Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Will you marry me, Vasilisa...?"

OH MY GOD. Did he just ask me what I think he just asked?

"Uh..." I stutter.

Crap. What do I do? What do I say?

"Yes...?" I whisper nervously.

The garden exploded with cheers. Lavender colored confetti and streamers appeared out of thin air, exploding into the sky above us and cascading down around everyone in its vicinity.

Malcolm gave me a big grin, picking me up and spinning me. I laughed with happiness as he kept spinning me around and around.

"You just made me the happiest man in the world." Malcolm whispered in my ear.

I laughed as he put me down.

Four Months Later~

"Come on, hurry up! You were supposed to be at the church like 30 minutes ago!" Amber yelled.

Ever since I gave her the position as my maid of honor for my wedding, she has been using it to her advantage, CONSTANTLY.

"I'm coming! The wedding cannot start without the bride anyway!" I exclaimed, rushing out of Malcolm and I's master suite bathroom. Amber stood at the doors, holding my enormous but elegant, wedding dress along with my heels and my long veil.

"You know, when I get married, I will NOT be married in this amount of fabric. Like look at this," she exclaimed, holding up my dress, " I am basically being swallowed alive by this dress!"

I laughed, causing Amber to scowl at me, but in her eyes I only saw happiness for me.

As we rushed downstairs, I repeatedly had to stop to help Amber with my dress, who had insisted she would carry it to the car herself, and in her defense, her reasoning being because she is the maid of honor. The entire drive to the church, which is only about five minutes away, Amber talked rapidly to herself, running all of today's plans throughout her head. Her constant talking caused my anxiety to flare. What if he doesn't like my dress? What if Damon gets Amber riled up? What if Damon gets my husband-to-be riled up? My nervous wedding thoughts were soon put to an end by Amber tapping my shoulder, asking if I was all right.

"If you're having 'what if my wedding is ruined' thoughts, don't be. I'm the one who's in charge of your wedding going smoothly, and it will." Amber said, giving me a reassuring smile.

I gave her a small smile back, and looked forward to realize we had arrived at the church. Amber quickly scrambled out of the vehicle, with all of my wedding garments in tow, and started hurrying up the steps. I thanked our driver, and quickly started up the steps when I heard Amber yelling at me to hurry up.

"There. All zipped up. Go look in the mirror." Amber urged me, nudging toward the the full body mirror in the room. Stepping into the mirror, I gasped. Small white crystals adorned the delicate stitching covering the bodice of my dress, and cascaded downward to my hips. The off-the-shoulder neckline encased my shoulders beautifully, with long sleeves made of white lace traveling down to end at my wrists. At the bottom of my dress, more beadwork covered the edges, and my train seemed endless, covered by the small but beautiful crystals as well. My veil had similar beadwork adorning the edges of its see-through fabric and reached the bottom of my dress. This dress hugged every curve of my body, fitting me like a glove.

"That dress was made for a queen," Amber stated, brushing a tear from her eye. I smiled back at her and gave her a hug. I had known Amber ever since the death of my fake parents, and our friendship had grown to be like we were sisters.

"You better get out there," I said to her, "you walk down the aisle before I do."

Her eyes widened, obviously forgetting about that, and quickly handed me my large bouquet of wildflowers before running out the door. The few maids I had who also helped me getting into my dress helped me exit the room to stand in front of the double doors, separating me from Malcolm.

The guards standing at the doors grabbed onto the door handles, pulling them open for the entire audience to turn around and gasp, and I looked up towards the altar to meet Malcolm's smoldering gaze. Amber stood opposite of where Malcolm stood, holding a smaller bouquets of wildflowers as well. Damon stood behind Malcolm's left shoulder, staring wide eyed at me. 

Taking a few deep breaths, I began the long journey towards the altar, towards Malcolm. The pews were taken up by many people I didn't know, but by looking at their attire, they were all someone with power. As I reached the altar, Malcolm reached out to help guide me up the altar to face him. After turning, I was able to see my real parents sitting in the front row, along with many of the other gods and goddesses throughout the next few pews.

On Malcolm's side, the first pew had his late parents and his younger sister sitting there. My mother had allowed them to return to human form for one day to watch their son marry his mate. All of them wore light blue attire to symbolize their ghostly beings. Violet sat on the pew seat swinging her small legs back and forth while constantly looking around the large church. I soon jolted back from my thoughts when the priest began to speak.

"Today we celebrate the marriage of King Malcolm Crawford, Ruler of the Seven Nations, and Vasilisa of Highstone, Bringer of Peace and Justice. May I have the rings?" The priest said, calling forth the small boy Malcolm and I chose to be our ring bearer, since we had no other family younger than Damon. After the ring bearer gave the rings to Malcolm and I, the priest called on Malcolm to begin the ring ceremony. Slowly, with a slightly shaking hand, Malcolm reached forward to put my wedding band on my finger.

After Malcolm said his vows, it was my turn to do the same. Grabbing his band from our ring bearer, I repeated the same words he had just vowed to me. Then the priest began our mating ceremony, to fully bind our souls into one, which would then make me Queen of the Seven Nations. The priest handed us a knife, which we cut open our palms and squeezed a few drops of blood into a bowl, creating a powerful bond between Malcolm and I.

Then the long-awaited words came from the priest.

"King Malcolm Crawford, do you take Vasilisa of Highstone to be your lawfully wedded wife and mate?"

"I do," replied Malcolm.

"And do you, Vasilisa of Highstone, take King Malcolm Crawford to be your lawfully wedded husband and mate?"

"I do."

The priest then raised his hands up, proclaiming, "I now pronounce you King Malcolm and Queen Vasilisa Crawford as husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Malcolm's gaze instantly switched from watching the priest to looking at me. Closing the space between us, he whispered to me only, "I love you," before claiming my lips with his own.  

Finally! After this chapter, there is only the epilogue left, and then this book will be considered complete. Shortly after, I will begin to revise and edit the few plot holes within this novel, and I plan on trying to get it ready to send to a publisher. I will add a few more chapters in the Chapter 1-10 area, which will lengthen this story even more. But I will say, this was the LONGEST chapter I have ever wrote holy crap. Don't forget to read some of my other novels, they will also be updated very soon! ~ Bre 

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