. Punching walls wasn't enough, so I started punching picture frames, one by one, and when I was about to punch the last one, I stopped, the photo bringing tears to my eyes. It was a huge photo of Vasilisa and I with one hand cupping the side of each other's faces. I turned away, sliding down the wall.

"Vasilisa, where are you?" I whispered, and I placed my head between my knees, and started to cry once more.


I hissed, the cut I had made trying to get the chain off my ankle stung really bad. I ripped off a piece of cloth from my ball gown, now stained and ripped in many places, and tied the cloth around my ankle. Standing, I let blood flow back down to my feet, sighing. Suddenly, I heard a door creak for the first time, and shrunk backwards, trying to hide in a corner, praying that today wouldn't be my last. Heavy footsteps, ones that belonged to a man, grew closer and closer to the door keeping me in this horrid confinement. 

As the footsteps came next to my door, I held onto my knees, rocking myself back and forth. I wanted to scream Malcolm's name, but I couldn't bear to try, in case it quickens my death sentence. Thinking of Malcolm made tears of sorrow trickle down the sides of my face, washing away the remnants of my once beautiful make-up. Suddenly, I heard no footsteps, just the sound of a door yearning to be oiled slowly open, terror consuming me. Hiding my head in the skirt of my once flowing ball gown, my tears of sorrow started to mix with tears of pure terror. I heard a soft, haunting chuckle, and curiosity overranked my terror. 

Slowly, I peered upward, and my heart began to soar. 

"Malcolm?" I whispered, my voice hoarse from my crying.

The piercing green eyes I had grown to love peered at me through the darkness. 

"Vasilisa." Malcolm replied. 

Malcolm walked toward me, and I realized that this Malcolm was different. He crouched down in front of me, lifting my chin, and I knew suddenly this man wasn't my loving, caring mate. 

"No, dear Vasilisa. I am not your dreadful mate. I am Damon, his younger brother." Damon whispered, smirking, and I felt terror rise inside of me. Damon had fangs, vampire fangs to be exact. 

"Y-You're a-a..." I stuttered.

Damon chuckled once more.

"Vampire is the word you're looking for darling, but I am more than just a mere vampire. I am the world's first vampiric werewolf to ever walk this destroyed land."

Lightning struck outside, the flash showing me Damon's exact facial features. Damon almost looked the same as Malcolm, but Damon's walk, his smile, even his eyes were far different than Malcolm's. Malcolm walks with confidence, the way a true King would, but Damon walks like a trail of destruction follows in his very footsteps. I had begun to realize that Damon's eyes were now changing from a emerald green shade to a dark maroon red shade. I shrunk back farther into the corner, turned my head toward the wall, closed my eyes, and wished I could run far away.  

Through the corner of my eye, Damon walked closer to me, pulling something out of his coat. Turning my head quickly towards him, I realized the unknown object he was holding was a syringe with clear liquid inside. I hate needles so much. In my efforts to keep him away from me, I tried kicking his legs, but when I hit one of them, my foot burst with pain, causing me to scream from the raw pain. I couldn't feel my foot now. Damon smirked.

"Now, now Vasilisa, you just fractured your ankle. Looks like you will need a shot." 

"No, please, no..." I groaned, but soon enough, Damon had a firm grip on my head, he pierced my skin with the syringe. 

He stuck the syringe back in his coat, and kneeled down to pick me up. I tried to resist, but my arms and legs wouldn't listen, they just stayed limp. Realizing what Damon had done, I turned my head and gaze upward with great difficulty. He had drugged me. 

"Nighty night, dear Vasilisa." Damon whispered, and I was swallowed by darkness. 

Yeah, it's short, but that's how I wanted it to turn out. I will be uploading three more chapters, so it's pretty well much a spam of chapters. You're welcome! ~Bre

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