Chapter Seven

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The next morning, I woke up to a nurse changing my IV bag. I started giggling, the IV bag was making my arm tickle. 

Malcolm rushed in, dressed in an Armani suit, running to my side, questioning, "Why are you laughing?" 

Did Malcolm think that I was in pain and that I just laugh to hide the pain? Well, I do it often, but this is my real laugh. 

"It tickles, I can't hold it in."  

The nurse gave me a small smile, and left the room, closing the door behind her, leaving Malcolm and I alone. I took a good look around the room and realized that I wasn't in the room I was before. 

"Malcolm why-" I started to ask when I was interrupted by Malcolm. 

"You didn't wake up yesterday morning, and I couldn't feel your pulse. You were technically dead, and I.. I thought I had lost you." Malcolm fell to his knees, softly crying on my hand, facedown. 

I had died, but I didn't feel like I had died though. All I remember was Malcolm laying adjacent to me in the recliner. 

 At that moment, I realized that Malcolm actually had feelings for me. Why else would he be crying? I'm definitely not his mother or father, for heaven's sake.  I took my left hand, and started smoothing his chocolate brown hair back, away from his face. 

Malcolm lifted his head from my hand, wiping the last tears from his face, exclaiming, "I'm so sorry, Vasilisa. Every wrong that I've caused you, I wasn't in my right mind. Please, can you find it in your heart to forgive all the hurt and pain I've caused you?" Malcolm's pleading eyes filled with glistening tears peered into mine. 

I wanted to forgive Malcolm, but the blood of my parents that remained on his hands forever put a barricade between us. 

I gulped, praying my answer would work out in my favor.

"Malcolm, I really want to forgive you, but you ordered my parents to be killed, and I need to know why." 

Malcolm's face grew angry, and I became afraid. He realized that I was in a unstable condition, and his face went back to normal. 

"Vasilisa, your parents committed a horrible crime. They were rebels, disguised as poor peasants, and I made the horrible decision to let them into the castle. I had a younger sister named Violet. She was only eight years old, and your parents killed her with silver bullets, when she was just playing with her toys, not hurting anyone. They ran from the castle, leaving you here, but my guards caught them, and brought them back to be sentenced to death. I wasn't in my right mind at the time, and I shouldn't have made you watch. I'm sorry, Vasilisa, that you had to know the truth." He informed me, gazing up into my eyes.

My parents weren't innocent? I was told that we were very poor, and the King ordered us to come into the castle. I have heard stories about rebels, but I never thought that my parents could be rebels. I've lied to my entire life, until Malcolm came along. I remembered a little bit about Princess Violet, and I heard she went missing. Looks like the only person I can really trust now is Malcolm. 

I gazed up at Malcolm, replying to his story, "Thank you for telling me the real truth. I appreciate it." 

Malcolm grinned, and whispered, "Vasilisa, may I kiss you?" 

I laughed, murmuring, "I'm fine with-" I was cut off by a pair of soft, luscious lips meeting mine sending sparks throughout my body. He definitely was my mate. Malcolm deepened the kiss, cupping my delicate neck, and sent more sparks through me. He bit my bottom lip, and I gasped, allowing him to stick his tongue into my mouth, meeting mine. After a while, Malcolm let go, sitting on the edge of the bed, catching his breath, while I was doing the same. 

"That was extraordinary." I gasped, still out of breath. 

Malcolm chuckled, looking out the window. I glanced at the window too, and realized it was dark outside. 

Malcolm reached toward my face, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, and whispered, "It's time for you to go to bed, Vasilisa." 

I left myself start to feel tired, but murmured to Malcolm faintly, "Call me Sil. I'd like it better if you called me Sil." 

Malcolm nodded, turning to leave, but I stopped him. 

"Stay." I muttered, slowly falling asleep. 

Malcolm whispered, "I have to change first." 

I nodded my head, and Malcolm quickly left, and reappeared three minutes later, dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. Malcolm moved to grab the nearby recliner, but I caught his arm, turning his attention to me. Patting the open part of the bed, he figured out what I meant, and started pulling the side of the sheets up, allowing him lay down under the covers. 

Being careful of the IV, he pulled my head to his chest, and whispered softly, "Goodnight, Sil."

I smiled onto his chest, whispering back, "Goodnight Malcolm.", and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

What what! Finally! Let the Silcolm pheels begin!!! XD XD ~Bre

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